[3.25] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability. Melting all content.

Flapdrol wrote:
Arturikas25 wrote:
fuuouji wrote:
Hello, i'm following your build and get some decent gear but my damage is not as expected with the exalt i spend
can you please help me figure out what i am doing wrong so i can fix it
here my pastebin: https://pastebin.com/zp7jdJbL
thank you for the great and detail build guide

smoking remains are shit (my opinion), try get 2x large cluster jewel whit devastator skill, also cooking alive + something else, but not smoking remains.
just check my skill tree ART_M, you can check here click on my acc

What would be better than Smoking Remains? Th Smoking Cloud has little utility since I still do not evade hits, but I could not find anything for sale that would beat the 35% fire damage.

what about eye of the storm and haemorrhage
ofc leave one cluster cooked alive+cremator
Clork wrote:
Clork wrote:
Hey guys, can you tell me what should be the next step? https://pastebin.com/ymSs3uB1

Is it time to unlearn the bottom part of the tree and start grabbing the crit ones? Time to start crafting/getting the clusters and jewells?

I know the gear is meh, im just trying to transition from non-crit.


Please read the QA section (Transition from 2ex non-crit build to 15ex crit build)

Piffle213 wrote:
Oof. Just took me 337 jagged fossils to hit t1 physical. what a relief. so tired of sending PMs for more, lol

Recommendation on what to do next? Aug Attack Speed? Aug second crit? Does it matter I got Global Crit Strike instead of increased Crit Strike chance?

crit multi isn't bad, if you reach 100% crit chance with other items.
you should get attack speed, yes. this will allow, for example, to use the divergent pulverise without losing quality of life (+10% damage, -10% attack speed). But it might be expensive and risky. At this stage it is better to switch from the staff to other things
Last edited by ebirty1#2772 on Mar 11, 2021, 3:45:29 AM
Arturikas25 wrote:

global crit chance increase your stats crit chance
crit chance on staff increases weapon crit chance
both will increase crit chance so not realy matter
now question whos better increases crit chance, this i dont know
but you have crit multiplier, its best what we need for this build

Crit chance on staff is way better than global crit chance.

Simplified example:

Suppose you have 5% chance to crit with your staff and in the tree you have 400% increased crit chance. Then your real chit chance is 5% * (100%+400%) = 25%

If you add 50% global crit chance to your staff, the real crit chance is 5% * (100%+400%+50%) = 27.5%

If you add 50% crit chance on staff to your staff, the crit chance of your staff goes to 7.5% and your real crit chance goes to 7.5% * (100%+400%) = 37.5%, a vast difference.

If you do not have crit% on your armor (a huge contribution to crit chance) I'm not so sure whether crit multi is better. With crit on your armor, an assassin's mark ring and a diamond/cinderswallow/bottled faith, crit multi is much better.
Dear Maligaro,
I left my head in San Francisco, I lost my legs in Peru
My liver and kidney are on holiday in Sydney
And I am sending my Heart to you
--- Love, Malachai

thanks for info, i have on my staff crit chance and it rises weapon crit to 8.75%, but also i miss atk speed, so if i had 20% atk speed instead crit multi it was perfect staff
Last edited by DrRats#5197 on Mar 13, 2021, 6:58:05 AM
Hello All,
I am hoping you all and the builder of the build can give me some insight on where I went wrong on this build. I felt I had to add Constitution to the passive tree, in order to stay alive.
Bear in my mind I am VERY new player, So I try to follow the guides as well as I can. Any helpful suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I followed the mid budget guide and I spent about 100 exalts, for my gear and the rest. Remembering I am new at that game. Some of the gear I bought was wrong. My bad, but still at least 70 exalts spent. NOt that I am complaining, I just want to learn were I made my mistakes.

Here is my pastebin

Thank you in advance

Stay alive , cuz I cant :)
Wow, I have to say this is one of the best and fun builds I've played. I like especially that it is a challenge to play optimally. Great job with the Build write-up and all 200+ pages I went thru contained some great information that made rounding out the character a blast.

