[3.13] 🔥Oro’s Flicker Strike Raider🔥 | Top tier mapper/currency farmer | 10M+ DPS | All Content

Thanks for all the help!

Finally i managed to cut through conqs aswell.

T16 maps are fast and easy but some bosses i just skip.
Even with 5.2k HP and all res capped with Fire at 140% for the extra dmg while the flask is active some bosses just deleting me so i skip them.

I am able to fight all teh conqueror now.

Actually im trying to get some good crafts from harvest do get some new boots and to recraft my helmet cause it hast the 40% flicker strike dmg :D

Its actually just really expensive to get a corrupted oro with fortify to a 6 Link. Looks like you need like 15ex. I Got all the crafts from delve but missing some currency to get all the vaal orbs i need lol

Having a lot of fun with this build!

I guess i gonna use this for a long time now <3 Thank you so much
Starting to hit a wall in red maps - would honestly want to avoid spending on a 20ex chest or corrupted oro for the amount of damage the build does anyway...was just hoping to comfortably get to t16 farming to do another flicker and/or something else build.

kinda puzzled by the lack of damage tbh.

anybody can check my gear out?
Sweet build man - I'm digging the flicker strike and deleting maps in a minute or two. I need to work on the defensive side of this guy- the damage seems to be there or maybe that's just the nature of being flicker..

Any advice on upgrades right now? I think my jewels could use help?

What's better as far as crit multi vs double damage (fire/melee damage/2h dmg) on jewels?

Would it be worth it to take out some points out of maybe the Bladedance and Dismembering wheel and go for another Large Cluster next to the Lava Lash noteable? Thoughts?

Thanks in advance!
Loving the build, I can easily clear T16 maps/bosses/conquerors. 1 question: How would u generate endurance charges if u use the Frenetic annoint? Or is it just better to keep Smashing Strikes annointed?
Drest wrote:
Starting to hit a wall in red maps - would honestly want to avoid spending on a 20ex chest or corrupted oro for the amount of damage the build does anyway...was just hoping to comfortably get to t16 farming to do another flicker and/or something else build.

kinda puzzled by the lack of damage tbh.

anybody can check my gear out?

1. Are you running out of mana in boss battles? You don't have any -mana cost mods on your rings. I can see in pob that you have 190 unreserved mana while flicker mana cost is 57. Flicker drains mana very quickly, leech might not be able to keep up against single target.

2. Rare helmet with flicker enchantment is not too expensive and can boost dps a bit. AWK Melee splash is also very cheap.
TeeFReUnD_2018 wrote:
I´m playing this character since the beginning of the league, but lately I´m running quite in a dead end. Survivability in T14-T16 is quite difficult, i get one-shot by bosses very often. Furthermore, my damage especially against bosses is low. It takes like 1 minute to kill bosses in T15.

It looks like you have about 530ish evasion on gear when the guide calls for about 2200 to hit the 95% evade target.

From the defensive layers section,

"You need around 2200 Evasion on gear to get 95% evade without anything else, its a good endgame target but not necessarily very easy to get.

I recommend you to spend 2 passives to spec Survivalist while you are working on it. The extra 15% all resists is a nice bonus as well while working on your gear."

I'm no expert and maybe I missed a big source of evade on your character, but it looks like that's the problem to me.
Drest wrote:
Starting to hit a wall in red maps - would honestly want to avoid spending on a 20ex chest or corrupted oro for the amount of damage the build does anyway...was just hoping to comfortably get to t16 farming to do another flicker and/or something else build.

kinda puzzled by the lack of damage tbh.

anybody can check my gear out?

Only thing you seem to be missing is the chest, which certainly isn't 20EX. I'm a scrub tier player with very low income and managed to Harvest craft one before lucking out on my current one (someone selling very underpriced).

What are you struggling with particularly, damage or survivability?
Braakje wrote:
Loving the build, I can easily clear T16 maps/bosses/conquerors. 1 question: How would u generate endurance charges if u use the Frenetic annoint? Or is it just better to keep Smashing Strikes annointed?

I swapped to Enduring Cry and Panopticon, bears out more damage and better endurance charge generation.
Benville wrote:
Braakje wrote:
Loving the build, I can easily clear T16 maps/bosses/conquerors. 1 question: How would u generate endurance charges if u use the Frenetic annoint? Or is it just better to keep Smashing Strikes annointed?

I swapped to Enduring Cry and Panopticon, bears out more damage and better endurance charge generation.

So u work with 6 Frenzy charges, and for bossdmg u use the buffed totems from Panopticon. That sounds like a good plan! Good thinking sir :)
Any ideas why my damage is so low At red tier blue packs need couple jumps, yellow mobs take 2-5 (and more sec) to kill.
Just got gems to lvl 20
Last edited by Teraliar#7357 on Feb 4, 2021, 11:17:07 AM

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