[3.12] Sword & Board Smite Juggernaut - D3 Style (All Uniques!), Fast, Tanky, Fun, Cheap to Start

Thank you reply~
i will be try

3.12 Update: Alternate Dual Wield Critical/Rage/Berserk Tree

Hi guys,

Here's another option for a Crit based tree that is easier to path to than going all the way to Fatal Blade and is closer to the original Elemental Overload.

I did have to get some not very pretty Dexterity nodes cuz of the stupid Dex requirement for Paradoxica, but really it's not a big deal.

Both trees seem to work about the same, but this one we regain an Endurance charge I had given up, and has a bit more life and Ele pen:


And here's the same tree with full Endurance Charges and Dex resolved a different way:


Last edited by corosou on Oct 31, 2020, 10:43:49 PM
HI~i have a idea~
If use "Staff" play Critical is OK?
Junnernaut have "7 Endurance Charges" and skill-tree use "Glancing Blows"
Maybe Tanky too~
But just a idea, i don't know how much damage can be.
kmy73713 wrote:
HI~i have a idea~
If use "Staff" play Critical is OK?
Junnernaut have "7 Endurance Charges" and skill-tree use "Glancing Blows"
Maybe Tanky too~
But just a idea, i don't know how much damage can be.

Making a 2H version of this should be OK, but I haven't taken a look into that.

Glancing Blows won't do much because we have no "spell block" at all (unless you're doing Replica Mistwall), so it won't double anything. You can try it, if you want, doesn't hurt, but for 3 points... I don't think it's worth.

Last edited by corosou on Nov 1, 2020, 1:13:50 AM
3.12 Video Update: T16 Tropical Island Max Juice with Dual Wield version!

Hi Guys,

Hadn't posted a full video in a while, figured I'd show you how the Dual Wield looks in action:

Youtube: Smite Jugg - T16 Tropical Island (Zana Delirium, Scarabs, Sextants, Enfeebled)

PoB showing how I ran this map: https://pastebin.com/YxJsKNrh

With this PoB, make sure you swap Awaken Ancestral Call > Anomalous Ruthless for lone T16+ bosses like Sirus, Mino, etc.

Last edited by corosou on Nov 1, 2020, 2:29:44 AM
corosou wrote:
Hadn't posted a full video in a while, figured I'd show you how the Dual Wield looks in action

ha ha, very impressive run ! My old eyes are bleeding now !...

Alas, at the beginning of this new character with your build, I did not see the price of the items you are using... It's far too expensive for me. :-)

So I made a rare-oriented cheap version of your build, and it works very well, at its own level for the moment (yellow maps, lvl 75). I found 2 rare weapons with lightning and attack speed, with a free movement on one, and put trigger on hit on the other to automatically cast curse+wave+blood rage (i do not like the semi automatic CWDT nor the hextouch on herald that does not work very well every time).

Anyway having fun at my level, we'll see where I can go...
AaxFamily wrote:
corosou wrote:
Hadn't posted a full video in a while, figured I'd show you how the Dual Wield looks in action

ha ha, very impressive run ! My old eyes are bleeding now !...

Alas, at the beginning of this new character with your build, I did not see the price of the items you are using... It's far too expensive for me. :-)

So I made a rare-oriented cheap version of your build, and it works very well, at its own level for the moment (yellow maps, lvl 75). I found 2 rare weapons with lightning and attack speed, with a free movement on one, and put trigger on hit on the other to automatically cast curse+wave+blood rage (i do not like the semi automatic CWDT nor the hextouch on herald that does not work very well every time).

Anyway having fun at my level, we'll see where I can go...

hehe thanks ;) you're not joking btw, one of my eyes was literally tearing after this run lol

Anyway... Going rares you'll be fine! The expensive unique jewels I have because I need to get stats/resistances somehow. With rares you can get those on gear np.

Import your toon into PoB and copying gear you find from the trade site. Every item has a little "+" icon bottom left. Then just Ctrl-V in the items pages of PoB. That will let you see the numbers and what is an upgrade or not.

Searching for alternative combinations of gear you can find powerful items for cheap.

If you wanna make easy money go run low level delve, mob lvls between 69-73, the longest paths you can find, exploring all the dark alcoves, doing double chaos recipe. Easy money.

Or grab a thief's trinket like these for cheap and go run contracts. You'll make a lot of currency fast!

Last edited by corosou on Nov 1, 2020, 5:15:03 AM

Yes, I use POB, here is my build for the moment : https://pastebin.com/Qfgv1PWJ
(with 0 rampage).

By the way, I wonder what should I put into "effect of shock". I do not understand the meaning of this number and how I should evaluate it... (I'm not native english speaker, so it's not always obvious).

I also use chaos recipe and so on, but for your build, we do not need chaos, we need a shower of exalts !!!! ;-)

Last edited by AaxFamily on Nov 1, 2020, 6:10:18 AM
AaxFamily wrote:

Yes, I use POB, here is my build for the moment : https://pastebin.com/Qfgv1PWJ
(with 0 rampage).

By the way, I wonder what should I put into "effect of shock". I do not understand the meaning of this number and how I should evaluate it... (I'm not native english speaker, so it's not always obvious).

I also use chaos recipe and so on, but for your build, we do not need chaos, we need a shower of exalts !!!! ;-)


Yeah, Shock is hard to calculate. A friend of mine helps me with the math on that, but basically shock effect makes it easier to shock.

I wouldn't worry about it.

You'll be fine one piece at a time ;)
3.12 Update: Awaken Ancestral Call Single Target DPS

Hi guys,

Just wanted to show you what Single Target is looking like using Ancestral Call:

Hunter 8

Pretty on point! Seems even a bit too much for Ancestral Call... but not complaining ;)


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