[3.13]🏹 Poison Barrage-VF / Scourge Arrow / TR PF | Bottled Fortify | The Tankiest Ranger + High DPS

Sandevasfootball wrote:
For what it's worth, the hybrid influence items are more like gilding the lily rather than being necessary. All of my items are single influenced and I basically buzzsaw through anything that tries to fight me, and even T16 maps feel like they're white tier ones. I'd get the baseline non-Awakened items first before you start throwing currency at trying to make the double inf chests/boots/helm. The chest especially can be extremely expensive to redo if you hit a dead mod in the suffixes.

OK, that is good to hear. I was worried I'd be farming T16s for weeks before I could start taking on bosses with this.

magicrectangle wrote:
Your profile isn't public so I can't check, but I'd make sure you have the defensive basics of the build squared away before worrying about this. You should be able to get quite tanky without any dual influenced mods or whatnot.

Some questions, forgive me if they're obvious, but just to be sure:

1) Are your flasks squared away? We're pathfinders, flasks are a huge part of our defense and offense. There's some room for variation in flask choice, but to start with, copy OP's flasks from his PoB That's:
Cinderswallow (with 50% avoid stun)
Foreboding hybrid

Doesn't matter which, but the three non-unique flasks should have: bleed remove, curse remove, run speed

If your damage is good enough you can swap the coralito for a quicksilver when doing speed mapping.

2) Do you have hardened scars? This is a huge part of our defense. Paired with the foreboding hybrid flask this is how perma-fortify happens.

3) Do you have endurance charges and cwdt immortal call? You DO NOT need the dual influenced chest to get endurance charges if you've been hit recently. You can get it from a small cluster jewel with the "enduring composure" notable.

All of this is extremely cheap tankiness. Even hardened scars is pretty cheap because gold oils are so cheap this league (30 chaos)

Obviously getting more life and the dual influenced items is great, but you should be able to become tanky on a very modest investment.

1) Current flasks are:

I might be able to get away with ditching the Life flask for a Quartz now. I haven't swapped in the Foreboding hybrid yet due to the mana requirements for Scourge Arrow, and a Cinderswallow would leave me with only about 20c in the bank at the moment so I've been holding out on that one.

2) I'm lacking a gold oil for Hardened Scars - getting oils has been difficult since I usually can't complete Blight encounters at higher tiers (on either my league starter or this). However it looks like those are running for about 30c at the moment which is doable. My main concern is whether it's worth blowing it on this amulet:

I'm thinking I should pick up an amulet with a Hunter's base and get a passable life + int roll on it, anoint it and then improve it over time via the garden. I haven't checked whether that's viable yet though.

3) I have an Enduring Composure cluster jewel and CWDT Immortal Call setup active - cluster jewels are probably why I'm running so low on currency at the moment.
Overflowing chalice is just for big bosses (sirus and the like), for maps run something else (and you don't need to swap for map bosses, they'll die before you run out of flasks).

The mana is solved by the warlord -cost mod on chest. The affordable solution there is to buy an already 6-link ilvl 85+ warlord chest and use harvest crafting (augment attack) to add the warlord -cost mod. Here's a search:

Looks like you might be able to get one for 0.5-1 ex. Throw a life essence at it, make sure it has an open suffix, then attack augment. Make sure you get one you can easily color (dex base, dex/int base, int base - but not too high int req).

If you're worried about putting hardened scars on a bad amulet, you could buy somebody's old hardened scars amulet:

With gold oils down to 30c right now though I wouldn't worry TOO much about it. Your amulet is fine and will last a while. You can always fix it up a bit with harvest crafting.

Cinderswallow is extremely nice while mapping. On bosses it is whatever (though it does give stun immunity), but while mapping it will heal your life and mana to full always, pretty much. I'd get the hardened scars first, but don't underestimate the cinderswallow.
Last edited by magicrectangle#3352 on Jul 26, 2020, 7:56:59 PM
Thanks for the tips. I'll see what I can find next time I'm on.
fleckens wrote:
Hey, I'm the guy you talked with a bit the other day when you wanted to buy my quiver base that we ended up with me keeping and me trying out scourge arrow.

