The Easiest of the Easy Beginner Build Guides [1.1 SotV UPDATED]
Hi! Thanks for the build, its a lot of fun so far. My question is why would anyone using BM spend points in mana nodes (I'm referring to Wisdom of the Glade). Is mana converted to HP after taking BM?
Thanks. |
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I just started the game here just a few days ago and I got a lv32 ranger but I'm realizing I've been going about my skills entirely wrong so I'm starting over. Ran across this guide here and while it does guide well there is a bunch of things I think this guide could use, more so for very new people (like myself).
-What is the path of skills we should go for first? (go straight for BM at start then fill out everything else?) -Perhaps a link to the current build on the first post? (along with what levels to take what?) -With the current build on the first page, perhaps also links to the variations of them? I know that asking for a step by step guide for what skills to take at what level could be asking a lot but it would be really really nice. Thanks for helping everyone here and those who will come. |
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" Various aura and support gems requires a significant amount of INT at decent levels. Having some cheap,1 point INT nodes gives you more wiggle room to level up said gems without greatly crippling your gearing choices. |
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" If you are running the Lightning Arrow Variant - the pathing is pretty straight forward with no big fork offs. You can just follow the main path (right, then downwards to iron reflex, then left to pick up unwavering, resolute technique, then work upwards). Pick up life nodes as you see fit (If you are dying even with respectable armor/EV and resist, pick up some life nodes. They should be immediately available to you whenever you want them - usually just 1 point off the main path.) Just remember, early in the levels, HP scales a lot better than damage - and vice versa. 3 points in damage nodes will probably give you a slight bump of ~30DPS, but 3 points in life nodes (the Thickskin keystone area for example, gives you 8%,8%,18%) can easily bump your hp up by 100~ or so. Prioritize on keystones and one point wonders. When you are hopping through multiple irrelevant nodes or insignificant node just for a big one at the end, sometimes its probably better to revisit this later instead. (3 hops for a 18% damage node means every skill point nets you 6% damage only. et cetera) Sometimes, if you want to follow skill tree and guide religiously, its better to sit down and look at the tree and understand what is picked up and why - and you will quickly know what to pick up, what can be delayed yourself. " Please refer to the first paragraph of my post if you are running the Lightning Arrow variant. As for the keystones - Resolute Technique is a lot closer than Static blows, and its directly 1 point off your main path. Theres no reason you should skip it unless you already have extremely high accuracy. (Which, what are you doing using accuracy gear when you can have physical damage+ and resist/HP? You are going to pick up Resolute Technique!) Last edited by AratemusoAkiyo#7400 on Nov 15, 2013, 7:33:44 AM
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heres my tries with the build, but i feel i lack someting hoping for help :C |
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Hi ZiggyD,
Loving your guides so far. Currently level 65 running your "higher damage variant build" Only problem is I am currently stuck in Act 3 Merciless at the Ebony Barracks. I'm not quite sure what I am doing wrong. Is it because I don't have enough dps, life leech, or armor? ![]() Any input from other players would also be greatly appreciated.. Thanks! EDIT: Figured out what was killing me.. It was those archers with lightning thorns.. lol Last edited by Munie#6403 on Nov 16, 2013, 2:59:57 AM
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Why didn't you take the "Evasion Per Frenzy Charge" node, wouldn't it give quite a bit of armor for one skill point?
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Hi Ziggy! I was wandering if you will make a beginner build guide using RoA, I really love RoA but I don't find any beginner guide using RoA.
Thanks for your work and greetings from Argentina. :) |
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Hey I was wondering if this build bodes well witheven though it is not a split arrow build. I found them while ledging and it would be waste to jut stash them, but I cannot bring myself to separate from because I am already edgy on resists (yes, for some reason I find a lot of unique boots, even though I only have two feets uU)
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ZiggyD, I have been really interested in your videos for a few weeks now and I am very happy with all of them. You honestly make me want to keep playing even though I keep dying >.> (Level 50 is my curse, 3 of them all die in A3 Cruel)
Anyway, my most recent character was your higher damage LA build. I was having SERIOUS mana issues the entire time I played, and I knew once I got to blood magic it would go away, but the problem was I was level 49 and not even close to BM. So, I saw this asked a few times in previous posts, I actually scoured the entire thing, and aside from page 4 where someone uploaded a build they suggested (it didn't load correctly for me so I actually can't see what to do) there is no mention of how to level the character. I am asking if you could PLESAE PLEASE upload a leveling progression for each build, or at least the high damage LA one? It would help me so much, I want to play this character, but when I can only fire off 5 shots before I am chuggin flasks, and then over half the time I am running around with no mana because my flasks are empty makes it really difficult. So, perdy perdy please can you help me rush to BM? |
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