[3.25] LACERMAN 2 BUILD (Nice Clear Speed + EZ to Play + All Content + Tanky) (Lacerate Gladiator)


It is best to invest into two one-handed axes and get a Soul Taker as 1st purchase.
Even though, you should fix your support links in gear.
Try this:
Lacerate-Fortify-Impale-Melee Phys Damage-Multistrike (don't use brutality yet, as if you have early game gear you will still use elements)

Also focus on getting +life in your gear as you have none at this moment.
Last edited by Horken007#5579 on Apr 22, 2021, 9:01:35 AM
Hey do u mind to help me out how i can progress my gear im kinda lost rn and dont know what exactly to do next oO. would aprreciate it :). Btw very nice work at the build had rlly fun to level with your guide:)
Real quick steps for now:
1. Fix your rings using Steel Ring bases. This really improves DPS.
2.+20% quality to flasks and get your corrupted blood immu flask to be instant recovery.

This basically applies to anyone:
Focus on getting good Steel Rings when you don't have them yet.
Beast corrupt your Soultakers for 30% as well.

Last edited by Horken007#5579 on Apr 22, 2021, 9:13:49 AM

It's hard to tell from here but even if you activate all your buff skills your mana reserve should be %95 full and you should be able to activate Pride without an error. I just checked your character and saw Arctic Armor on your gear rather than second weapon set. So I'm guessing you might be activating Arctic Armor too along with other three and can't Lacerate maybe? If that's the problem, if you activate Blood and Sand, Pride, Dread Banner and keep Arctic Armor off, everything should be fine with %30 remaining mana to use for Lacerate and Leaps. If this doesn't solve your problem, contact me with a private message and I'll see what I can do.

So I think I figured out what is going on. Since Pride only affects mobs it doesn't show up in the top left as an aura (like blood and sand). I have pride, blood and sand and dread banner all next to each other on my skill bar. What threw me is the skill icon for pride is greyed out when active but the others are not. When I mouse over the icon for pride when it's active it says "not enough mana". The mana is being reserved and the skill icon has the gold animation on it so I can only assume it's working as intended. I also assume it's greyed out because players cannot cast multiple copies of the same aura upon themselves.
Anyway, I just started act 7 and switched over to Lacerate from bladestorm and killing is a breeze. I need to get better gear as I can die pretty quick if I don't pay attention.
Loving the build so far!
Last edited by Zuuule#6329 on Apr 22, 2021, 9:56:55 AM

Any tips for me as well ? How to approach now. Currently at t14+ Maps, first sirus soon.
Hey :)
You have really nice boots and helmet. Try running an Uber Lab a couple of times to get a desired boots enchant. You might be lucky to get something in your helmet. (even if not for you, go for it - you will sell such helmet with profit later)
Your Two-Stone ring seems like it should be replaced with something else :)

Fix your links as well:
Leap Slam-Faster Attacks-Endurance on Stun
Soultaker should be 3 sock 3 link.

Get a cluster jewel with Bloodscent

Last edited by Horken007#5579 on Apr 22, 2021, 4:49:25 PM
Great guide, very informative! Looking to try this build, I just have a question: How does it fare with ultimatum at various stages of the game, esp red maps?
Started this build yesterday after ditching a bloodslinger that was going super bad with decent investment. Always loved the aesthetic of Lacerate, so I'm glad I found out this guide after owning the Celestial MTX for a long time. Sold all the gear and got this so far:

Got three questions:

1. How do you search in pathofexile.com/trade for cluster jewels with the added small passive skills: Axe/Sword node? The filter for it literally doesn't exist.

2. In terms of dps/survivability, what would be better for my setup right now: the cluster jewel (and levels to get the passive points for them) or somethingg else? I know my chest right now is pretty bad, and I also have slight issues with elemental resistances. Also got a big Steel Ring just waiting for lv 80 to be equippable.

3. Is there a priority on gem quality? Asking here first before spamming GCP's on most of my supports.

Thanks for the guide!
Last edited by leafyr0kr#4392 on Apr 23, 2021, 12:41:31 AM

Hey there ! How do you have this x2 multiplier in your PoB ?
I noticed that I forgot to change Culling Strike to Divergent Rage on Leap Slam on Meta Gear Pob. For some reason Blood and Sand had quality on Required Gear(looks like I put in the wrong gem) and Lifetap supports had quality. These are fixed. Don't forget to reload Pob links.

kowal86 wrote:
Do we really have to invest in these 2 small passive nodes next to Dirty Techniques ? Is this 20% chance to bleed rly that important ?

