🔥ssF guild Recruitment-🎇-Largest SSF guild in PoE 1/2. Looking for pure SSF (sc or hc) players only🔥

Long time SSF player who’s always lacked a group of like minded homies to game with.
I want to join too.
Returning player
would like to join, playing ssf sc this league
IGN: EiffelsLightning
Hi, I'd like to join your community. My IGN is SeajifJGWJSBNDFEQ. If that is too awful to type for an inv, I can whisper someone ingame just let me know. Thank you :)
Message me in game @SleepyHarvester
Message me in game @SleepyHarvester
Whisper me ig - SleepyOldMana
Message me in game @SleepyHarvester
Message me in game @SleepyHarvester
looking to join, ign: Spwecter

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