The Easiest of the Easy Beginner Build Guides [1.1 SotV UPDATED]
" The second build gets you Iron Grip and said friend suggested using Blind as a counter to lacking Unwavering Stance which sounds like if used properly can be more effective at damage mitigation. Still, it's an active measure versus a passive one which is beginner friendly as your guide is intended to be. While I can, I want to say how much I verily appreciate your guide. It's gotten me a ranger to level 65 very safely and realiably. With more familiarity to PoE I'm trying another build that's interested me from the start that may be very similar to your EK Scion. It's quite fun so far. I can't wait to see how it turns out after 30ish I'll definitely be revisiting the ranger and perhaps even change them to the LA build as Ice Shot offers modest DPS and primarily the safety of its icey slow. Thanks again Zig! |
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" They are pretty nice nodes but there's nothing in the tree that I would be willing to sacrifice to get them. That's the main thing - we simply cannot get everything! You'll notice the few damage nodes we do get are super efficient (high damage returns for as few points as possible). That said, if you wanted to play in softcore and do a bit more damage and dont mind dying a bit more you could sacrifice some life nodes and get that damage cluster. Twitch.TV/ZiggyDLive PoE and Strategy Gaming Content |
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I've been following this build and it's been a lot of fun for 27 levels or so. One question I have is how can I handle the mana problems at the lower lvls? It seems I'm always running low or out of mana and 3 mana pots can't even keep up with it. I tried the Ice Shot and LA routes and both of them leave me dry most of the time.
Thanks! |
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Thanks Ziggy for an awesome guide! I am curious about your thoughts on the CWDT change (Cast On Damage Taken: The level requirement of gems augmented by Cast on Damage Taken may not exceed the level requirement of the Cast on Damage Taken gem).
Unfortunately I JUST picked this up as a quest reward and am wondering if it is still viable. I suppose Lvl 1 CWDT (31) - Lvl 8 Decoy totem (28) - Lvl 7 molten shell (28) - Lvl 5 enduring cry (31) is the best we can get if leveling CWDT isn't worth it. **nvm saw this Last edited by tricksyj#3288 on Nov 12, 2013, 5:22:21 PM
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" Yeah, I explained my new go-to setup in that video but I'll list it out here and in the OP as well. CoDT is still a very powerful, almost free defensive buff. You just have to find a middle point where the skills are levelled enough and the proc still goes off in time. The sweet spot I have found (so far) is: Cast on Damage Taken @LVL4 - Enduring Cry @LVL7 - Decoy Totem @LVL9 - Molten Shell @LVL9 When you take 620 damage you get a free decoy totem distraction, 400 armor for fee and several free endurance charges :) Twitch.TV/ZiggyDLive PoE and Strategy Gaming Content |
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" Pretty much any BM build is going to feel pretty rough right before you get BM - at level 27 you are almost ready to go BM, I did it at 32 in the survival guide series. Just tough it out for a few levels in Docks and make the switch :) Twitch.TV/ZiggyDLive PoE and Strategy Gaming Content |
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Been following your build. Question is there a point where you can drop blood magic and just run a blood magic gem? or would that be later on with a 6l? or a 5l even?
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Hi ZiggyD,
I've been following your build and I'm at level 63. As I'm starting to look for gear that will let me use all of the gems I want, I was wondering what pieces of gear I should look to put my blue gems on? By my calculations I need 2B1R for the Lightning Warp setup, and possibly another blue for Enfeeble. I guess I should just try to fit them all on the same Armor/ES piece, but does it matter which? Thanks! | |
Hi Ziggy,
I have taken the LA variant (with some minor modifications) successfully into A2 Merciless, still not having any real issues though I am trying to catch up on some life nodes I missed to further my survivability. Just wanted to ask where you think is most efficient to farm to get decent drops around these levels i.e. 50-60, 60-70 etc. Do you think certain drops are better in places or is it really just aiming for higher item levels and efficiency? |
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I'm wondering if i should get Resoulute teqnique before taking static blows? cant shock mobs if i only have RT.
Can you post how the build should look like at example, 30, 50 and 70? |
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