PSA: Neversink Loot Filter is not highlighting Follower gear in Heist

Was this fixed for semi-strict onwards?
"There's no thing like random one-shots in this game. You only die because you take 353,456,237 hits in 0.2 seconds."

"The best items in the game should not be crafted, they should be TRADED." - Cent, GGG
LovelyNella wrote:
I just looked at the site and it appears to not hide them using strict/semi-strict if they are blue.

I know i played on Saturday and a white broche dropped, but did not show up on Semi-Strict as 'GOOD'. I only picked it up because it had a name I had never seen before.

Sry I meant very strict.
Just saw that Neversink has patched his filter as of about 20 minutes ago. Excellent work as always, what a top bloke!
Yup, now All gear is set on rare or equal and lower. Only uber strict hides the T3.
oh time to redownload the filters.... again
DoubleU wrote:
Neversink wrote:
Ok so:

That's not the case. Nothing is hidden. They even have map icons.

Then again they are not highlighted enough, if they're low tier, non rare items.

these gear pieces are pretty rare. Were talking about maybe 1 gear piece per 3 runs

that highlight will be changed in the update tomorrow. For now you can adjust that on Filterblade

the equipment helps and there's some nice stats on them, but it's mostly about reducing alarms and prices. These want have a significant impact upon your survival or damage.

The reason why I decided to give the non rare non high tier follower item such a small font size is because I expected them to drop like candy.

With 9 rogues, 4 tiers and 4 slots and 3 rarities, I didn't expect these to be rare at all and was afraid of flooding players with these.

Credit same thread as above.

I find this a more important quote.

But tbh. Using FilterBlade for years... NeverSink plays the game himself and find these little errors quickly himself, so I did notice that they weren't being highlighted as much, but that he would fix it soon enough.
[3.9]Hasunic's Toxic Rain Trickster:
[3.7]Voidforge Flicker Strike Slayer:
[3.7]Oni-Goroshi Fire Vaal Reave Zerker:
Added a note at the top of the thread to clarify that Neversink has updated his filter to deal with this.
Last edited by Exile009#1139 on Sep 22, 2020, 3:40:09 AM
NeverSink is not only one item filter.
Check My has no bugs and is made with latest item filter syntax. It shows everything with no problem.

Problem with NeverSink like filters is that they are write in old syntax.

Direct link to follow filter SimpleFilter

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🌞 Designer of SimpleFilter see My Item Filters 🌞
🌞 I treat PoE as an art 🌞
Last edited by koszmarnica#7777 on Sep 22, 2020, 6:24:17 AM
For anyone running their own filter use

Class "Contract" "Heist Gear" "Heist Tool" "Heist Cloak" "Heist Brooch" "Blueprint" "Heist Target"
Prak9 wrote:
oh time to redownload the filters.... again

If you follow your Filter of choice, you do not need to download them everytime.
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