
btw remi, what do you think is more priority? getting amulet-2x ring with the veiler elreon mod of non-channeling cost reduction or getting a ring with poacher mark? i cant afford right now a poacher ring with non-channeling ring lol

The build has a very fluid gameplay but i hate a lot the mana issues.

the other alternative is to get the 3 node where is the "essence sap", in this location we get;

0,9% attack damage leeched as mana
+3 mana per hit
50% increased total maximum mana recovery per second from leech.
100% increased recovery per second from mana leech.

do you think this 3 point can be a alternative to non-channeling cost mods? a good amulet and rings cost a little and i think there are other items to buy that are more important than this.
Last edited by keygy on Oct 27, 2021, 4:32:22 PM
andrelb1 wrote:
've been told and PROBABLY going to make it worse.

Hello, i was looking for a Toxic rain Balista build, and some one sigest me to check your tutorial...

do you think this build could work in a Balista TR Setup? would the DPS be lowered to mutch?? and what nodes should i change to get the Toten damage ones?

thx alot[/quote]

If you want to do ballista feel free, I personally dislike Ballista setup cus it's slow af but if you want to do it sure why not.

keygy wrote:
btw remi, what do you think is more priority? getting amulet-2x ring with the veiler elreon mod of non-channeling cost reduction or getting a ring with poacher mark? i cant afford right now a poacher ring with non-channeling ring lol

The build has a very fluid gameplay but i hate a lot the mana issues.

the other alternative is to get the 3 node where is the "essence sap", in this location we get;

0,9% attack damage leeched as mana
+3 mana per hit
50% increased total maximum mana recovery per second from leech.
100% increased recovery per second from mana leech.

do you think this 3 point can be a alternative to non-channeling cost mods? a good amulet and rings cost a little and i think there are other items to buy that are more important than this.

non-channeling won't solve all your issues immediately, better have poachers, but you won't be able to sustain purely with poachers on mapping, on bossing yeah you could.
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
andrelb1 wrote:
Hello, i was looking for a Toxic rain Balista build,
Imo wait with that until they patch ballistas, there's a bug with ballistas atm they get less damage reduction than spell totems so they die like flies.
I may be wrong, but if trust to PoB endless mutions ascendacy seems more viable than focal point in pure dps
Last edited by blackdad007 on Oct 28, 2021, 12:20:54 PM
blackdad007 wrote:
I may be wrong, but if trust to PoB endless mutions ascendacy seems more viable than focal point in pure dps

You won't be able to sustain mana. If you don't have Poacher's Mark, go for it.
hey, i have a question about the POB, it says you're using grace and malevolence and defence banner, clarity and flesh & stone but even with enlighten 3 it's not possible to run all of these due to the mana cost, am i missing something here?

jimmate wrote:
hey, i have a question about the POB, it says you're using grace and malevolence and defence banner, clarity and flesh & stone but even with enlighten 3 it's not possible to run all of these due to the mana cost, am i missing something here?


even without enlighten and one mastery, that's 36+36+18+4.2 (rounded up). 94% reserved. Keep Clarity low level, it's not a % value. I guess it's about Charisma (all), "Reservation Mastery" (all), "Evasion Mastery" (grace) and "Armor and Evasion Mastery" (definance banner) on the tree.
You really need the 100% spell suppression chance. Else in higher tier maps you just get one shot almost instantly.
I ground this horseshit build up to 90, can someone look and see if I can salvage this in any way? I need to upgrade chest and amulet.

I have 4.5k life and 30k evasion with 100% suppression with flasks on and I still get 100-0 in red map scourge at sub 100 stacks.

This build is super clickbait, the ALL CONTENT VIABLE should say "not 3.16 updated or viable"
Struggling a lot in early maps, what can I fix to make me tankier? I'm getting destroyed

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