I've worked a bit on it now, still quite a few changes to go and I've mostly done it as divine flesh for now as that's what I had gear for but starting to switch over to the damage taken as fire version instead.

I managed to get a pretty solid craft on the quiver as well as a new bow.

So far I've been doing some tier 17's 100% delirum without too much trouble. I've been running plague bearer instead of blast rain though, and just using withering step to apply wither. Maybe not the most optimal but I just can't play a poison build and not use plague bearer. I may go back to blast rain now that I got a chest with endurance charge generation though, as before I was using 2 gem slots for enduring shout+urgent orders. I will probably also drop steelskin and use immortal call, just wasn't using it until now as it's pretty awkward with enduring cry.

You have crafted a very nice quiver. You made a right decision not selling that base. Gratz. How many attack mods that you use to craft +1 arrow btw?

Btw, your profile name rings some bell. Did we speak with each other on my 100% Delirious T18 video in reddit few months ago? If I'm not mistaken, you were the one playing Viper Strike with a shield to level 100 in Delirium.
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
Last edited by WolfieNa#3904 on Jul 26, 2020, 11:27:43 PM
WolfieNa wrote:

You have crafted a very nice quiver. You made a right decision not selling that base. Gratz. How many attack mods that you use to craft +1 arrow btw?

Btw, your profile name rings some belt. Did we speak with each other on my 100% Delirious T18 video in reddit few months ago? If I'm not mistaken, you were the one playing Viper Strike with a shield to level 100 in Delirium.

I was actually just insanely lucky, i was just alt spamming for +1 arrow and managed to hit the dot multi together with it, and rest was just harvest crafting of course. Looking at craftofexile it seems like it's about a 1 in 36k to hit that.

And yeah that's me, although on reddit I go by yayoichi, but I have been posting in some of the other threads here as well such as Remi's TR build.
I'm a big fan of dot skills and chaos/poison in general so you've probably seen me post in threads related to that. More on the poe builds sub than the normal one though as I find that to be a much more positive experience than all the complaining on the main one.
fleckens wrote:

I was actually just insanely lucky, i was just alt spamming for +1 arrow and managed to hit the dot multi together with it, and rest was just harvest crafting of course. Looking at craftofexile it seems like it's about a 1 in 36k to hit that.

And yeah that's me, although on reddit I go by yayoichi, but I have been posting in some of the other threads here as well such as Remi's TR build.
I'm a big fan of dot skills and chaos/poison in general so you've probably seen me post in threads related to that. More on the poe builds sub than the normal one though as I find that to be a much more positive experience than all the complaining on the main one.

Being able to roll both +1 arrow with DoT multi by alt-spamming was really really rare (as you said, 1 in 36k). :) A more deterministic way to craft the +1 arrow on quiver is with Harvset attack mods although you may need lots of replace/add mods for it to roll +1 attack after you craft +DoT multi/chaos DoT multi. +2% to max fire resist is still our major goal for the quiver.

On a side note, your gears look top notched. But I saw you are not currently fully utilizing the cluster jewels and Aspect of the Spider. If you are looking for potential way to improve, I think dropping Skitterbot (35% mana reserve) for Aspect of spider (25% mana reservation). Consequentially, it allows you to drop all reduced mana reservation nodes such as Charisma, and the intuitive leap around Charisma. This would enable speccing onto Blood Drinker and grab a nearby jewel for higher DPS + life (highly recommend a Viridian jewel with +7% life, +8% AS, +4% chaos Dot multi, etc.).

Btw, in hindsight, that's a pleasant surprise that we engaged in in-game trade and discussion before, but somehow hadn't realize the fact that we interacted with one another. And, yeah I think you are right about the poebuild sub. I have also got much more positive experience with that sub compared to the main one.
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
Last edited by WolfieNa#3904 on Jul 27, 2020, 1:13:13 AM
tfb wrote:
magicrectangle wrote:
Perce79 wrote:
a couple of APS gems and it feels *terrific* mapping right now.

I want to point out that this kind of jewel:

can be very deterministically made.

Thanks for this info!

And thanks Wolfie for this build, I started playing PoE in metamorph and this has been the most fun I've had yet.

