Melee exist in this game?
Another Path of Casters seasson league, shame
Posted bySutanu#6103on Sep 15, 2020, 10:51:35 PM
Last edited by Sutanu#6103 on Sep 15, 2020, 10:52:43 PM
Posted bySutanu#6103on Sep 15, 2020, 10:51:50 PM
BlackBlackRainbow wrote:
gregchristensen wrote:
9 pages of comments so far, and a lot of "concerns" with no actual constructive criticism.
Many claims here suggest the balance team "doesn't play the game"... so I'm wondering what the community thinks: if you seem to play enough to know what's best for the game, make a suggestion rather than just commenting that the changes suck. Or should we just assume you are parroting reddit?
Pick a skill. Nerf? Buff? Why? Show your work/numbers.
Pick a unique. Nerf? Buff? Why? Show your work/numbers.
Pick an ascendancy. Nerf? Buff? Why? Show your work/numbers.
It should be easy? Or not?
There will always be meta builds. I don't think this is a balance issue. The presence of meta builds does not invalidate other builds. Plenty of players playing with the 1% ascendancies, items, skills, etc finish all the content in the game. And you know what? I bet they have fun doing it because they play what they want and not caring about what others are playing. There are multiple ways to have fun playing, find yours!
you have no idea wtf are you talking about
why being so vocal if you have so little understanding
yes almost every single veteran (EVERY SINGLE) of this game can easily EASILY name every skill or ascendancy that should be buffed cause NOONE playing it
and in 99% its simple dmg or aoe radius buff just to feel skill not like pure shit but playable skill with enough dmg.
all players who complain about this and that are 100% right
its pure nerf nerf nerf killing any fun and forced meta. thats it
What skill or ascendancy do you want to play but you can't without it being buffed?
Glancing Blows, Blows now.

Posted byAmaLame#7538on Sep 15, 2020, 10:56:45 PM
Where is the "Item Filter" info, i am i been blind or missing something?
Posted byXÐemon#7632on Sep 15, 2020, 10:57:58 PM
why not rebalance and rework most of skills? lazyness?
some skills have never been rebalanced or reworked for a long long time, we need some of then back in the meta
Posted bymatheusams#7316on Sep 15, 2020, 11:01:24 PM
I am excited! Friday too far away :(
Posted bySchtauffen#1814on Sep 15, 2020, 11:02:25 PM
Bane, for example, has the Hex tag but not the Curse tag, as it is not a Curse. As a result, modifiers to Curse skill gems will not affect skill gems like Bane.
rip bane + vixen's -.-
Posted byMoiHoi#7484on Sep 15, 2020, 11:02:54 PM
I hoping for some buffs to saboteur trapper, because they are still dogshit compared to miners :(
Posted byMagenta_Blue#3341on Sep 15, 2020, 11:04:55 PM
Since the names remain the same, I assume that changes to the effect of Marks will affect existing modifiers on rings?
Posted byliefdes#7338on Sep 15, 2020, 11:05:19 PM