Aynix wrote:
Because monsters from red maps doesnt drop more splinters. The only thing that matters is how many of them you are able to kill and how far away from the mirror.
If you're poor like me (few or no orbs) you get a feel for how many pods you can step on and kite, how far, and when to turn around and gun them down.
But yeah you always have to be moving with the fog, even if you don't kill everything, chances are it will follow you and you'll pick it off as you catch another pack. Unless you are so far behind that the trailing fog edge is catching up to you, and erasing monsters you're leaving behind before they can tail you.
FYI you need at least 40% move speed over base to stay even with the fog. This means flasking for most of us. You should have 100% flask uptime if you're doing it right.
Pods vs. packs: packs still count and you should prioritize numbers of mobs overall over preferantially detouring to pick up far pods of delirium jubblies. The only monsters that you want to stray from that for are the map boss and any Delirium rares/bosses. Everything else is just fluff and numbers. And since the only GUARANTEED encounter for splints is map boss, you should have in mind where you're going.
Lastly: do your alvas. Fog clock stops when you go in. Quant counter doesn't :) :) :)
[19:36]#Mirror_stacking_clown: try smoke ganja every day for 10 years and do memory game
Posted bycrunkatog#0985on Apr 25, 2020, 2:59:49 PM
Destructodave wrote:
kompaniet wrote:
I really don't get how splinters are calculated. The entire thing makes no sense to me.
Alch and go tropical island: 32 splinters.
Same tropical island with 2 sextants adding extra monsters, 1 sextant adding incursions, 1 sextant adding corrupted rare strongboxes, 1 gilded strongbox scarab for another 5 strongboxes, 2 fragments, beyond and anything else i am forgetting here: 10 splinters.
Either the entire thing is bugged or things like strongbox monsters, beyond, sextant monsters don't add to splinter count. Then the question is why the alch and go map still yielded 3 times the amount of spinters anyway.
Regarding bad maps for delirium: I think this is why delirium orbs were created. Atleast that's what i use them for. For maps like cells and dungeon.
Edit: Just did a white t14 tropical island map. 45 splinters. Wonder if it's tied to how fast you reach the map boss.
Its mostly the Delirium spawns that drop them. The reason that alch map might have dropped more, is because it was easier, and you pushed to the boss faster, killed more actual delirium mobs, and went deeper into the fog and farther away from the mirror comparatively, compared to killing all those strong boxes and random things that kept you at the tailend of the fog, comparatively.
And yes, your edit is kinda correct. How far into the delirium you go, and how fast, makes a difference. On maps with bad layouts, unless you are a super build, I think best thing is to just run to the boss. Stuff like Island/Prominade/Lair you can sorta kill everything AND run to the boss.
Thanks for the reply. I killed the boss on all 3 maps i listed above. But i definitely reached the boss the fastest on the white corrupted 8% quant t14 tropical island map while it took the longest time on the fully juiced one.
So we can conclude that neither map quantity or extra monsters make any difference at all for splinter drops. Only how far away from the mirror you are and perhaps the time it takes to travel that distance matter.
Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Apr 26, 2020, 2:53:36 AM
Posted bykompaniet#2874on Apr 26, 2020, 2:52:15 AM
kompaniet wrote:
Destructodave wrote:
kompaniet wrote:
I really don't get how splinters are calculated. The entire thing makes no sense to me.
Alch and go tropical island: 32 splinters.
Same tropical island with 2 sextants adding extra monsters, 1 sextant adding incursions, 1 sextant adding corrupted rare strongboxes, 1 gilded strongbox scarab for another 5 strongboxes, 2 fragments, beyond and anything else i am forgetting here: 10 splinters.
Either the entire thing is bugged or things like strongbox monsters, beyond, sextant monsters don't add to splinter count. Then the question is why the alch and go map still yielded 3 times the amount of spinters anyway.
Regarding bad maps for delirium: I think this is why delirium orbs were created. Atleast that's what i use them for. For maps like cells and dungeon.
Edit: Just did a white t14 tropical island map. 45 splinters. Wonder if it's tied to how fast you reach the map boss.
Its mostly the Delirium spawns that drop them. The reason that alch map might have dropped more, is because it was easier, and you pushed to the boss faster, killed more actual delirium mobs, and went deeper into the fog and farther away from the mirror comparatively, compared to killing all those strong boxes and random things that kept you at the tailend of the fog, comparatively.
And yes, your edit is kinda correct. How far into the delirium you go, and how fast, makes a difference. On maps with bad layouts, unless you are a super build, I think best thing is to just run to the boss. Stuff like Island/Prominade/Lair you can sorta kill everything AND run to the boss.
Thanks for the reply. I killed the boss on all 3 maps i listed above. But i definitely reached the boss the fastest on the white corrupted 8% quant t14 tropical island map while it took the longest time on the fully juiced one.
So we can conclude that neither map quantity or extra monsters make any difference at all for splinter drops. Only how far away from the mirror you are and perhaps the time it takes to travel that distance matter.
