🔥ssF guild Recruitment-🎇-Largest SSF guild in PoE 1/2. Looking for pure SSF (sc or hc) players only🔥

Message me in game @SleepyHarvester
Been playing SSF since Heist and I'm interested in joining. Char name is sbahcexp
I would like to request an invite. "OiryTheDream" is a character of mine. I am planning on playing through the whole scourge league in ssf :3
I would love to join as well. Currently playing on character mozart_hcssf_expcrush
Would love to join - mostly SC but dipping my toes into HC as well (all SSF of course)

Message me in game @SleepyHarvester
I think you were just trying to contact me in game but when I tried to reply I got some weird error messages and it shut down my chat window - I'm just going to assume it was my fault but didn't want you to think I was being rude - sorry about that :/
Hmm. Not sure what happened. Let me try again
Message me in game @SleepyHarvester
I would like to enter SSF, I play frequently and have discord, thanks :)
Hi, I am playing pure SSF SC for scourge league. I would love an invite! TJBleedGlad

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