[3.10] Heraldry Cluster Guardian - 9k Es | 90% all res | 75% block | 10M+ boss dps

How can i search for the Cluster jewel stats ? :D

Sorry for the dump question, but trade last time jears ago, thanks.
Weird, damage with BV is super low on this build for some reason. What might be the issue? What if i don't put double cotb rings?
Foridesign wrote:
AphexWootz wrote:
Can you please explain what's the difference between Voices jewels, and how it can affect dps?

2 Voice uniques lets you use 6x Heraldry/Harbringer clusters and get 300% aura effect. To reach the same amount of aura effect with rare you need 3 jewels.

Also with 3 rares 300% is the maximum what u can get.
WIth 3 voices you can reach 450%
2 voices + 1 rare is 400%

Your dmg scales with aura effect.

Orinco00 wrote:
your buidl good in devle?

Im only at Depth 150, so far its pretty good. I can imagine it can go deep

No no, i mean what's the difference between Voices "3 passive skill points grant nothing" and "7 passive skill points grant nothing"
It somehow affects dps by large amount?
Just want to play something fun and broken, but i got only 45 exa atm (also got 6l shav's, so that doesn't count) and i'm afraid that's not enough to fully enable broken potential of this build :(

Sry for my eng tho.

Last edited by AphexWoot#5796 on Mar 29, 2020, 10:45:45 AM
How did u get 75% block and 25% spell dmg block? What thing gives you that
xenofayt wrote:
Weird, damage with BV is super low on this build for some reason. What might be the issue? What if i don't put double cotb rings?

Its somewhat low because I was using QOL supports mainly. and I had no Vaal RF setup on. (I forgot about that my bad)

If you want more dmg you can go with Conc effect or Added Fire. Also you can wait for my 400% aura setup with EK if you are dps hungry. It will be ready in few days.

xenofayt wrote:
what's the difference between Voices "3 passive skill points grant nothing" and "7 passive skill points grant nothing"

3 Points are the difference between 7 and 3 passive voices. So on 2 jewels you would save 6 points, on 3 jewels you save 9 which is huge.

9 Points can let you go Crit or get lots of ES
NasusPodInta wrote:
How did u get 75% block and 25% spell dmg block? What thing gives you that

Bastion of Hope ascendancy and Rumis flask.
if i wanted some more dps and going crit with maligaro gloves would that be bad? have u tried? do u have version/what items to replace with, love the build its super tanky and enjoyable
Dont use maligaros gloves. Its not good for the build.
If you want more dmg, use Vaal RF.

For a higher dps setup I will be posting a new variant of the build soon.
Is it just me or is levelling this build a pain in the ass?

Foridesign wrote:

For a higher dps setup I will be posting a new variant of the build soon.

Are you still using BV or did you change to another skill. Dont want to be keep leveling the wrong skill

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