Dear Community (A message from an ex-pro)

SadDropUser wrote:
As I know that many of you may not currently have the accumulative time to divulge in my entire chain of rhetoric that will be listed below, I am writing this letter to the community as a means of attempting to understand why the very community built around a game would abhor certain members simply on the fact that they perform at another level. I'm not stating that I am the best PoE player (countless top placements at the start of races, solo self found top tier Ranger and Shaman, top 5 guild leader in WOW, S-tier in Everquest rankingboards). What I am saying is, I am one of the best, and when I give advice on these forums, it honestly comes as a bit of an unexcused shock treatment, that I'm not heeded.

Why does this matter? Once you look at the greater picture, you'll quickly realize this sets up an inappropriate response system for elite level players. Take Hollywood for example, and consider these forums to be a hollywood party. A high tier actor would not only have the carpet laid out for them, they would also be respected no matter what. It's quite obvious, that they earned it.
Now, before you get up in arms like a citizen hunting Frankenstein , realize I'm not saying I'm the top tier actor. But what I am, is a top tier gamer in the current meta. And when I give specific advices regarding scenarios I'm familiar with, they should be heeded.

But these forums are a bit of an enigma. Someone who has walked the walk and talked the talk, simply isn't heeded. That's not okay, and I think we can all agree on that, on some level, deep down.

Top 5 wow guild leader with zero views on twitch, good joke sir.
oh its you again
Only evidence of any "pro" abilities that the OP shares is their Trolling, if they are now an ex-Pro surely this means the OP will no longer be trolling?
Dear ex-pro, I'm eager and waiting for you to bestow wisdom to be heeded by the lowly likes of me and other scrub measly casuals such as me. It cuts me to the quick (whatever that means) to hear you say that you feel I have not heeded your word when I am so longing to hear your word to know the true path of the exile. Please bless us with such.
Over 430 threads discussing labyrinth problems with over 1040 posters in support (thread # 1702621) Thank you all! GGG will implement a different method for ascension in PoE2. Retired!
I'm not stating that I am the best PoE player
What I am saying is, I am one of the best

Honestly, can't believe that this isn't Kopogero.
~ There are spectacular moments.
Last edited by DoubleU#7266 on Aug 10, 2020, 12:57:10 PM
pr13st wrote:
living in a bubble..


I spit my coffee out on this one.

Great satire and a good knee slapper!
Shagsbeard wrote:
Was really hoping that this one time the hive could simply let one fall off the first page without a reply... but no. you are posting and bumping it.

Last edited by superbomb1967#5561 on Aug 10, 2020, 12:19:00 PM
I identify myself as an ex-pro as well, at getting baited.
Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more.

'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league.
Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave.
superbomb1967 wrote:
Shagsbeard wrote:
Was really hoping that this one time the hive could simply let one fall off the first page without a reply... but no. you are posting and bumping it.


you have to give up after a while, the last one was epic it went like 5 hours without a response, if the forum was really active it would have fallen off the front page but sadly its fairly light here. I really wanted to post in and be like good job guys but of course it didn't last.

Realistically this is a case of why moderators need to be flexible in their approach though

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