Glad to know you are having fun with the build. :)
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
WolfieNa wrote:

Being able to roll both +1 arrow with DoT multi by alt-spamming was really really rare (as you said, 1 in 36k). :) A more deterministic way to craft the +1 arrow on quiver is with Harvset attack mods although you may need lots of replace/add mods for it to roll +1 attack after you craft +DoT multi/chaos DoT multi. +2% to max fire resist is still our major goal for the quiver.

On a side note, your gears look top notched. But I saw you are not currently fully utilizing the cluster jewels and Aspect of the Spider. If you are looking for potential way to improve, I think dropping Skitterbot (35% mana reserve) for Aspect of spider (25% mana reservation). Consequentially, it allows you to drop all reduced mana reservation nodes such as Charisma, and the intuitive leap around Charisma. This would enable speccing onto Blood Drinker and grab a nearby jewel for higher DPS + life (highly recommend a Viridian jewel with +7% life, +8% AS, +4% chaos Dot multi, etc.).

Btw, in hindsight, that's a pleasant surprise that we engaged in in-game trade and discussion before, but somehow hadn't realize the fact that we interacted with one another. And, yeah I think you are right about the poebuild sub. I have also got much more positive experience with that sub compared to the main one.

Yeah if I was trying for it from the start that definitely would have been the better way to craft it. I am playing the league pseudo self found though(I sell stuff and I buy currency to craft, but I don’t buy crafting services and I have bought very few seeds) so not always worth easy to get those crafts. I plan to do remove chaos and add fire for the max res later, just gotta save up some chaos crafts first in case I hit the dot multi.

And yeah I have been looking at things like spider aspect but I’m not sure where to fit it in as using headhunter limits my option for resistance gearing and the build is very limited on suffixes to begin with. The ideal situation would probably be to either get a couple of mana reservation corruption jewels but getting that on good jewels would likely be very expensive. Other way would be to get socketed gems corruption on gloves for level 5 enlighten but that’s also pretty tough. Last that I can think of would be dropping either the fortify bonus or the -chaos res on helm to get redeemer influence with 5% reduced mana reserved.

And I do indeed also need to get some improved cluster jewels, the born in darkness is not really necessary when I’m not divine flesh. I should try and get some with good resistances to help me with that. I am also considering trying to divine a maraketh jewel to see if I can land some good notables such as 8 seconds onslaught on kill or just the health ones. The extra dex it gives is nothing huge but it would also give that slight boost I need to cap my accuracy.

Btw how do you feel about using plague bearer and withering step instead of blast rain and then using mirage archer on the scourge arrow.
@WolfieNa Thank you again for your help with the double-influenced helmet craft (I haven't finished it yet, I hit +1 max light res and wondering if I should go for +2)

I am posting my gear for a review:


Last edited by Kh4r4#0640 on Jul 27, 2020, 3:18:57 AM
fleckens wrote:

And yeah I have been looking at things like spider aspect but I’m not sure where to fit it in as using headhunter limits my option for resistance gearing and the build is very limited on suffixes to begin with. The ideal situation would probably be to either get a couple of mana reservation corruption jewels but getting that on good jewels would likely be very expensive. Other way would be to get socketed gems corruption on gloves for level 5 enlighten but that’s also pretty tough. Last that I can think of would be dropping either the fortify bonus or the -chaos res on helm to get redeemer influence with 5% reduced mana reserved.

Did you know that we can have upto +120% ele resist by stacking 5 viridian jewels below:

Having 5 of this viridian will give you :
+40% AS,
+20% chaos dot multi,
+120% ele resist of your choice, and
+35% max life

Very easy to craft. Just buy base Viridian with +% AS and +% life. Augment chaos to gain +4% chaos dot multi, and resist.

Fenumus' gloves is the easiest and cheapest way to gain aspect of the spider.

Btw how do you feel about using plague bearer and withering step instead of blast rain and then using mirage archer on the scourge arrow.

With enough AS (~11 SA APS, ~6.2 Blast Rain APS), you better go with BR+MiA. As you can see below, my Blast Rain DPS is 3.7mil, so the MiA-Blast Rain deals 0.28*3.7 = 1.03mil DPS. It is better than Plague bearer.
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
Last edited by WolfieNa#3904 on Jul 27, 2020, 9:59:32 AM

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