[3.13]🏹 Poison Barrage-VF / Scourge Arrow / TR PF | Bottled Fortify | The Tankiest Ranger + High DPS

resists on your viridian jewels attack speed w/ bow, life, chance to poison if you need it to cap otherwise generic attack speed or damage, and resist as the fourth stat. Cost about 1 ex each. Look at my tree if you need to see. Using auls + 0 resist helm and quiver.
linx0082 wrote:
Hey again, I played the build with Scourge Arrow now for a bit and kinda feel like the Explody Chest doesn't do really much.. maybe it is because I don't run full juiced, full density, etc. maps but it feels like you could get more from a -mana cost and frenzy chest or -mana cost and additional curse. I assume additional curse is only relevant when you use Aul's with Malevolence? But yea..

I am currently using

and another question I have is, how do you fix your resistances with Aul's? I have trouble with fixing my resistances without Aul's and there is probably no chance I could really fix my resistances if I would use Aul's with my gear rn. Would appreciate any tips for it <3

Had a real opportunity to use an explodey chest now for a day, after I finally scored one with decent HP. Clearing in delirium is absurd with it - it increases kill speed tremendously
Hi Wolfi,

what are your thoughts about using blast rain with ballista totems? I like to use mirage archer on scourge arrow but i hate those wither totems...
Last edited by TheDoomsdayDevice on Oct 16, 2020, 2:03:30 PM
Hi Wolfi,

what are your thoughts about using blast rain with ballista totems? I like to use mirage archer on scourge arrow but i hate those wither totems...

It can work. Perhaps, you would need to see if you are fine with the visual clutter from 3-5 Ballista totems.
Poison Scourge Arrow/Toxic Rain + Blast Rain PF| Bottled Fortify:
I played around with several other skills than scourge arrow, on a str stacking setup.
Toxic Rain is definitely viable, makes some bosses, especially those that walk, really easy with this movement slow, combined with more slow from cluster jewel. You can also preload bunch of damage by spamming it.
It is bit worse, or at least feels worse at speed clearing, because of the delay, you need to force yourself to shoot at packs and just move past them, knowing they will die shortly after. It doesn't feel that good, i'd rather see stuff dying in front of me, and not running back for loot.
For sirus TR also is little bit worse in my opnion, because he teleports quite a lot, and just leaves our pod field.

Other things I tried, that surprised me they work was tornado shot. There are some interesting interactions that make it more viable than it originally seems. For example gem like gmp doesn't suffer from less poj damage on it, in case of poison, so this downside is not affecting our build. If you for example go from 30mil pob SA to 6mil TS (with gmp linked), you have 9-10 projectiles with dying sun, bow/quiver, and gpm.

If you look at these:

and factor in TS enchant being nerfed to +1, so if we averege the result, to the middle of no enchant vs +2 enchant, 9 arrows would be x6 pob listed damage, if we are conservative. It isn't a problem to get to 10 projectiles with awakened gpm for example and +1 on either bow or quiver. 6x6 is already 36m. And you can definitely feel this while testing, bosses melt really nice, you can see poison being stacked immediately, damage is definitely there. It is instant, thers no delay, if target moves around fast you can easily track it and keep hitting.
This is one of the downside of SA in comparison, because pob dps assumes we always charge to 5, we always hit with at least 1 initial projectile, and positioning of pods always hits target with at least 1 spike from each. While pod hits with enough arrows (with SA enchant) is likely, you will never perfectly charge SA to 5, release, and charge again, creating ideal dps. You release it little bit late, you lose dps, you release too fast you obviously lose too. Skills that allow you to just hold button and deliver dps, even such as TR (provided target will not teleport out of range) dps of these skills is more consistent.
For trash it also works nice because you blow up screens with zero delay as well.
Thats part of what makes it decent, vs other hit based TS builds. Because of poison prlif we don't really care about fork or chain, trash dies to prolif. And for single target those stats are irrelevant. So we don't need to waste bunch of gear slots or sockets in order to obtain those projectile related modifiers.

One thing that does suck a little bit is TS range, it has pretty shitty base proj speed after nerf. So it is highly recommended to get projectile speed on bow or quiver, or ideally both, so range feels more like old tornado shot (hitting basically 4 screens around point of explosion). It is only relevant for trash, but it really feels amazing if everything blows up around you, regardless where you really aimed. With no investment in projectile speed, if packs are about screen apart, need to shoot each of them again. It doesn't feel slower than scourge arrow, but it can be better for clear with investment imo.

edit: One more advantage of TS I forgot to mention: it delivers damage in many hits, which is good for blood rage alt quality frenzy charge generation on hit. With TS you basically immediately shoot up to max frenzy charges on big bosses, where SA being the worse at it, and TR somewhere in the middle.
Last edited by aerial on Oct 17, 2020, 5:13:42 PM
Just found an awakeners orb!

