Share Your Path of Exile Memories With Us!
Salient memories from PoE, in no particular order.
- farming Docks - killing Atziri (when it was first released) - fishing - Flashback league - 3.0 story rework |
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Memories that stick out to me the most;
1) Getting together all the pieces for a flicker strike/frenzy charge build, (When it first became kool/good - before all the changes/capping) then playing it, only to find myself halfway across the map with no loot and a major case of motion sickness constantly. Then starting a new toon, cause it was quicker than to farm loot and get regrets, and the fun of the build wore off for me after about 30mins of trying to see if my eyes could cope without getting spasms. I ended up making a build again, about 4-5 leagues later after all the changes, and it was much better, not as crazy/quick, but alot easier on the eyes. 2) Building my first Lightning Arrow/cast on crit/arc build. It was so much fun, was probably the start of when I started really looking at stats and matching gems properly. 3) Getting a Metamorph with all orange and yellow (Was my 3rd one too), but then finding out I gave a pile of life regens and my 30k/dps went from overkill to useless. I even went and rerolled and switched half my gear to change my dude almost to a glass canon, but still couldn't move its health. To this day, I never put more than one regen on a metamorph. 4) First time fighting Atziri. I am more the type to explore and roll with it. took me about 5 deaths to figure out she was reflecting on me and then decided to have a breather. Went back to fight her (months) later, but then the loot drops became virtually worthless, so it kind of frizzled my energy, so I beat her once, then decided she was just annoying. Hard fights, or ones you have to figure tings out are awesome if they have great rewards. Any fight easy or hard without some kind of incentive is just clutter..... 5) Getting my first exalt drop (In Synthesis League), which sounds kind of lame since I have been playing POE since Beta, but that's how it is. I didn't even become a real player until after Act 4 stopped being the final part of the campaign. Sadly I absolutely loved Synthesis league, but played for about 2 weeks straight then got busy at work doing 12+hr days. When things finally cooled down the league was over and never became core... I was SUPER bummed out about it. 6) Playing with my 12 year old daughter. She will only play witch or scion, and always wants to modify hideout, sort stash or play with what little MTX she has instead of killing things, but I am still very glad. Aside from one or two compulsive tendencies (Like turning everything into races), the diversity in content is to me, what makes POE the best ARPG out there. By a long shot. (now that the lagfest finally got fixed.. haha) Sometimes I wish I had spent $1k (or 2) and took advantage of back when you could make your own item or later card. I never imagined that POE would become as grand as it is now. Universal Law - Balance
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Purposeful Harbinger in classic v3.10. WOW!!!!!
"I've played a lot of videogames. It's my primary recreational activity. Best games ever: Elden Ring and Diablo 4."
~Elon Musk, 2023 |
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I have been playing since closed beta.
I originally blew this game off completely, believing it would be worse than d3 or far worse than d2. I thought the gem system was dumb, but my friend insisted on helping me get a beta key. Then I played it. And I was hooked. I think my easily most memorable experience was during the beyond/rampage league. This was back when the HC > SC stigma was real, but I still played SC, and rampage was fun. I was running a strand map one night, pretty late, and killed a random zombie in the water. I heard a currency sound. I looked. It was a mirror. Keep in mind this was back before loot filters. I just casually walked back to see what the currency sound was just in case it was a chaos orb. I flipped out. Heart raced. I picked up the item and stashed it so fast. I called up my best friend who got me in the game and just told him about it randomly. Probably woke him up. He was cool with it though. With the highs come the lows, though. I ended up trading that mirror for a (now legacy) Mjolner. The original mjolner (which I still have, if they were to date it back somehow), had *no* internal CD on the trigger effect. And it was amazing. Back then, Etup had famously made a witch build which used Mjolner + molten strike/lightning strike to clear maps. And when you came up on a big pack and dropped lightning strike, the game legit froze for like 5-10 seconds but every monster died. And it was so satisfying. Back then, clear speed meta was barely becoming a thing, so clearing a screen like that was amazing. Anyways, the next patch, the GGG team nerfed Mjolner. No legacy version. All of them got nerfed. So I lost my mirror, and now I am left with a dumpster relic of days past. Oh well. I'd do it all again. AMD Ryzen 7 5800X
MSI RX 2080 Samsung 980 Pro SSD 32GB GSkill Trident-Z | |
My favorite, bitter-sweet memory is from the SSFHC awakener kill event Zizaran organized for 3.9.
