Content Update 3.12.0 -- Path of Exile: Heist

Silly nerfs across the board from Assassin, to Spellslinger.

The new Doom options seem... very unnecessary now that I see what you've added to the tree in terms of new and updated passives. Doomsday and moving Skittering Runes and the whole general terminology of this whole "Doom" stuff is really quite dumb when you look at things like Bane and Vixen's Entrapment + any sort of corpse detonation being better. What happened to the old days of "pick any class and be any build"? Now it's "go Occultist, choose curses" and you are pigeonholed like Grim Dawn or any other ARPG. YAWN. Instead of branching out, you are closing in.

These patch notes are pretty slim, through and through, honestly. Makes me think that, with last week's VERY poorly-timed full download of 3.11.2, which made things worse for half of people and stayed the same for the other half, you are forced to dump all of your remaining time into emergency triage for fixing that last-minute (week) disaster while still trying to ship Heist in good shape - a "big budget" league that frankly looks more underwhelming than Harvest. Can't say I'm surprised.

Hey, at least Steam downloads are faster, right?

Right guys?

(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
IchiMorghulis wrote:
Glancing Blow - "It has been moved so as to make it more difficult to acquire via a Thread of Hope jewel."

What does this even means? More difficult to acquire means it is still acquirable, right? So it doesn't change anything.

Do you mean that it now falls outside the radius of Thread of Hope so that it can no longer be acquired that way?

chill bro

Thread of Hope does this: Passives in Radius X [Small, Medium, Large, and Very Large] can be Allocated without being connected to your tree

The node will be moved a bit, so the radius of the jewel won't hit it.
Last edited by VizzerdrixPL#4256 on Sep 15, 2020, 9:24:25 PM
rachina1337 wrote:
Well, nice nerf of Mistress of Sacrifice, very much like it.
GGG should've nerf necroshit more than just this.
Quiet happy that they didn't destroyed melee, once again.

But if someone from GGG will read those tons of shitpost:
You should think on rework of summoner skills.
In PoE you can just run through the map, and AI will do all the work for you. Just press 12345q and you are good to go. No. That's not how it should work. Every necromancer should control his minions, and do all the work by himself, like in every other game.
Because every summoning skill now, is just unbelievably unfair. Not only towards casters, but mostly towards melee players.
Like how is it even fair, when you don't even have to control your minions???
You don't have to do a single ducking click for summons to attack someone, that's just op.
Or if you too lazy for rework like this, just nerf them to the ground, so they won't be casual shit.

You want tell People how to play ? I joined that Game for doing what i want, if i want play lazy, i will do that. If i want play meleee (i hate melee) I will do that too. Pick any Class, play any Build isn't it ?
Last edited by Syrenet2#5126 on Sep 15, 2020, 9:24:12 PM
skill tree when?
its lit?
//go next
my sober weeknight has been redeemed, it's reading time
“What kind of f*cking neighborhood is this!?”
“People are under a lot of stress, Bradley.”
gregchristensen wrote:
9 pages of comments so far, and a lot of "concerns" with no actual constructive criticism.

Many claims here suggest the balance team "doesn't play the game"... so I'm wondering what the community thinks: if you seem to play enough to know what's best for the game, make a suggestion rather than just commenting that the changes suck. Or should we just assume you are parroting reddit?

Pick a skill. Nerf? Buff? Why? Show your work/numbers.

Pick a unique. Nerf? Buff? Why? Show your work/numbers.

Pick an ascendancy. Nerf? Buff? Why? Show your work/numbers.

It should be easy? Or not?

There will always be meta builds. I don't think this is a balance issue. The presence of meta builds does not invalidate other builds. Plenty of players playing with the 1% ascendancies, items, skills, etc finish all the content in the game. And you know what? I bet they have fun doing it because they play what they want and not caring about what others are playing. There are multiple ways to have fun playing, find yours!

you have no idea wtf are you talking about
why being so vocal if you have so little understanding

yes almost every single veteran (EVERY SINGLE) of this game can easily EASILY name every skill or ascendancy that should be buffed cause NOONE playing it

and in 99% its simple dmg or aoe radius buff just to feel skill not like pure shit but playable skill with enough dmg.

all players who complain about this and that are 100% right
its pure nerf nerf nerf killing any fun and forced meta. thats it
Last edited by BlackBlackRainbow#2570 on Sep 15, 2020, 9:32:18 PM
Great! Can't wait to start!
So many great builds to try. Keep up improving the game.
rachina1337 wrote:
Well, nice nerf of Mistress of Sacrifice, very much like it.
GGG should've nerf necroshit more than just this.
Quiet happy that they didn't destroyed melee, once again.

But if someone from GGG will read those tons of shitpost:
You should think on rework of summoner skills.
In PoE you can just run through the map, and AI will do all the work for you. Just press 12345q and you are good to go. No. That's not how it should work. Every necromancer should control his minions, and do all the work by himself, like in every other game.
Because every summoning skill now, is just unbelievably unfair. Not only towards casters, but mostly towards melee players.
Like how is it even fair, when you don't even have to control your minions???
You don't have to do a single ducking click for summons to attack someone, that's just op.
Or if you too lazy for rework like this, just nerf them to the ground, so they won't be casual shit.

better remove all those skills where you can just hold down 1 button or occasionally tap 1 button to full screen clear and run though a map. cyclone is unbelievebly unfair, they should have to click 15 times to do a full cyclone. also every attack should require 1 click per swing, no more just holding down your attack button. thats just so lazy.

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