
Are we supposed to have some AoE somewhere? I remember a few leagues ago my TR had a huge spread but right now it's quite small, and I'm using concentrated effect as well so it's even smaller.
I am a 50 TR Raider and doing heist for chaos recipes. This build is way to squishy and even with decent gear I die way to easy and fast in Heist!
yodi2007 wrote:
I am a 50 TR Raider and doing heist for chaos recipes. This build is way to squishy and even with decent gear I die way to easy and fast in Heist!

You only have two pieces with life on, and it's not even a lot. Those uniques will only carry you so far until you get 1tapped. Also get a immortal call setup.
Do I have to manually cast immortal call?
I put immortal call auto on my boots.

Still havn't had much chance to play yet but build is starting to feel good.

SO I league started with this build wanting to play a bow build, but honestly the clear and the defenses are pretty meh..
I mean it definitely works but the AOE is kind of small and I feel like paper...

Could any1 give me some tips on what to switch into, I have some currency stocked and was either thinking of lighting arrow raider or ele hit? (based on ninja popularity)

I am really missing the % life on death pops from other builds (bleed, inpulsas, etc..)

Any idea would be welcome, I'd like to avoid re leveling tough so I plan to just regret orb nuke this char :))
Thx for the build. League started this build as well. Only doing heists so far (81+) and rarely die.

I use queen of the forest + devoto for movement speed and high evasion and i am at 33k evasion and i rarely get hit. my gear is not that great but I just use it for heisting where dmg is rather optional until i switch to something else. I rarely die to anything with 87% chance to evade 100% spell surpression and 145% movement speed.
Last edited by JudgeHett on Oct 26, 2021, 6:58:41 AM
"Misery Everlasting" is not a mod for the cluster anymore.... Another nerf.
This build has some seroius AOE and survability issues. With more gear it will hopefully shine, but I don't think it is league starter friendly. Seems Caustic arrow yields a bit better results for starter characters.
Last edited by TheVeryEnd on Oct 26, 2021, 10:28:18 AM
JudgeHett wrote:
Thx for the build. League started this build as well. Only doing heists so far (81+) and rarely die.

I use queen of the forest + devoto for movement speed and high evasion and i am at 33k evasion and i rarely get hit. my gear is not that great but I just use it for heisting where dmg is rather optional until i switch to something else. I rarely die to anything with 87% chance to evade 100% spell surpression and 145% movement speed.

Hummm just saying you are not playing this build at all^^, in fact like all ranger you are playing a raider.

I dont know why you wrote this. Btw, if you want something smoother early on go raider.

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