[3.11] Spellslinger VD Necromancer. All content. Easy and fast Sirus A8 kill. Wave 20 Simulacrum.

ThirdProphecy wrote:

Some mechanics are wonky in PoE - some spells don't count as they're coming from you like from totems and such. Wasn't sure if there was some here. With the VD it states it doesn't reflect. Seems like physical damage doesn't come much from here but always afraid I'm not catching something.

For instance, is a spell that is "triggered" actually "cast" by you and therefor reflects?

Please tell me you can understand that?

Well you need to read the skill again obviously. The only thing it says is not reflected is the corpse explosion.

Look at you, being all helpful - I knew you had it in you!

After playing a phys reflect map I think it's safe to do but I swapped out WoC with Firestorm (just another blue spell without phys, didn't do a lot of research for anything better).

Definitely stay away from ele reflect maps though.

Maybe its because your damage is so low. Second cast kills me on physical reflect map. And I only have 539-1024 Physical, and 39354-59605 Fire when I mouse over Volatile Dead tooltip standing in my hideout. 4k on Wave of Conviction.
Polihraf wrote:
How do you generate endurance charges? I just started this build and don't have much currency but i have issue with single targets and blighted maps. What can i improve in cheap and fast way? I'm not sure if i'll be able to kill conquer.

My gear:

Thank you in advance

You cant expect to kill much with gems at lvl14 with no quality. Get into some Xoph, Tul runs to boost those gem levels.

Get a lvl21 Volatile Dead.
Papaste wrote:
Etralis wrote:

Does the "attacks with this weapon penetrate 15% fire res" work for the build?

Any1 knows for sure?

No, Volatile Dead is a spell. If you look at the tags for Volatile Dead you will see that it's not listed as an attack. It's a useless affix.

Are you totally sure about this?

Im asking cuz the flat fire damage on the wand usually doesnt work with spells either, but due to spellslinger it DOES work for Volatile Dead due to Spellslinger?!
Cool story:

So today, one ring I was searching for and which was for sale some days ago pops in the market.

The name of the seller sounds familiar, I contact him, and then I realize that he is mbXtreme, the streamer/youtuber.

I start talking with him trying to see if the price is negotiable (was a quite expensive item), and after some messages he goes like: "Are you Kelza?"

I was shocked, cuz, apparently he had seen some of the random videos I uploaded to youtube with barely views, and he was a person I have been following in youtube for some year now, so that was a really satisfying situation.

In the end, he made me a bro price not for 1 item, but 2 of them ....

And then, something just amazing happened. We start talk about shields, he talked about his self crafted shield and I shared him my project of meta crafting my triple T1 suffix shield in the search for +2 max resistances in the future once I were able to hit a cushion of 100ex aprox.

Then, he offered himself to do the metacraft, for free (Each metacraft has a cost of 4ex). I was kinda in shocked, somehow scared cuz I was gonna give a valuable item to another person, but from what I have seen from he in the internet, he allways seemed a legit and cool dude.

So, I handed him the shield, nervous .... and a minute later, he came back to me with this metacraft into the prefixes:

Im still with no words, not only cuz he knew me, but also because of his kindness and his cool mood helping and unknown as I am.

Thanks, sir, if you ever read this.

3.12 - Leveling to 100 on Sirus Kill: https://youtu.be/0z493V7yZ-E
Awhhh <3

You're very welcome :)

Cool Build you guys have there :D Have made my own Version tough, didn't know theres a written Guide about it!

PS: Guys, please don't whisper me now for free Meta Crafts! I was in the mood to waste some exalts and I liked his Videos so... Thank you! XD
Can someone help explain what Barrage Support effectively does for this build? Does it trigger 3 spells at once or something? From what I can see, Frenzy itself doesn't do a lot of damage, and barrage support increases the time to use it.
ThirdProphecy wrote:
Can someone help explain what Barrage Support effectively does for this build? Does it trigger 3 spells at once or something? From what I can see, Frenzy itself doesn't do a lot of damage, and barrage support increases the time to use it.

It does zero damage. Your damage is from VD thats it. Barrage makes more projectiles, more curse, more spell slingers. Gives you more attack speed too.
Last edited by Artwebb1986 on Apr 29, 2020, 5:58:26 PM
Thanks that answers it - triggers more spells!

Do you know what milestones to hit before hitting red maps?

Oh and also - is there any benefit to swapping the bone offering on your wand for a Flamability?
Last edited by ThirdProphecy on Apr 29, 2020, 11:08:35 PM
Kelzar wrote:
Cool story:

So today, one ring I was searching for and which was for sale some days ago pops in the market.

The name of the seller sounds familiar, I contact him, and then I realize that he is mbXtreme, the streamer/youtuber.

I start talking with him trying to see if the price is negotiable (was a quite expensive item), and after some messages he goes like: "Are you Kelza?"

I was shocked, cuz, apparently he had seen some of the random videos I uploaded to youtube with barely views, and he was a person I have been following in youtube for some year now, so that was a really satisfying situation.

In the end, he made me a bro price not for 1 item, but 2 of them ....

And then, something just amazing happened. We start talk about shields, he talked about his self crafted shield and I shared him my project of meta crafting my triple T1 suffix shield in the search for +2 max resistances in the future once I were able to hit a cushion of 100ex aprox.

Then, he offered himself to do the metacraft, for free (Each metacraft has a cost of 4ex). I was kinda in shocked, somehow scared cuz I was gonna give a valuable item to another person, but from what I have seen from he in the internet, he allways seemed a legit and cool dude.

So, I handed him the shield, nervous .... and a minute later, he came back to me with this metacraft into the prefixes:

Im still with no words, not only cuz he knew me, but also because of his kindness and his cool mood helping and unknown as I am.

Thanks, sir, if you ever read this.


That much perfect shield now.

btw, is metacraft mean u craft Prefix - suffix cannot change - 2ex
then 2ex for random 2 roll until get + max res?

Yeah, I follow him, too.

"Hay guy, and welcome to a new video."

Actually, I know this VD so funny from his video auto VD miner, it might 3.7 or 3.8 I can't remember that I really like it. (that time with Cwdt)
mbXtreme thank for ur build idea ^o^.

Just changed my necro build for the third time to copy the highest dps volatile necro on poeninja (some russian guy with 1.1million dps).

Spent about 100 ex so far and prolly need another 150 ex to come anywhere near that guy, but holyshit this build melts everything. Went from 30k tooltip dps to 100k tooltip dps (over 200k while buffed and attacking with full charges). Melts bosses in seconds, obviously expensive as shit, but a good switch to get them numbers wayyyyyy higher.

Incidentally, selling my old gear if anyone is inerested ^^

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