Today's Hotfix for Heist
Ya'll remember when GGG said "we won't nerf herald stacking, have fun!"? Yeah.....they can't make a stable league anymore. But hey guys, buy more MTX and give us more money for literally doing nothing! PoE has been garbage for 4 leagues in a row. Prove me wrong.
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" Holllyyyyyyy, I call BS on it too. Every single choke point literally got more sweaty with 2x more mobs than before. |
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Please reverse the alert level change, this will kill all the theory crafting for the mechanic. First of all we are crafting gear for our heist members, this is trivialising the game so the crafting on gear is diminished. Please this game shouldn't be catering to instant gratification gambling addicts. This is not a mobile game. You are trivialising the whole heist for people looking for cost/reward theory crafting. GGG, run this one through the design team again, this is absolutely an oversight. No game designer would allow game mechanics to be trivialised in this way on a "hotfix".
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Well I did 6 or so heists and opened all of but 1 minor chest and a grand heist (thanks for the trinket btw) all content trivialized and my champion isn’t even OP yet.
Guess the only heist that’s going to happen this league is the loot piñata for little investment.... yay us. Last edited by cacmeister#6420 on Sep 22, 2020, 10:13:37 PM
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Nice but please fix bugged final Heist Door in Grand Heist.
Not sure if it only affects Repository blueprint but the fact that this bug bricks you run and make it a worthless waste of time is a bit annoying. Anyways. Good hunting. Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body." Only usable with Ethanol Flasks |
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" oh please stop, theory crafting was done and finished. the optimal was not attacking anything[which basically means block builds will be the meta] while creating a train of mobs and running around in a circle while waiting for the rogue to open a door. completely trivializing any attempt at a mechanic anyways. the game is not and never will be a stealth game. the base core of the game is the complete 100% opposite of dont kill the mobs. Last edited by Iznuts#2110 on Sep 22, 2020, 10:24:23 PM
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" The solution to this was to make it so that when mobs see you the alert level rises, maybe at a diminished level but then that way you have to take into account the amount of boxes you could open and actually have to complete the heist in time. Its not impossible to conceive of a world where you must manage your time between running through mobs, collecting loot and reaching the end point. Please don't misrepresent my argument, heist mobs should be alerted when they see you and this way you can care about crafting gear for your heist members and this is the way to manage the alert level better. GGG have made a reactionary decision to appease dopamine numb babies that goes against basic game design theory of risk/reward systems. This is a very worrying trend in their design philosophy. |
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" they made a reactionary decision to to remove a mechanic that was going to kill this league at the pace harvest died. the fact they were able to disable it so quickly tells me they knew it a was shitty mechanic that wasnt going to be liked so they had a way to disable it quickly. there was no well we'll do this little change or anything they knew it was shit. edit: i want to say though that between harvest and heist there are some fantastic ideas but the implementation of them was so badly done people would rather quit the league then try to work through them. Last edited by Iznuts#2110 on Sep 22, 2020, 11:30:41 PM
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I had a mask for a level 4 job for ages...I don't even know why I got it since I cannot use it ;/.
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
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I agree that something has to be done with alert levels to make heists feel more exhilarating. Since the hotfix, I've run a few heists and so far I've been able to 100% clear the guards and open all chests before popping the final objective without tripping lockdown. Completely reverting the hotfix is not the answer though. Running in circles until you popped the final objective wasn't fun either, especially since there was ZERO aspect of sneaking. No matter how stealthy and slow I moved, the guards could see me. Especially since they were posted outside of every door and next to every chest.
Maybe have alert levels slowly raise on their own, regardless of whether or not you're killing/opening? Opening a chest would cause the alert level to raise slightly faster each time until eventually lockdown would be initiated. I don't envy GGG this task. They have to try and figure out how to balance risk and reward in a way that people don't quit because of too much imbalance in one direction or another. Nerf the chests too hard and heists won't be worth the effort anymore. Interested to see how it goes. :D In a related bit of news, I'd like to throw my vote in with something went wrong when they "reduced" the amount of guys waiting behind the doors during the escape. I basically have to spam flame dash and healing flasks and hope like hell I don't get one-shot on the way through the door. And that's with more guys constantly pouring in behind me as well. I get it: I stole their shinies and they're peeved about it. But every hideout should have more than one way in/out. The heists I've run have all been completely linear and that makes it so that I have to backtrack the way I came in and there is no sneaking out like you could potentially do in a well planned IRL heist. That and the "behind the door" gangs can and will completely obliterate you. |
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