The Easiest of the Easy Beginner Build Guides [1.1 SotV UPDATED]
Hey ziggy I have followed your videos an so far I love this build I am lvl 50 on and I have almost made it to dom for the 2nd time!
do you think my gear is ok so far? anyone is welcome to give me rings change i just need alot of fire res atm. My Gear
I will upgrade neckless after i get 1 more INT node and I need better gloves
Spare gear.
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" you can still use evasion gear iron reflexes will just convert it into armor and with the nodes evasion ill be best unless you need a red socket then something will armor will help. as far as gear go's looks for something that gives hp and or resistance with good def stats and for the rings an quiver go for dmg with resistance and a good psy dmg bow with good att speed. also if u can get some links going on you gear will help. My linked items at around your level
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Hello. I'm a lvl 66 Ranger following the tanky version of this build (Ice Shot). I feel like I'm doing barely any damage at all, I've had people in public parties complain about it...
This is my passive tree so far:
And this is the gear I'm wearing atm:
I've been trying very hard to find better gear, 5 & 6 links in particular but the ones I've found through are too expensive. I have all of the gems necessary for this build, but not the gear to use them. Normal and Cruel was easy, finished it without a single death but getting through Merci was like hell as my damage output seemed to drop somehow, getting the required resists wasn't easy either. My Ice Shot skill (linked with LMP, WED & Faster Attacks) is doing 700dps which I think is pretty low. I think I'm doing something wrong...somewhere. But I can't figure out what it is. I don't really know where to go from here. Can't do maps, even solo-farming docks is a struggle. :'( Any help or suggestions is MUCH appreciated! Dif-tor heh smusma.\V/
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" You can easily get a 5 link chest piece for 5 chaos. That's the price for a cheap one. Don't pay anymore for now. Even if it's a white one just use 4 armour scraps followed by an alchemy orb. This should be a good upgrade. Next mission is to purchase a better bow. I think the one you are using has rather low damage. You should be able to get a much better one for a chaos or a few. I played this build in the beta for a long time up to lvl 80 something. It was a great build but it has been nerfed since then. We used to be able to run 3 auras on blood magic for a good damage boost. I can imagine not being able to run auras anymore with blood magic hurts damage output quite alot. Is there a remedy? I don't know. I haven't played archer for a very long time now. I think your gear overall looks ok. Some items could use an upgrade more than others. Helm, chest and boots are good. Rings and amulet are weak same with gloves. You can get a decent damage boost by getting gloves with 10% attack speed or so. Belt is ok i guess if you need the stat points. Not much else is good on that belt. Not sure what stats are good on a quiver so i can't say anything about that. Good luck! Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Nov 27, 2013, 3:05:35 PM
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Question about this build, Is it still a really good one? I'm lvl 71(don't rly have good gear yet) and can't do much soloing so been doing party's only. I don't do enough dmg - got the survivalbility(3.3k hp).
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Is there a big damage difference between this build and a BM-gem based build with auras? Also, could you post an endgame respec to switch from this build to mana?
Thanks in advance :) |
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Hi, I am using this build and I am level 48 now.
I have 7 skill points to spend. I didnt spend them bcuz I don't want to go up to static blows. I got Resolute Technique and near the starting position of ranger, there are good physical and projectile damage buffs. Why dont we get them? I dont think static blows will be that effective and we spend so much on int nodes. I think we should get them before heding up to static blows. Last edited by heyeugene#5549 on Nov 29, 2013, 3:34:24 PM
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--------------UPDATED FOR 1.0.2-------------------
The new heavy draw cluster is awesome and I just couldn't leave it out. I dropped ballistic mastery and instead got the heavy draw cluster. You can pick it up pretty much whenever you like but I added it into the 80 point progression tree. --------------------------------------------------- I'll start answering some questions from the thread now! Twitch.TV/ZiggyDLive PoE and Strategy Gaming Content |
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" Looks like you've reached the common 'over-uniquing' issue ;) Drop all of those uniques and start replacing them with level appropriate rares. They are all really nice for about 5-10 levels after their base level but after that they wear out pretty quickly. Even a blue in each slot with 60-80 life and a 30%+ resist will see you jump up a lot. Your bow is pretty nice but is falling behind. At level 62 you now have access to the sweeeeet maraketh bow base. Craft one if you need to! Just aim for 90% or so phys damage and quality it beforehand. Twitch.TV/ZiggyDLive PoE and Strategy Gaming Content |
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" You can replace your bow with one close to your level - just 20% quality it and transmute/alt for 80% increased phys damage. The rest of your gear is severely lacking life. Order of preference goes: Life > Resists > Damage > armor > everything else on progression gear. You'll be able to upgrade a lot of your items by just finding level appropriate gear in the vendor and transmute/alting for 50+ life and a resist. Twitch.TV/ZiggyDLive PoE and Strategy Gaming Content |
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