Played cremation necro, right before it became meta, while everyone was playing skellies with cwc spirit offering. I was blasting hard, abusing the atlas to get watchstones quickly. T14+ Drox was a pain in the ass on a 5L. I had 2 big rips. One to reflect in a vaal side area. The other one: I had gotten 28 watchstones. Was getting ready for the 29th, when a Haast (Cold Beyond boss) spawned. He cast his GC, I leap slammed directly away, which means I ate the every spike and died. The first 7ish spots for the rewards were already taken, so I went again of course, but I got desperate and greedy while leveling and died again. I’ve never grinded as hard as I did back then. Playing 16+ hours a day, barely sleeping. It was great, but I then felt horrible for losing the race. Still do, a bit. Would’ve been nice to pay one month’s rent through my grind on my favorite game of all time. Very late thanks to Zizaran for that. |
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Wonderful moments: first 6L, first mirrored tier item, first chanced shaped pyre ring,...
Life isn't what you make of it, it's already been made for you.
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I remember signing up for closed beta and watching the keys go out every few minutes on the front page, and eventually getting in and only making it to the submerged passage, but it's been improving ever since.
But i'll always regret never buying the bronze supporter pack for the cute kiwi. I remember enjoying watching Force play through it too! ![]() It'll be 10 years for me in a couple weeks, and cheers to another 10, Bring on PoE 2! IGN - Maceron
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August 2011. looking at youtube, I stumbled upon a video: "Kromar plays Path of exile".it was love at first sight. I immediately made 3 accounts and patiently waited for the invitation to play. she arrived in November 2011. after 10 years of playing d2-lod I finally changed the game. my love for the Path of exile has gone through many stages since then. Betrayal has taken my beloved Katarina and others from me, and some leagues I remember only with horror.
talisman.synthesis and this current (agricultural) league. but there are ups and downs in everything. we learn from mistakes.i have many many more memories, but not enough time to write them here. see you in Path of Exile in some new league. |
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Damn, it's been such a long time already.
Not quite 10 years from it, remove a few... But I've been here always, except maybe an absence in 2015. What a game and the devs that go with it: Good stuff. Every few months to back to it and enjoy time by virtue of it not feeling it pass... It flies by; it's enjoyable, and I appreciate it. Even in reflection it does not feel like time wasted, it just feels like time spent doing something for myself and only for myself; but it's fine. There's a pull to this game, a desire of creation to fulfill, even if it's so faint and obscure these days. So while I know I cannot put my ideas into this world of yours, I also know that I'll enjoy my time just playing and that's all that matters now. Even if I fail to even get to maps because mechanically it wasn't thought-out properly, or it comes out differently than anticipated... Most times it just works, and again and again I restart the process. This is one of those dream games for theorycrafting, and the gameplay behind it is so solid that sometimes just rolling it with other people's ideas just feels right. Just as sometimes you get to meet people and talk to them, sometimes you talk more than you play... It's fun in and of itself. Even if we never get to speak again, they engrave as good memories without any details. Definitely one of the best games I played over the last decade. If I come back to it and spent so much time and money on it, nothing else but this. Highest rating I could give without really giving one. And y'all (the community and devs and then beyond this place here itself) make me want to move to NZ but that's weird so blame ZiggyD for it. |
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share memories huh okay:
GGG made a legue with on death mechanic ppl could not see on ground effect everyone was dieing some dude made a super tanky build so we could survive said mechanic GGG nerfed the build soon after.....we like to see guys die and struggle hehehe also headhunter is so much stronger than said build be we dont tuch that these are some great memories i tell you |
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