Need a casual laid back guild/home?
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Hey all,
I'm a newish player (1 month), have played a few mmorpgs in the past (DAOC, Shadowbane, etc) and I'm now hooked to this game ;) I'm close to 50 and got a job etc, so I play mostly in the evenings from 7PM central europe time to 10 PM and often from 6 AM to 8 AM. Looking for a friendly guild to chat and group, and some time I could use some hints to de-noob myself ;) Name in game Surielthesixth (Necro) and Sleyvin (ED Trickster) in Delirium atm., then will be transferred and I will be playing mostly standard. Maybe one occasional new toon if the coming leagues look really promising. Looking forward to hearing from you :) |
I would love to join this guild. I play around 25 to 30 hours a week. MDT. My IGN is ElectricSquirrel. |
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I'll join too. Ingame name: ReflectForDays
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hey, could i please get an invite? Std IGN is THICK_AS, will be cracking into some gardening when it releases too
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A nice chill guild sounds right up my alley considering my busy days.
IGN: Diezzy |
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