Shagry wrote:
I think that for a company as large as GGG, changing an LA for an EL or simply omitting that, and modifying a text that talks about the witch in both sexes, would not be an impossible task to perform, I believe that the customization and creation of your Their own characters would open a huge range of different possibilities, where we would see a wide variety of characters created by the community, which would encourage the arrival of more creative players, the community would expand much more and they would invest more time and money in their unique ideas, that is win and win for all ...
like i said, i personaly dont care
i agree that they should have the money for it these days,but i´m not sure if its worth it.
for me the reason that we play a specific character is enough even when their is a different motive (save money) is behind it
i would see it as wasted money,if it would only affect me. i dont see any value in it,however i can understand that some ppl want it.
spending that money on more relevant stuff that effect gamplay (skills,skill balance,new leagues etc)seems like a better choice to me.
"high" graphics where you would really notice these things isnt really a seeling point of poe and for me not even remotely relevant.
i.e. the recent bloom effects,they are far from perfect. if done right though they could improve the visibility in dangerous fights a lot.
sure ggg is a lot bigger than in the past,this still doesnt mean they have unlimited resoruces. i beleive these character customisations would not attract enough new players or make older players spent more money than they would cost.
this isnt backed up by any data,its based on how i would value these changes. i could be horribly wrong on this.
ps: saw your edit too late
ppl might not pay any attention to the lore in this game,but that doesnt mean its not there. these characters have stories.
just because the characters seem more generetic doesnt mean they are.
Last edited by ciel289#7228 on Aug 30, 2020, 1:46:45 PM
Posted byciel289#7228on Aug 30, 2020, 1:43:06 PM
ciel289 wrote:
Shagry wrote:
I think that for a company as large as GGG, changing an LA for an EL or simply omitting that, and modifying a text that talks about the witch in both sexes, would not be an impossible task to perform, I believe that the customization and creation of your Their own characters would open a huge range of different possibilities, where we would see a wide variety of characters created by the community, which would encourage the arrival of more creative players, the community would expand much more and they would invest more time and money in their unique ideas, that is win and win for all ...
like i said, i personaly dont care
i agree that they should have the money for it these days,but i´m not sure if its worth it.
for me the reason that we play a specific character is enough even when their is a different motive (save money) is behind it
i would see it as wasted money,if it would only affect me. i dont see any value in it,however i can understand that some ppl want it.
spending that money on more relevant stuff that effect gamplay (skills,skill balance,new leagues etc)seems like a better choice to me.
"high" graphics where you would really notice these things isnt really a seeling point of poe and for me not even remotely relevant.
i.e. the recent bloom effects,they are far from perfect. if done right though they could improve the visibility in dangerous fights a lot.
sure ggg is a lot bigger than in the past,this still doesnt mean they have unlimited resoruces. i beleive these character customisations would not attract enough new players or make older players spent more money than they would cost.
this isnt backed up by any data,its based on how i would value these changes. i could be horribly wrong on this.
ps: saw your edit too late
ppl might not pay any attention to the lore in this game,but that doesnt mean its not there. these characters have stories.
just because the characters seem more generetic doesnt mean they are.
We are the example of what I speak, for your part you do not care about the creation of characters because your focus is on leveling up quickly, without caring much about the lore or history of the game and you do not identify with your character, it gives you the same while it is powerful, instead players like me, we take the time to enjoy all the content of the game and we like to create our own characters and identify with them, for which we are willing to invest more time and money in them .
To say that you would prefer that the company spend on skills and new leagues, that it has already been doing since the game began in 2013 (7 years ago), on the other hand, the game lacks to give creative freedom to the players of my segment to create their characters , and the reality is that the scale is loaded for your side, that is why my publication, the game is very loaded for the side of players like you and not for mine, believe me that both things can live together, there are many games less budget than character editors have, which I do not think would be an impious expense for a large company like GGG, and at the same time they would recover their expenses more than enough, it is good to expand the game and attract new players from more creative segments, we would all win it is a matter of daring ...
