Share Your Path of Exile Memories With Us!
I remember when the game was good, and you were trustable, pre 3.9 and Pre TenCent.
- I remember when I could fight the boss and have more than 10 FPS (Sirus Arena is cancer) - I remember when GeForce now dropped originally, and it was a godsend, as I no longer had to spend $1500 on a PC to play a f2p game. Barely works now. You guys did it again, took performance out behind a dumpster and made it fucking cry. As expected. - I remember when you could stomp the game in a tabula rasa, and gearing was a choice, not a necessity. I liked when 10ex could 1 shot the whole game. That was when I was INSPIRED to make 200-300ex and gear shit... not anymore. - I remember when bosses didn't 1 shot you off screen, in an arena so fucking dark you can't even see whats going on, especially if you don't have an extremely high end computer (i do not play ANY games, so no need for me to buy a comp just for this game) - I remember when my friends used to be able to play -- that's the number one reason I hate the hardcore nerfs to all characters, crafting, skill tree... Now my friends can't play. They were never great, but now they had to move on for the sake of making shit challenging for streamers. - I remember when the game was fun, and not a fucking painful chore full of layers of RNG just to make sure you have to work way too hard to achieve anything. - I remember before you destroyed fossil crafting and moved all the best crafts to shitty conqueror influence bases. Bases that never ever drop, necessitating expensive conq orbs instead of just a 20c Fossil (Fuck them casuals, if you don't play 10 hours a day we don't want you to have fun). - I remember when it felt like you guys gave a shit about the non-streamers. - I remember when you guys lied at excilecon talking about how you wouldn't introduce bullshit tabs. Big lie. BIG lie. |
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I came in at the start of Essence League. I got every chest I saw even picking up every item to portal back to town to sale them. It took me 2 days to get to act 2.
Fast forward 1 month I had my Assassin Poison Barrage double dipping endgame like a Boss! Double dipping poison was nerfed after that League, but I was already hooked. ....Oh yeah, I ran with base stash tabs for my first 2 leagues, creating characters to hold item, keeping a list of who had what. |
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Farming Docks.
Been here 8 years, still play virtually every day. ~ There are spectacular moments.
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Races in general, specifically decent races as a ranger with the returning proj bow.
Two weeks of 'spoiler season' before every league theory crafting builds. The forums - the old forums, with the old posters, and the old topics of conversation that we're not allowed to have any more. |
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So. I started pretty early, but my brother started playing independently later, or maybe heard about it, and we started again around launch. Piddling around, and I'm still not very good to this day. But the first league we got to "endgame" was the Vaal area one. Forget which that was.
Anyway. Here we are, farming merciless docks for XP in a public group. I notice this dude is just chilling in the corner. He's not getting XP, I think. Go over and check on him and... There's a CHAOS ORB JUST ON THE GROUND!!! Whoa!!! With permanent allocation, no telling who it dropped for, and he's just chilling there waiting for the guy to leave so he can snatch it up. That always cracks me up thinking about. Granted, back then, exalts were more like 20c to 1 so it was a bigger chunk of change. A nickel instead of a penny, lol. |
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My best PoE memory actually happened this league.
I spent two weeks practicing and simulating a league start in trade SC, trying to get to maps as fast as possible and have a smooth progression to red tiers. I was happy with a run that i did in SSF just before the league start, where it took me 16 hours from a fresh start to kill the first Sirus. Even posted it on reddit. When the Harvest League launched i tried to replicate that SSF run since i'm not a party player and trade early on is very minimal. After 13 hours of tryhard gameplay, i was the first player to kill Sirus in Harvest SC, with zero party play and zero trades. The build i used was a standard Occultist Bane with a lucky Obliteration drop. ![]() Last edited by Chebister#3998 on Aug 10, 2020, 12:30:20 AM
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oh boy Hardcore Beyond League so many memories running away from Abaxoth
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Playing POE wasn't by choice but rather by circumstances.
In 14th June 2016, I was wrongfully banned by Activision Blizzard in D3 for botting. Something that I have never done and never could cos I was playing D3 on a Mac. I will never forget that day as till now I am still fuming over this injustice that was dealt to me. My kids (I am 45 this year) were shocked that I was banned from D3 cos they see me playing everyday. All appeals landed on deaf ears. Since that day, I have my whole family boycott Blizzard games. My friends in D3 were shocked too about my wrongful ban. 1 of them recommended me to try out POE and on 20th June 2016, I decided to take the jump. I was amazed by how the developers of GGG actively interacting with the community (something that I have never encounter in Blizzard). Taking in feedbacks and addressing concerns most of the time. I am also pleasantly surprised by how responsive the support at GGG were. Addressing issues that I face within a day. In fact, most of the time they were addressed within an hour or 2. For a company like this, I feel that I should give in all my support (and you can see it in my support packs). Within 4 years, the amount of money I have spent in POE have way exceed the amount of money I spent at Blizzard over 20 years. My gaming time in POE has never changed from D3 days and when GGG introduced SSF mode, I jumped right in. Not having to interact with trade was a great experience with me. Instead of spending most of the gaming time in copy and pasting trade deals, all my time is now spent farming gears, currency and pondering what I can do next with the drops I find. There is however 1 big gribe that I have with GGG's mentality over clicks. I do agree that if player don't click to pick up loot, it don't feel like an aRPG. However, POE is a game with just too many clicks. If I was still in my 20s, this wouldn't be an issue but as age catches up, my hands no longer are so forgiving. I used to pickup every currency in the past, but since Delirium, my hands got so painful that I have now started to skip currency picking if I can. I do hope GGG could really minimize the amount of clicks in the game. It is now 2020. Instead of dropping multiple 1 x chaos / alts / augment, etc. If a loot explosion were to occur, it will be great to just have stacks of the same currency dropped instead. The same goes for splinters. I remember Chris mentioning about auto moving items to the appropriate tabs from inventory. I do hope that gets implemented. It will be even better if there is a quick and easy way to move everything to the tabs. Anyway, cheers to GGG's 10 years of glory. I would love to see another 10 years ahead. :) |
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i wish i could say "catching my first fish" ... :'( - 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0- 0 * - < <739610877-3104-376.101077-1106.75103739110792103.108-5'92.9410776.> - 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0 -- 0 * - < _ > - * 0- 0 * - < Last edited by bwam#7637 on Aug 10, 2020, 12:38:42 AM