Every new league I start with a Vortex/Cold Snapper. Then I go with a minion build of some kind, this league it was Carrion Golems. I farm a ton of currency with them and then look around for another build to play that I've never tried before. This league it was a Duelist Impaler with Paradox and Saviour. I am not a fan of melee builds normally (nor glass-cannon Bow builds). After investing a lot in the Duelist Impaler it still felt un-fun to play and although damage was pretty good, died a lot. So I searched around for something else.

Thankfully I stumbled across this great build and even better write-up.

So now at Lvl 93, I am cruising around smashing and slamming everything, great defense & EHP and most important a ton of fun, and visually my Chieftain is awesome!

My Gears:
My Gears:

I took a look at your POB (and I am far from an expert on this build, but I have messed around with a ton of different options i.e., Stone Golem, Blood Rage, Timeless Jewel both Corrupt Soul and Divine Flesh, Skitter Bots, etc) these are a few things that jumped out at me:
1) Try to transition to Anger from Herald of Ash - its just better and our Ascend gives us "ash" on bosses.
2) When you get Anger - find a Watcher's Eye for either extra fire damage and crit multi or Fire Resist pen. To do that you'll need a reduce Mana Resv. Amulet
3) Killing things faster means less damage for you so once you max Skill Gems and try Awakened Ele Damage and a few other Alt gems - you will feel a lot better overall.
4) I manually cast Wave of Conv on bosses (not needed on monsters) and use an Increased Duration for Immortal Call - much better.
5) Instead of so many Life nodes you can better utilize a lot of those passive Skill points for more damage and/or Defense synergy. Look at my character Grumpio for ideals.
6) This build, I dare say more than any I've played, is a fun challenge mini-game within itself to properly use you War Cries at the right times. Practice on white maps until its muscle memory and make sure things are dying fast.
7) Go thru a few POE Ninja Tectonic Slam builds for some ideals to try out.
8) With Ascend, I've found Tukohama much better as I am always dropping Warchief Totem at Rares, Bosses and Large Packs -- the damage increase is awesome.
9) Your gear looks pretty good to me but I am sure others here with more experience might have suggestions.

Lastly, I want to again thank the OP for such a great write up and so many great replies to questions throughout this thread - they answered all my questions early on.

Alt Tree Ideas using Threads of Hope to pick-up different passives that work for your build:

+1 Permanent Frenzy and Endo charge by going south plus juicy Life nodes:

This way allows you to mix and match as needed with Reduced Mana Resv., and Amplify and Righteous Decree but still get the good Staff ones for example:

Last edited by Victrixio#7355 on Mar 11, 2021, 5:32:19 PM
Thank you for your reply.
I could not agree with you more on the Author's Job on the write up. Awesome job indeed
living_phantom wrote:
Well, it's been fun. Got my body armour scammed on tft. Good luck to those playing this build, and be careful on tft!

Yeah, sorry to hear that.

When I was minmaxing the build, my shaper ring got scammed too, it feels terrible. I would've quit the league if it wasn't for updating the build guide. Luckily I made a better one with less currency in the end.
[3.19] Jenno's Staff Crit Lightning Conduit Elementalist - All Rounder Spell Caster Build.
[3.17] Ultimate Self-cast Flameblast Occulist. Pure Damage and Tankiness for End Game.
[3.17] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability.
woda1992 wrote:
Hi. What can I do to increase my survival rate? I don't know if I gave the points in the skill tree correctly.I Still have about 20ex for improvement.
I will be grateful for help!

Sry for the late reply, was busy in real life earlier. Seems like you rerolled into a different build, let me know if you still need the advice
[3.19] Jenno's Staff Crit Lightning Conduit Elementalist - All Rounder Spell Caster Build.
[3.17] Ultimate Self-cast Flameblast Occulist. Pure Damage and Tankiness for End Game.
[3.17] One shot Tectonic Slam Chieftain. Great Damage and Survivability.

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