Greater Spell Echo bonuses not working on Ice Nova if cast on Frostbolt

Hello, in patch 3.10, Ice Nova no longer benefits from the 'X per repeat' bonuses when cast on a frostbolt.
Having played it right before 3.10 it is immediately noticeable.

Here's a SS of final repeat

And here's an image of first cast

The final repeat is supposed to have 150% increased area, making the radius difference between 1st cast and final repeat 41 vs 56, but both are identical. I've also done small testing in controlled enviroment and it seems that '35% more spell damage per repeat' and 'final repeat has X% chance to deal double damage' aren't working too.
This might be an issue related to a bug fix to Multistrike/Echo/Unleash that fixed penalty/enhancement from those not applying, but that's just a guess.

Last edited by lolPLSiGOTthis on Apr 3, 2020, 4:23:19 PM
Last bumped on Jun 29, 2020, 9:23:03 PM
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I have just tested this and can confirm that neither the area bonus nor the damage bonus from Greater Spell Echo are applying to Ice Nova when cast on Frostbolt now. I hope this gets fixed soon, since as it stands this is an undocumented 35% DPS nerf to the Ice Nova/Pledge of Hands build.
Arcinde wrote:
I have just tested this and can confirm that neither the area bonus nor the damage bonus from Greater Spell Echo are applying to Ice Nova when cast on Frostbolt now. I hope this gets fixed soon, since as it stands this is an undocumented 35% DPS nerf to the Ice Nova/Pledge of Hands build.

It's actually quite a bit more, damage bonus ends up to about 53% more on average when comboed with normal echo and that's not counting the fact that you need the AoE for the novas to overlap on singletarget.
This is really holding the build back right now.
Yeah, 1/1.53=0.65 which is why I called it a 35% nerf.
Good job guys with this find, this is prtty huge, GGG please react.
Yes please, Ice nova need some more love! we're struggling with dps here :P
I'm hoping this gets fixes soon! I'm running a PoH FB-IN build and could really use the dps I'm losing from the bug.
Hope this gets fixed soon!

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