[3.13] Divine Ire Igniter Elementalist | 30 Million Damage Pure Lightning Ignites
This is an attempt at utilizing all the new Elementalist has to offer in Echoes of the Atlas while requiring very little investment and no build-defining uniques.
Path of Building Community Fork is extremely recommended and required to view: https://pathofbuilding.community/ Path of Building - Golem Defensive Version https://pastebin.com/NLNcwx5Z Zero defense 45m damage ignite version (dumb build, would not commen) https://pastebin.com/BZzMz5ZG ![]() Videos
Leveling: Dominus https://youtu.be/EakHx2KFeig
First maps w/ Tabula: https://youtu.be/Xi39jdmPGeM Very quickly farmed currency for my main build so I'm switching to that for now. Open to any community videos for now Core Concepts The new Elementalist allows for some crazy damage conversion into ignite, so I wanted to take advantage of this as much as possible. - First, we are going pure lightning damage. This has a number of benefits and one drawback. The drawback is because our highest damaging hit will be lightning, we do not get the 25% more ignite damage from the Shaper of Flames node. However, the benefits are huge: No fire damage dealt means we get zero effort Elemental Equilibrium, which drastically increases our ignite damage. (This means we don't have to wait for a EE Golem to hit multiple bosses in the new gauntlet) Additionally, our highest damage will be lightning, so Shaper of Storms grants us 25% more effect of shock, a rare instance of a "more" ailment modifier. By having Divergent Burning Damage and Unbound Ailments, we combine all of these to get a massive shock of about 40% with minimal effort, all by doing a single point of lightning damage. This means that every enemy takes 40% more damage from everything. - Because all of our damage ignites, we can do a number of things. First, we don't have to worry about crit whatsoever, which means we can take Elemental Overload for a flat 40% more damage. Additionally, our cold, physical, lightning, and chaos damage ignites, meaning we have a ton of resources to add more ignite damage like Atziri's Promise, Sin's Rebirth, Taste of Hate, etc. - Our golems now automatically respawn and grant ~400 passive life regen per second base, 17% physical damage reduction base, about 10% more damage total, and some much needed cast speed. Additionally, our golems make us immune to Elemental Ailments and have Meat Shield to prevent us from getting swarmed. Gear
Gear is extremely flexible. Standard fire damage over time and burning damage are targeted mods, while +x Level to All Physical / Lightning Spell Gems are extremely useful.
Gear so far: Flasks will nearly double our damage. Sin's Rebirth grants Unholy Might which adds 30% Physical Damage as Chaos. Taste of Hate grants 20% Physical Damage as Cold, and Atziri's Promise adds up to 20% Physical Damage as Chaos and 15% Elemental Damage as Chaos. Every single one of these bonuses factors into the Ignite damage. -x to mana cost of Channeling skills Veiled Mod is extremely useful on both rings. You can use a Praxis in the mean time. Gem Links
Divine Ire - Combustion / Ignite Proliferation - Deadly Ailments - Infused Channeling - Divergent Burning Damage - Unbound Ailments
Any three golems + Meat Shield Hatred - Malevolence - Enlighten Flame Dash - Arcane Surge (it should be noted Arcane Surge does not impact your ignite damage but does provide mana regen and there is no reason to not have it) Utility can go in another setup. Something like: Storm Brand - Hextouch - Flammability - Combustion Survivability
I decided to forgo the new and seemingly fun damage focused nodes in favor of Golems as the utility they provide is simply too valuable.
Our Golems provide: 17% phys damage reduction ~500 life regen per second base 20% cast speed Meat Shield so they will try to tank for you Glancing Blows helps lower the chance of a one shot significantly. Any lightning life leech is useful if you can get it on gear. Cluster Jewel can also add this leech. Although we deal ignite damage, we still deal a pretty large lightning hit. Last edited by SoupJoond#5983 on Jan 17, 2021, 5:11:50 PM Last bumped on May 17, 2021, 10:11:34 AM
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Looks interesting kinda hype keeping an eye on this for sure.
(Also first) |
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You are going to lose out on a lot of survivability by spec'ing into 2 shaper nodes.
You could run Stormfire so your lightning damage ignites and drop Shaper of Flames. That way you can run both golem nodes or Bastion. |
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I saw many Divine Ire ignite builds, and almost noone used Prolif gems(ele prolif or ignite prolif). Is it viable without prolif, or i just missed something?
Last edited by Nordic87#4583 on Jan 13, 2021, 11:31:40 AM
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"They most likely dont rely on ignite. Was also thinking about doing something with Ignite just couldnt think of the skill as FB and firestorm imo are kinda meh so will deff try this. Ignite is always great choice |
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" With 30M ignite DPS and they don't rely on ignite? Really? :D |
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" I THINK they mean that it doesn't rely on the Ignite Proliferation support gem, not that it doesn't rely on the ignite itself... But I admit I'm confused as well. | |
I'm pretty sure fully charged Divine Ire is the highest single hit damage spell in the game.
The aoe tendril effect is enough to kill normal mobs with the small ingites from it, while the large single hit will do large damage and add an ignite to the end to finish off what the hit doesn't. You're basically relying on the spells inherent AOE to clear packs and not the prolif, since the AOE is fairly large. Last edited by workmabt#5631 on Jan 13, 2021, 12:25:13 PM
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This build can get at least half that DMG (3 mil DPS) with very very cheap gear (if you replace staff with less expensive wands). Seems to me like an incredibly cheap boss killer. I wonder if it's viable defensively though. Maybe with golems, but it still seems a bit fragile.
Last edited by NuclearCha0s#0943 on Jan 13, 2021, 12:38:52 PM
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" They probably use Fan The flames node from medium cluster jewel, it gives 15 radius ignite prolif. I tis not as good as the gem, but it frees up a gem slot for mode dps. |
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