Last edited by Shagry#2158 on Aug 30, 2020, 1:59:56 PM
Posted byShagry#2158on Aug 30, 2020, 1:58:12 PM
Shagry wrote:
ciel289 wrote:
Shagry wrote:
I think that for a company as large as GGG, changing an LA for an EL or simply omitting that, and modifying a text that talks about the witch in both sexes, would not be an impossible task to perform, I believe that the customization and creation of your Their own characters would open a huge range of different possibilities, where we would see a wide variety of characters created by the community, which would encourage the arrival of more creative players, the community would expand much more and they would invest more time and money in their unique ideas, that is win and win for all ...
like i said, i personaly dont care
i agree that they should have the money for it these days,but i´m not sure if its worth it.
for me the reason that we play a specific character is enough even when their is a different motive (save money) is behind it
i would see it as wasted money,if it would only affect me. i dont see any value in it,however i can understand that some ppl want it.
spending that money on more relevant stuff that effect gamplay (skills,skill balance,new leagues etc)seems like a better choice to me.
"high" graphics where you would really notice these things isnt really a seeling point of poe and for me not even remotely relevant.
i.e. the recent bloom effects,they are far from perfect. if done right though they could improve the visibility in dangerous fights a lot.
sure ggg is a lot bigger than in the past,this still doesnt mean they have unlimited resoruces. i beleive these character customisations would not attract enough new players or make older players spent more money than they would cost.
this isnt backed up by any data,its based on how i would value these changes. i could be horribly wrong on this.
ps: saw your edit too late
ppl might not pay any attention to the lore in this game,but that doesnt mean its not there. these characters have stories.
just because the characters seem more generetic doesnt mean they are.
We are the example of what I speak, for your part you do not care about the creation of characters because your focus is on leveling up quickly, without caring much about the lore or history of the game and you do not identify with your character, it gives you the same while it is powerful, instead players like me, we take the time to enjoy all the content of the game and we like to create our own characters and identify with them, for which we are willing to invest more time and money in them .
To say that you would prefer that the company spend on skills and new leagues, that it has already been doing since the game began in 2013 (7 years ago), on the other hand, the game lacks to give creative freedom to the players of my segment to create their characters , and the reality is that the scale is loaded for your side, that is why my publication, the game is very loaded for the side of players like you and not for mine, believe me that both things can live together, there are many games less budget than character editors have, which I do not think would be an impious expense for a large company like GGG, and at the same time they would recover their expenses more than enough, it is good to expand the game and attract new players from more creative segments, we would all win it is a matter of daring ...
plz dont tell me what i´m focusing in a game on or not...
i care about the lore in a game,however i already expierenced the lore until they release new parts of it.
using "we" at the start,is not a good way to state your own perspective/opinion isnt a good idea....
i peronly dont knew anyone who came to poe for the ingame lore,this doesnt mean ppl dont or cant enjoy the lore in it.
i have seen onliine games losing a lot of members,because they wanted to appeal to a bigger audience.
they neglected what made the game known and great for its core players to long,losing them forever.
on top of that the new ppl didint stay too long either,because they never were really into what the game really was about.
thats why i call it a waste focusing on such things
its not that i´m against the feature itself,but what it could mean for poe in the future
Posted byciel289#7228on Aug 30, 2020, 2:34:58 PM
ciel289 wrote:
plz dont tell me what i´m focusing in a game on or not...
i care about the lore in a game,however i already expierenced the lore until they release new parts of it.
using "we" at the start,is not a good way to state your own perspective/opinion isnt a good idea....
i peronly dont knew anyone who came to poe for the ingame lore,this doesnt mean ppl dont or cant enjoy the lore in it.
i have seen onliine games losing a lot of members,because they wanted to appeal to a bigger audience.
they neglected what made the game known and great for its core players to long,losing them forever.
on top of that the new ppl didint stay too long either,because they never were really into what the game really was about.
thats why i call it a waste focusing on such things
its not that i´m against the feature itself,but what it could mean for poe in the future
As I told you, adding a character editor does not mean that they do not focus, on what they have always done, both can live together and it would not mean that they lost players just by adding a character editor, which would not affect the gameplay at all or that they put ineffective skills, which they have done and are doing since the beginning of the game (2013, 7 years ago), this characteristic does not affect your vision of the game to level up quickly and not even look at your character, which I am sure, that if it were a ball that throws rays, it would give you the same, but as I said, one does not exclude the other, we would all win, by attracting more creative people to the game and who identify with their unique character, we would all win ...!
