Greater Spell Echo bonuses not working on Ice Nova if cast on Frostbolt

Arf no god mode then :(
OK, so is Pledge of Hands actually broken or no? Does this thread only apply to Ice Nova interactions?

I was thinking of getting one sometime to try with Arc spell but someone was saying PoH is only half working, atm.

The only thing about Pledge that has changed is that Ice Nova no longer gets AOE increases per re-expansion. We also received information that all echo damage amplification mechanics have never actually applied to Ice Nova cast on Frostbolt. Inother words, you are fine using Pledge as it has not been bugged at all.
I am a little confused. Is it not worth it to link greater spell echo in PoH now?
Quite honestly they should have called it as a bugfix in the patch notes.

Personally had I known I would have gone a diferent build. By now I'm AL8 and 33/40 but the downgrade is extremelly noticeable and my version was getting carried by arcane cloak and archmage which I doubt will survive a nerf next league.

Besides the loss in clearspeed from the extra aoe the build becames severely hampered in single target because the extra aoe was allowing the a couple more repeats to still his a boss right in front of you. This loss is in several situation around a 25% dps loss.

Another build I need to throw into the garbage can until ggg decide to add additional sources of reduced projectile speed.

I don't understand people saying the damage compares... it's extremelly noticeable on end-game boss how you need to cast almost twice as many frostbolts as the novas get out of range way faster.
When the staff was reworked it looked obvious for everyone that it was designed to work specifically for Ice Nova i really don't believe that it wasn't supposed to work with it in first place... Even if it was a bug i don't understand this regress. Plans must have been revised when the absurd numbers of Greater Spell Echo came out.

Loosing the bonus AOE on repeat is very sad IMO, it synergised well with the frostbolt spreading on long range.

If Pledge of hands is not good anymore with Ice Nova, i'm seriously asking the question if it remains any actual use of it. Out of Ice Nova i can't see any build reliably using it.

Selfcasting 3 spell while being stationnary is pretty much a suicide by now at least Ice Nova kinda solved that problem. :/

This is a shame to see a welcomed "unexepected bug" getting silently deleted like that. Reducing interseting interactions, that actually support atypical selfcast gamplay, really feels like a poor decision for diversity. Instead GGG could have change some wording to officially making it work with Ice Nova, while balancing the inbuilt support gem around this new behaviour. (the inbuilt support gem have insanely busted numbers damage wisely anyway)

But well GGG doesn't seems to carry selfcast in his heart ATM.
Last edited by Pulco6tron on Jun 30, 2020, 10:57:20 AM

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