Also why do we need Blood Magic ( Lifetap ) linked to our Blood Rage ? Last time i've played your build our tiny mana pool was enough to cast Blood Rage, or is it for something different ?


With that bleed node, our bleed chance is %65 while clearing. Without that it was %45 and after adding that %20 I saw explosions happening more. This is not a huge difference, but worth spending 2 points I think. But you can get an axe with %25 Chance to Bleed and remove that. Will be hard to get with Culling Strike though. Before Lifetap, we needed to wait 1-2 seconds for mana to regenerate for both Blood Rage and Berserk. This could get problematic at times while doing bosses thinking that we need to cast Blood Rage each 11 seconds there(as it only replenishes on kill) and cast Berserk a couple times in long fights. This was fine for some people, but not good for some people. As you might remember before Lifetap(Blood Magic) there was Enhance. Losing Enhance made us lose only %1.1 DPS on Required Gear and %1.5 DPS on Meta Gear. Now we have the freedom to cast those 2 whenever we want without waiting. I think it was worth the trade.

kadiro wrote:
Hey guys,

currently running t14+ maps, farming the 4-watchstone eldergurdians to get my first sirus.

would be happy to get some advices how to improve my build now !


thx <3

Hi. You have 2.76m DPS and 5.1k life at the moment. If we increase life, first Sirus will be doable but it will take long so better if we increase DPS some too. Let's upgrade your gear. Because you have Feed The Fury, refund Gladiator's Perseverance and get 2 life nodes and the bleed node(2.55m DPS, 5.3k life), you seem to have Portal instead of Arctic Armor so I changed it with Arctic Armor as it's a good defensive buff, and portal scroll fills 1 slot in inventory:) For items, your axe is good but for next upgrade it's better if you prefer one with at least 1.60 attacks per second, corrupt both axes to %30 quality via beastcraft(2.61m DPS), change Carnage Heart with a rare amulet(2.68m DPS, 5.4k life), change Rustic Sash with a Stygian Vise having higher life and added fire resist, add an abyss jewel to it(2.74m DPS, 5.6k life), change your Steel Ring with one having higher phys. damage and Dexterity(2.79m DPS), change Ruby ring with a Steel ring(2.87m DPS), get a Watcher's Eye having "12% chance to deal Double Damage while using Pride" mod in place of Blight Bloom jewel(3.09m DPS, 5.7k life). First Sirus should be doable no problem with these stats. You can add boot enchant after Sirus fight for faster clear(3.25m DPS, 5.7k life). Good luck upgrading and here's the Pob link:


wjddnr324 wrote:
Hi! I just started your building. However, I found it's hardly kill any monster after Act8. I totally followed up your leveling guide but it still can't work very well so far. Could you help me figure out what going on with my build? Thank you so much!

Hi. Act 8 is probably the hardest act for us because that's where Bladestorm starts to lose power, but shouldn't be a problem still. I see that you did what people suggested and you're level 63 now so you probably already got past Act 8. If you haven't finished the story yet, firstly you can drop Bladestorm, Flesh and Stone and Herald of Purity to make space as you won't need them anymore. Your resists are low so you might consider changing Wurm's Molt with a Rustic Sash having resists. Get some physical damage on jewely, fix resists, do Cruel Lab and you should be able to finish the story no problem with that gear. A little more life will help as well.

SiiReXx wrote:
Hey do u mind to help me out how i can progress my gear im kinda lost rn and dont know what exactly to do next oO. would aprreciate it :). Btw very nice work at the build had rlly fun to level with your guide:)

Hi. Thanks for your nice words! You have 0.62m DPS and 5.0k life. Let's upgrade your gear. First we need to fix your Passive Tree. You are using wrong Thread of Hope with "Only affects passives in a small ring" and have 7 unspent skill points. Added a Thread of Hope with large ring and picked 7 nodes(0.86m DPS). Next we need to fix some gems. Change Arrogance on Blood Rage with Lifetap, change one of the two Maims in Multiple Totems setup with Vaal Ancestral Warchief as you don't have it(1.25m DPS). Also fixed your flasks by adding Bubbling mod to your Divine Flask(this is needed to be used in conjunction with Blood of The Karui. Please check Running The Build section for usage of these two in conjunction). Also swapped mods of Sulphur and Basalt flasks as we will be flask swapping Sulphur to Rumi's Concoction in Ultimatum encounters(Check League Specific Info section for details). For the items, increase crafted mod on your axe to %15, get a better Soul Taker and corrupt both axes to %30 quality via beastcraft(1.33m DPS), get the Required Gear cluster jewel, refund Gladiator's Perseverance and get Feed The Fury and a jewel socket, add a jewel to that socket(1.39m DPS, 5.1k life), get an amulet with higher physical damage and life and anoint Discipline and Training on it(1.45m DPS, 5.5k life), get a max roll Lion's Roar(1.50m DPS), get a 6-link Belly of The Beast and add Fortify to Lacerate(2.01m DPS, 5.6k life), change both rings with Steel rings with higher physical damage(2.22m DPS), get boots with life and craft "Non-Vaal Skills deal % Increased Damage during Soul Gain Prevention" mod(2.37m DPS, 5.8k life), meanwhile doing these upgrades level 2 more and get bleed nodes and also get the boot enchant(2.49m DPS, 5.8k life). Good luck upgrading and here's the Pob link:


Zuuule wrote:
So I think I figured out what is going on. Since Pride only affects mobs it doesn't show up in the top left as an aura (like blood and sand). I have pride, blood and sand and dread banner all next to each other on my skill bar. What threw me is the skill icon for pride is greyed out when active but the others are not. When I mouse over the icon for pride when it's active it says "not enough mana". The mana is being reserved and the skill icon has the gold animation on it so I can only assume it's working as intended. I also assume it's greyed out because players cannot cast multiple copies of the same aura upon themselves.
Anyway, I just started act 7 and switched over to Lacerate from bladestorm and killing is a breeze. I need to get better gear as I can die pretty quick if I don't pay attention.
Loving the build so far!

I just checked and everything seems ok. Pride doesn't show up amongst buffs on top left, also all active buffs are grayed out for Required Gear character and say "not enough mana" on them, this is because their recast is not possible with remaining %5 mana reserve with Soul Taker. I also tried disabling Arctic Armor and suddenly every buff other than Pride became not grayed out and didn't say "not enough mana" on them, just like yours. When Arctic Armour is disabled and there is %30 mana reserve left, recast of Dread Banner and Blood and Sand becomes possible and this is why it doesn't say not enough mana on them and they're not grayed out. This also explains why only Pride says not enough mana on it and it's grayed out because it has %50 reservation and still can't be recast with %30 mana reserve.

verozo wrote:
Great guide, very informative! Looking to try this build, I just have a question: How does it fare with ultimatum at various stages of the game, esp red maps?

Thanks for your nice words! Unfortunately I don't have a proper answer to your question as I'm still lv.62. Thread is very active this league and all my free time went to replying questions here and updating the guide until now. For your question, I talked to many people and watched many videos about league mechanics, also tried it on white tier maps until I figured it out. I know that high avoidance builds are good, I know that explosions help a lot, also majority say high movement speed is needed. We have %71-%71 block with Rumi's, have explosions and have good Leap speed instead of movement speed(I think this is better as we can land where we want skipping things ez). Our aoe seems good enough as well. So I think we'll be good. Maybe others will have a better answer than this with experience.

leafyr0kr wrote:
Got three questions:

1. How do you search in pathofexile.com/trade for cluster jewels with the added small passive skills: Axe/Sword node? The filter for it literally doesn't exist.

2. In terms of dps/survivability, what would be better for my setup right now: the cluster jewel (and levels to get the passive points for them) or somethingg else? I know my chest right now is pretty bad, and I also have slight issues with elemental resistances. Also got a big Steel Ring just waiting for lv 80 to be equippable.

3. Is there a priority on gem quality? Asking here first before spamming GCP's on most of my supports.

Thanks for the guide!

1) Here: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ultimatum/0n7VLwehg
2) Your character seems empty at the moment. If you haven't rerolled and can put your items back, I'll do the "Let's upgrade your gear" thingie I'm doing here.
3) At the moment the only gem that doesn't have quality added is Blood and Sand, it's quality is really unnecessary. Also quality on Lifetap is unnecessary but I couldn't find any 20-0 Lifetap on Standard trade yet so you see 20-20. But I just updated Pob and made it 20-0 there. You can also skip quality on Multiple Totems, Vaal Ancestral Warchief, Ancestral Protector and Maim there. All here add little damage to totems and it's 4 gcp in total so I added these with quality.

mikecy96 wrote:

Hey there ! How do you have this x2 multiplier in your PoB ?

Hi. Sadly I have no idea, first time noticing it. I can only tell that Meta Gear has it but Required Gear doesn't. I tried removing a couple things to see if it goes away with no result. If you find out what's causing it, please don't forget to share with us.
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