Posted byShagry#2158on Aug 30, 2020, 2:46:50 PM
Shagry wrote:
ciel289 wrote:
plz dont tell me what i´m focusing in a game on or not...
i care about the lore in a game,however i already expierenced the lore until they release new parts of it.
using "we" at the start,is not a good way to state your own perspective/opinion isnt a good idea....
i peronly dont knew anyone who came to poe for the ingame lore,this doesnt mean ppl dont or cant enjoy the lore in it.
i have seen onliine games losing a lot of members,because they wanted to appeal to a bigger audience.
they neglected what made the game known and great for its core players to long,losing them forever.
on top of that the new ppl didint stay too long either,because they never were really into what the game really was about.
thats why i call it a waste focusing on such things
its not that i´m against the feature itself,but what it could mean for poe in the future
As I told you, adding a character editor does not mean that they do not focus, on what they have always done, both can live together and it would not mean that they lost players just by adding a character editor, which would not affect the gameplay at all or that they put ineffective skills, which they have done and are doing since the beginning of the game (2013, 7 years ago), this characteristic does not affect your vision of the game to level up quickly and not even look at your character, which I am sure, that if it were a ball that throws rays, it would give you the same, but as I said, one does not exclude the other, we would all win, by attracting more creative people to the game and who identify with their unique character, we would all win ...!
creating such a customisation will without a doubt take money,ggg has a limted amount of money they can use for development.
regardless of how much the feature would cost,it will take oney of that limited amount.
i dont believe such a feature would gain more money that it would cost to create
ggg beeing able to spent less money (because they used it for a character editor etc) on part of the game that matter to me,would mean a loss for me.
so just to make it clear:
-i dont care about about a character editor tool in poe,because the charr is hidden behind other things
-i dont mind them adding such an editor as long as they dont use too much money on it or gain enough money from it to make it worthwhile
-my only concern is,that after adding such an editor ggg going further down that road neglecting things in game that are important for me
Posted byciel289#7228on Aug 30, 2020, 3:16:03 PM
ciel289 wrote:
Shagry wrote:
ciel289 wrote:
plz dont tell me what i´m focusing in a game on or not...
i care about the lore in a game,however i already expierenced the lore until they release new parts of it.
using "we" at the start,is not a good way to state your own perspective/opinion isnt a good idea....
i peronly dont knew anyone who came to poe for the ingame lore,this doesnt mean ppl dont or cant enjoy the lore in it.
i have seen onliine games losing a lot of members,because they wanted to appeal to a bigger audience.
they neglected what made the game known and great for its core players to long,losing them forever.
on top of that the new ppl didint stay too long either,because they never were really into what the game really was about.
thats why i call it a waste focusing on such things
its not that i´m against the feature itself,but what it could mean for poe in the future
As I told you, adding a character editor does not mean that they do not focus, on what they have always done, both can live together and it would not mean that they lost players just by adding a character editor, which would not affect the gameplay at all or that they put ineffective skills, which they have done and are doing since the beginning of the game (2013, 7 years ago), this characteristic does not affect your vision of the game to level up quickly and not even look at your character, which I am sure, that if it were a ball that throws rays, it would give you the same, but as I said, one does not exclude the other, we would all win, by attracting more creative people to the game and who identify with their unique character, we would all win ...!
creating such a customisation will without a doubt take money,ggg has a limted amount of money they can use for development.
regardless of how much the feature would cost,it will take oney of that limited amount.
i dont believe such a feature would gain more money that it would cost to create
ggg beeing able to spent less money (because they used it for a character editor etc) on part of the game that matter to me,would mean a loss for me.
so just to make it clear:
-i dont care about about a character editor tool in poe,because the charr is hidden behind other things
-i dont mind them adding such an editor as long as they dont use too much money on it or gain enough money from it to make it worthwhile
-my only concern is,that after adding such an editor ggg going further down that road neglecting things in game that are important for me
Sure, but GGG is updating the game and investing as it grows, for example they are currently working on improving the graphics which takes up resources to improve the game, which you did not count because as you said you only cared that they work and improve the skills and new seasons, since you are only interested in leveling, instead of a sector of more creative players and that we care about all the content of the game including, lore and graphics, it benefits us a lot that the company has invested in more current graphics worthy of a triple A, if it were up to you I would not have invested in improving graphics, only skills, which would stagnate the evolution of the game and would not attract new players, as advice in life it is always good to evolve and not close to adding elements that bring and attract new people to the community, in this case creative players who need more customization in their players, I take as an example different from yours which is more conservative ...
