[3.10] Heraldry Cluster Guardian - 9k Es | 90% all res | 75% block | 10M+ boss dps

Which order you recommend taking ascendancies?
buttcommander wrote:
Golem buff count as aura right? So wtih 300% inc aura, stone golem would provide 400+ es regen and chaos golem 16% additional physical dmg reduction?

They should count ye and Stone golem sounds nice. Feel free to experiment tho.

CodyWilson7 wrote:
Which order you recommend taking ascendancies?

Radian Crusade - Radian Faith - Unwavering Faith - Bastion of Hope
Thanks for the guide. Build is feeling really nice right now. One question, however - You mention in the Helm section that you do not need enlighten + lab enchant if you are using Alpha's Howl to run all the Purity auras... but I'm currently using it, and I do not have enough mana available for the third Purity (with all other heralds active, and the 6 herald clusters). Am I missing something?
t33b00 wrote:
I do not have enough mana available for the third Purity (with all other heralds active, and the 6 herald clusters). Am I missing something?

Pure might passive on small cluster for 30% Purity of fire reservation?
Yessir. Pure might is there. Confused.
Last edited by t33b00#1836 on Mar 29, 2020, 2:08:11 AM
He has a mana reservation passive allocated with his amulet anoint in the example gear, do you as well?
If you cant afford Charisma Anoint, take a path there, sacrifice some ES till u get the oils
hi first of all i love this build but i'v not played for a day and you'v made alot of changes, how much better is it with these changes and how much energy shield do you have now?
30 Exalted enough to start good with this build ?
Last edited by Schleimkeim90#1588 on Mar 29, 2020, 7:00:39 AM
Schleimkeim90 wrote:
30 Exalted enough to start good with this build ?

I stopped following Voice prices but you can always start with 3 large rare jewels and 6 heraldry / purposeful + shavs. Check on trade if you can afford the min gear.

I also highlighted in the build what pieces are required.

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