It does matter; but some maps are more suited to it. Big wide open maps are going to be a pain if your build doesnt AoE kill everything.
You can juice up Ledge-like maps and plow all that stuff and the delirium mobs pretty much just as fast; and adding stuff like Cassia/Alva/Legions helps boost it, too, since they pause the fog.
If you kill a better map just as fast, you gonna get more splinters than a white map. The easiest maps to do this on is the ones that go straight from start to boss without missing much of anything. Like Lair, or Promenade, etc.
I mean even Tropical Island, some builds might have trouble getting the most out of them if you cant reach side to side.
Posted byDestructodave#2478on Apr 26, 2020, 3:22:13 AM
So the trick is to find out how much you can invest into your maps until you lose clear speed if you want many spinters.
In my case it seems to be the best to run them white.
You can juice up Ledge-like maps and plow all that stuff and the delirium mobs pretty much just as fast; and adding stuff like Cassia/Alva/Legions helps boost it, too, since they pause the fog.
I just did a tropical with a breach and a cassia and the fog definitely does not pause during those. I had both in the first area of the map and the fog vanished just as the breach ended. Never activate these things in the fog. Got 7 splinters from that if anyone is curious.
gageris wrote:
fomori2 wrote:
69% increased quantity.
If the map was truly brutal to complete that number would be higher.
Random loot means random loot. PoE should have been called “Unrealistic Expectations”.
In tropical island, I can get 20-40 splinters in 60-70% iiq, with only alch and go. It's all about map layout and whether you can clear very end mobs/boss
That's what i usually get from alch and go tropical.
I did get over 40 once which i posted on previous page when i got 45 from a white one which surprised me.
70 splinters from alch and go. This one had a delirium boss i killed.

Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Apr 26, 2020, 8:56:36 AM
Posted bykompaniet#2874on Apr 26, 2020, 5:59:34 AM
kompaniet wrote:
So the trick is to find out how much you can invest into your maps until you lose clear speed if you want many spinters.
In my case it seems to be the best to run them white.
You can juice up Ledge-like maps and plow all that stuff and the delirium mobs pretty much just as fast; and adding stuff like Cassia/Alva/Legions helps boost it, too, since they pause the fog.
I just did a tropical with a breach and a cassia and the fog definitely does not pause during those. I had both in the first area of the map and the fog vanished just as the breach ended. Never activate these things in the fog. Got 7 splinters from that if anyone is curious.
gageris wrote:
fomori2 wrote:
69% increased quantity.
If the map was truly brutal to complete that number would be higher.
Random loot means random loot. PoE should have been called “Unrealistic Expectations”.
In tropical island, I can get 20-40 splinters in 60-70% iiq, with only alch and go. It's all about map layout and whether you can clear very end mobs/boss
That's what i usually get from alch and go tropical.
I did get over 40 once which i posted on previous page when i got 45 from a white one which surprised me.
70 splinters from alch and go. This one had a delirium boss i killed.
It does pause; but you have to stay in the "area." If you run out of a breach, the fog starts moving again. I'm sure Cassia works the same way.
So if you pop a breach, for instance, you have to stay in the breach area. When you step out, say you are on the edge killing stuff but slightly outside, the fog is moving. You have to stay in the Breach area. I think the same goes for Cassia and Legions. The second you leave the area, the fog starts moving.
As far as Alva goes, you cant leave the area, so yes, its paused. Just dont waste time reading the temple. Just click and go in.
It 100% pauses but some areas are harder to judge than others. I remember people were mad early in the league becuase the beginning part of a Legion encounter it was paused, but the 2nd part it wasn't. So they changed that in one of the patches. Breaches is pretty easy to see; just stay in the circle.
Posted byDestructodave#2478on Apr 26, 2020, 3:54:19 PM
It's impossible to know if you are inside cassia's area. Same with legion.
There is zero visual feedback telling this.
Funny thing that happened to me today: 175% quant t16 map. One splinter. So much for quantity adding to splinter count.

Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Apr 26, 2020, 5:31:58 PM
Posted bykompaniet#2874on Apr 26, 2020, 5:31:13 PM
Im pretty sure poping a blight encounter pauses the fog entirely. I always talk to Cassia and run part of the map in that 20 sec she gives me to prepare. Fog seems to be still in that tiem, no matter how far away I walk.
Posted byAynix#7757on Apr 27, 2020, 9:21:09 AMOn Probation
Aynix wrote:
Im pretty sure poping a blight encounter pauses the fog entirely. I always talk to Cassia and run part of the map in that 20 sec she gives me to prepare. Fog seems to be still in that tiem, no matter how far away I walk.
From 3.10.1c Patch Notes
Active Blight encounters now cause Delirium mist to pause its movement while you are within a large radius of Blight Portals, rather than the Ichor Pump. This is because Blight Portals can sometimes spawn very far away!
I think my mistake was staying at the ichor pump. That's probably why the mist didn't pause for me.
Posted bykompaniet#2874on Apr 27, 2020, 1:44:27 PM