GGPK Defragmenter

Result: 2600 MB Reduction.

How come this file is so bloated, no wonder my initial loading time is so ridiculous.

There has to be something done by GGG in the near future about that.

Great tool!
Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me.
KalHirol wrote:

Result: 2600 MB Reduction.

How come this file is so bloated, no wonder my initial loading time is so ridiculous.

There has to be something done by GGG in the near future about that.

Great tool!
its because of blankspace enabled to protect the torrent/patching from messing up.
Big game companies like Blizzard have this sort of thing built in to their launcher, GGG has much more limited resources so you have to do it yourself.

This isn't the only game with this kind of issue either, Lotro for instance has the same kind of utilities available for it.
This is the batch code I use to run it, once after each patch:
@echo off

echo Renaming Content.ggpk to C.ggpk
ren Content.ggpk C.ggpk

echo Running ggpk_defragment.exe on C.ggpk
ggpk_defragment.exe C.ggpk Content.ggpk

echo Finished defragmenting Content.ggpk

echo Deleting C.ggpk...
del C.ggpk

echo Done.

Renaming Content.ggpk to C.ggpk
Running ggpk_defragment.exe on C.ggpk
This will likely take a while...
Successfully created a defragmented copy.
Finished defragmenting Content.ggpk
Deleting C.ggpk...
Press any key to continue . . .
ThreeIce is my IGN. List of my trading threads:
KalHirol wrote:

Result: 2600 MB Reduction.

How come this file is so bloated, no wonder my initial loading time is so ridiculous.

There has to be something done by GGG in the near future about that.

Great tool!

There was a large patch which reduced the file sizes of the art assets a few months before the launch which, that reduced the size by about 2 gb problem being that when it overwrote them it didn't reallocate the space which is why the recommended using the GGPK defrager or download the game fresh.

It also doesn't effect the load time...absolutely clean instals have the same load speeds
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
Yeah, had a 2.7GB reduction here. Thanks for such a great tool, OP!!

3ICE wrote:
This is the batch code I use to run it, once after each patch:

Nice! Good idea to run it from a batch.

I've taken your original batch code and expanded it, to comment on what each section is doing, as well as providing some cleaning up of the output for some of the less tech-saavy among us. :)

I've also changed how the operation is executed. This will make a backup copy of the content.ggpk file, just in case, and remind the user to test their game client then remove the backup if all seems to be okay. :) I've used the "%CD%" variable to fetch the current working directory (granted, I presumed that the user would have the batch file and the defrag program in the same directory as the Content.ggpk file ;) ) so that it's specific to each user's installation.

batch code

@echo off

REM Backup the file first, then rename it
echo Backing up the file before defragging it.
copy Content.ggpk Content.ggpk.bak

REM Defragment that sucker!
echo Running ggpk_defrag.exe on Content.ggpk
ggpk_defrag.exe Content.ggpk

REM Finished message and back up removal reminder
echo Done. Test your game client to ensure successful
echo defragmenting. If no problems, delete the
echo %CD%\Content.ggpk.bak
echo file to free up space.
echo If there are problems, delete the new Content.ggpk
echo file and rename the Content.ggpk.bak file.

Here's the output:
Backing up the file before defragging it.
1 file(s) copied.

Running ggpk_defrag.exe on Content.ggpk
Defragmenting Content.ggpk
This will likely take a while...
Elapsed time: 2.87 minute(s)
File reduction: 2738.0 MB(s)
Successfully defragmented the GGPK.

Press a key to close this application.

Done. Test your game client to ensure successful
defragmenting. If no problems, delete the
E:\Games\Path of Exile\Content.ggpk.bak
file to free up space.

If there are problems, delete the new Content.ggpk
file and rename the Content.ggpk.bak file.

Press any key to continue . . .

File size before = 6,995,749
File size after = 4,264,371

Thank you very much for taking the time to sharing this tool
Shurannei: not sure if you knew this or not, but you can use :: instead of REM for a comment in a batch script.

:: this is a comment

Drakier wrote:
Shurannei: not sure if you knew this or not, but you can use :: instead of REM for a comment in a batch script.

:: this is a comment


I did, but the :: isn't as widely used in batch scripts. :) Besides, the "REM" is for a REMark, so it seemed appropriate. ;)
Wouldn't it just be easier to have just used Contig?

Just set up a Windows task to run:
contig "C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Path of Exile" -s

I set up mine to run every morning about 4x.

You could even create a batch file to open the game, then run contig after it's closed.

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