So What is the vote for second influence on the chest? is hunter for double curse with temp better or is redeemer for the explodey chest mod?

Just kind of want to see what everyone thinks is better before i commit to one or the other.
DarkWolfGod32 wrote:
Just found an awakeners orb!

So What is the vote for second influence on the chest? is hunter for double curse with temp better or is redeemer for the explodey chest mod?

Just kind of want to see what everyone thinks is better before i commit to one or the other.

IMO it's explode

The amount of times frenzy charges comes up for bosses and is relevant, is...sirus? Maybe a couple other things, but honestly...it rarely comes up, and there's an alternative (the blood rage gem) My sirus phases at this point last all of...5-20 seconds now anyway.

That being said, it doesn't radically change anything - at most a few seconds on a kill.

I can't really comment on curse, as I just haven't done enough math on it or have enough interest in it.

What I can comment on is explode - explode is GREAT if you do any content with a ton of monsters. Examples are: delirium maps, simulacrum, delve, breachstones.

For normal clearing tier 16s? Not so much. But when monsters are really packed in, it increases your speed tremendously, which matters for staying in the delirium fog / getting those 6 reward simulacrum waves.

Slottm wrote:
DarkWolfGod32 wrote:
Just found an awakeners orb!

So What is the vote for second influence on the chest? is hunter for double curse with temp better or is redeemer for the explodey chest mod?

Just kind of want to see what everyone thinks is better before i commit to one or the other.

IMO it's explode

The amount of times frenzy charges comes up for bosses and is relevant, is...sirus? Maybe a couple other things, but honestly...it rarely comes up, and there's an alternative (the blood rage gem) My sirus phases at this point last all of...5-20 seconds now anyway. ***<-DWG i just downed A6 and it was a cake walk of course and last season they always were so i think you are right in you opinion Slottm>****

That being said, it doesn't radically change anything - at most a few seconds on a kill.

I can't really comment on curse, as I just haven't done enough math on it or have enough interest in it.

What I can comment on is explode - explode is GREAT if you do any content with a ton of monsters. Examples are: delirium maps, simulacrum, delve, breachstones. ***< DWG i think this is what sells me to go for explode>***

For normal clearing tier 16s? Not so much. But when monsters are really packed in, it increases your speed tremendously, which matters for staying in the delirium fog / getting those 6 reward simulacrum waves. ***<DWG again i think this sells me on explode it was my natural thought but this makes me excited for it>***

Added some thoughts in line just agreeing mostly!!!

This input helps a lot i have Ano-Bloodrage already so if explodey does real work for clear speed i think i'll go for that unless someone can convince me curse is better.

In all honesty i was thinking of trying to experiment this league by going double cluster jewels in my tree so i could do the normal setup plus the explode and double low tolerance i saw the one guy run to see if it was just amazing... but i couldnt find a large cluster with the xplode and the other two passives i wanted so maybe i can just put it on my chest and experiment that way.

Wolfie and friends feel free to tell me if i am barking up the wrong tree and wasting my time with double cluster if i went that way.

managed to hit culling strike on my bow so i'm just kinda hyped atm feel free to look at my gear and tell me if i am super off on anything.

as always the SA community on this forum is the best cheers!

Was wondering if you could look into my pob and tell me what I am doing wrong with this build. I am trying hard but cannot see why I'm not getting the dps i should be and mainly why I am one shot in lvl 80 zones.
Lithuix wrote:
Was wondering if you could look into my pob and tell me what I am doing wrong with this build. I am trying hard but cannot see why I'm not getting the dps i should be and mainly why I am one shot in lvl 80 zones.

You have scourge arrow on 5 link, and no chaos damage support there. Flat chaos damage is like one of the most important things that you will need to deal decent damage. You either swap one of your blue gems for awakened chaos damage or go strength stacking version (wchich is better especially when you lacking 6 link, and cluster jewels - you will need around 300 str to start feeling the difference). You are also lacking despair on hit on your ring.

Regarding defences:
You dont have cluster jewels, means no enduring composure, so your immortal call isnt really that great. 4.6k life pool isnt that great either, you need to have 5k+ life as a base to prevent one shots in highest tiers of maps. You also didnt spec into wind dancer, and that is actually great mechanis for avoidance based characters to mitigate ocasional 1 shots. You also dont have flesh and stone aura and that is in my opinion one of the best defesive auras in the game atm. You have herald of thunder as a hairloom from voltaxic rift that you dont use anymore. Just drop herald of thunder and use flesh and stone.
Last edited by greenrasp on Oct 19, 2020, 10:44:15 AM

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