Need a casual laid back guild/home?
I would love to join :)
IGN:nieuwespellslinger or nieuwe000 Last edited by nieuwe000#2967 on Jun 18, 2020, 6:57:28 AM
Would like to join! Having people to share and interact with makes this game much more fun
IGN: thekmind |
Never been in a guild before and I would like to interact with more people in-game.
Would be glad to join! IGN: stakon007 |
Hey, i'm interested in joining please? :)
I'm interested in joining! It would be nice to have some chill people to play Harvest with.
IGN: Suzamaki Last edited by Suzamaki#4845 on Jun 19, 2020, 12:45:17 AM
I would be interested to join if there is still room available!
I'm interested in joining as well. IGN Zonamous
Thanks! |
I'd like to join please :)
IGN: Praetoros |
I'd like to join please. IGN: HarvestTris
I'm interested in joining; IGN is Dinosaur_Jr