[3.25] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability. Melting all content.

OP has no forum post since Oct 2023, so no, I doubt they play the game any more.
Here is my small try at reviving it: https://pobb.in/x11fjdz23hur

I'm not an experienced builder so there's some mistakes for sure, like probably too much accuracy in tree compared to items but I'm not sure how much I'll be able to grab from items.

Also, I went with Marohi Erqi because warcry buff effect is really valuable imo and Marohi is just big flat damage even without lots of passives spec in maces.

A good rare mace with runecrafted amazing stuff would probably be better but we can't know for now.

If you want to iterate on it and post improverd versions of it, feel free to !
Endgame POB
I played this build once and it was amazing, I am going to try it again and make some theorycrafting.

Let's share our knowledge together and make this build GREAT AGAIN!

Tcharq wrote:
Endgame POB

I'm curious about the ward break interaction, does the echoes of creation phys hit happen before tectonic slam damage is computed or after? If it's the later, then it's indeed pretty smart !
Tcharq wrote:
Endgame POB

Those are absurd amount of manual warcries.
Or am I missing something ?
testittestv1 wrote:
Tcharq wrote:
Endgame POB

Those are absurd amount of manual warcries.
Or am I missing something ?

Yeah, I automated some in my version but the mana reservation cost is quite high (and my attack rate is way slower because marohi, too).

It's also lacking endurance charge generation for endgame (I'd prob go with jugg ascendency) and max endurance charges stacking for big slams.
Last edited by supamiu on Jul 23, 2024, 11:01:22 AM
why jugg over chieftain?
Alamirion wrote:
why jugg over chieftain?

Sorry I meant a jugg node using Forbidden Flesh/Flame combo.
I actually think juggernaut would be better than chieftain for this build.

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