Posted byShagry#2158on Aug 30, 2020, 3:57:58 PM
Shagry wrote:
Sure, but GGG is updating the game and investing as it grows, for example they are currently working on improving the graphics which takes up resources to improve the game, which you did not count because as you said you only cared that they work and improve the skills and new seasons, since you are only interested in leveling, instead of a sector of more creative players and that we care about all the content of the game including, lore and graphics, it benefits us a lot that the company has invested in more current graphics worthy of a triple A, if it were up to you I would not have invested in improving graphics, only skills, which would stagnate the evolution of the game and would not attract new players, as advice in life it is always good to evolve and not close to adding elements that bring and attract new people to the community, in this case creative players who need more customization in their players, I take as an example different from yours which is more conservative ...
i even mentioned the bloom effect changes
updating graphics so the overall game looks better or the combat gets better visibility is something very different than adding a character editor
i would see these changes 100% of the time when i play compared to character changes that get hidden under armor
if you want a chracter editor that even edits the look with armor and mtx,this would increase the cost drasticly making the involved "risk" ,of using too much money without return on it, much higer.
i remember seeing the poe 2 demo where they showed some arrows getting stuck on walls etc and some bouncing of.
i theory this is a nice change,but is it really worth the money they put in ?
i´m not a programer so i have no idea how much work it really is (and i dont wanna read up on it)
its just how often will you really see/notice this,they had to zoom in to really show it and how often do ppl play poe zoomed in ?
i would never play games like old diablo (1 and 2) or poe for its graphics. its just not that type of game where i "need" or exspect that.
Posted byciel289#7228on Aug 30, 2020, 4:56:54 PM
What would be the point?
Your character's gonna be obstructed by at worst outdated armor graphics, or at best blinding particle clusterfuck MTXs. And nevermind being buried under particles while fighting.
Seems like a waste of development time to add customization nobody's gonna see. :P
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.
Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!
MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish. Last edited by Pizzarugi#6258 on Aug 30, 2020, 5:11:34 PM
Posted byPizzarugi#6258on Aug 30, 2020, 5:10:32 PM
Excellent idea, I'm already a bit bored of playing with the same characters over and over again, it would be nice if they added a character editor like Dragon's Dogma, it seems that it is complete and that game takes years so it would not be expensive to implement an old editor, I support your idea, I hope that GGG will consider applying it in PoE2, it is always good to suggest good ideas to make the community grow, it is good to evolve with fresh ideas and not get stuck in the past, even the great Dark Souls has a character editor.
Great jobs

Last edited by Darksoules#6338 on Aug 30, 2020, 8:10:10 PM
Posted byDarksoules#6338on Aug 30, 2020, 8:00:37 PM
I don't expect GGG to ever add character customization since it is pretty set in stone who the characters are in the world. You're not just any duelist, you're THE Duelist, etc.
While there certainly isn't as much story for the PoE characters as Geralt in The Witcher, it is pretty clear the characters are unique and known.
This also seems true for the PoE 2 characters where they're specifically being hanged in the opening sequence shared at ExileCon. I seem to recall the Witch had dialog for whatever crime(s) she committed (or whichever character is reading stuff like Dominus does for our current characters) so it is looking like the PoE 2 characters will also be unique and thus not customizable.
For the record, I do think it would be kinda cool to customize them a bit (looks, voice lines, sex, etc) but the narrative GGG has done over the years says, to me at least, that they have no intentions of ever letting us customize the characters just like Squeenix doesn't allow anyone to customize Cloud Strife for example.
Also, this request comes up once a month or so at least. GGG knows there are players who want customization options because players have made posts about it since even closed beta which started August 10, 2011. It has literally been over nine years of them seeing feedback on stuff like this. Do you really think you have anything useful to add?