[3.10] Maddington's | STATIC STRIKE | All Content | League starter | Fast & Fun | Videos & Progress
I'm having a really hard time following this guide. There are different gem links in the first post "current gear" section, gems section, and PoB. I'm too much of a noob to tell which set of gems I should go for. Is ezomyte shield required? What skill points did you take after the final lab? How does the extra static-strike in the CoDT link work? Are you really supposed to have a level 19 CoDT? I only have 2749hp at level 70 and even a level 6 or seven CoDT is impossible to proc with this amount of HP. Does the CoDT level requirement have to match my 5-link SS or only the secondary SS gem?
My brain is melting :( edit: oh yeah and whats going on with all the auras? Right now I'm using purity, precision and herald of ice, but the guide also has hatred, but you can't run all of these at once without an enlighten which I don't see in the pob. edit2: I got a exalt drop on a tier 1 map. This got me the surrender. I also changed out the CoDT links for culling strike - lvl1 codt - tempest shield. I'm going to run this until I have more gear and HP. Last edited by idiotloser#0580 on Apr 5, 2020, 2:33:11 AM
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" Hey! I updated proper gem order / gems to endgame PoB now. Here is the link https://pastebin.com/ZVv7k6mC In the section Ascendancy there is "Ascendancy Start here: Pain forge > versatile combatant -> Violent retalation -> arena challenger " You absolutily need more hp, so regret more HP nodes, buy all jewels wich give "Increased 4-6% max health" and try to stack health for gear. Ezomyte is the main goal in this build but you can use also lioneye's remorse. Also try to buy 6-link armour with decent health, this point at league they are getting cheapern! Hope this helped. |
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Hi there! i didn't realize there were any current or near current static strike build threads in existence, but as evidenced by the one that led me here i see you have been carrying on.
I happen to have a static strike build i used in Legion league, currently on standard where i play lately, similar to a concept you described somewhat in your last posts on the old build thread. I've been working on this build since they buffed static strike and added strike skill animation cleave in legion and been keeping an eye on some buffs in patches i haven't played like blight/metamorph. It's entirely of my own design and i've found it to be on the bleeding edge of build development taking advantages of improvements made available along the way nearly league to league. I.E. Cluster jewels and CoE conversion buff from delirium being the most recent examples. It's probably league viable (still) but i wouldn't play another league until PoE 2, so up to you lot to try it as a league build. The concept you described being "static strike and retaliation" but in a staff/inquisitor style. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2803773 It's got my own twists and choices between legion and now, the thread needs a lot of cleaning up but both the thread and my twitch streams have been getting some minor amounts of attention so i figure it worth mentioning here. I had a streamer "FlyingSwordFish" look at my PoB earlier today but he's not all that familiar with some of what i'm using so other then the suggestion i already adopted from him previously in using crit medium cluster jewel (most recent addition). He didn't really have any advice or opinions to share i hadn't already theory crafted myself already (warcry medium cluster jewel) or added immediately after seeing prior to asking for advice on my PoB (crit jewel). I'm trying to give the build as much exposure as i can as quickly as i can to try and get it out into the wild a bit more so i hope this post helps to that end and gives you some context for builds utilizing static strike from other class perspectives. formula: 1 parts Static Strike/animation cleave buff from legion + staves 1 parts staff buffs from legion (in passive tree serpent stance and such) 1 part queens hunger (buffed in blight, nerfed in delirium)(modular pick) 1 part crown of eyes (buffed in delirium) 4 parts mixed of: inquisitor/coc/chaining/retaliation skills 1 part leech/on hit recovery A bunch of linear progression choices for spell block chance or in the case of rainbowstride, an endgame sacrifice of spell block for ONLY the highest quality stat(s) in game: movespeed (and sources of movespeed like tailwind/elusive on crits) for clear speed obviously Some yet un-obtained improvements like "strike skill target 1 additional enemy" prefix from hunter influence on gloves, ideally fingerless silk gloves with FIVE OTHER target affixes, t1 life, t1 flat ES or inc gloves ES (roughly same values), t1 chaos res t1 cold res and t2 dex suffixes or better 3 mod watcher's eye or some sort of crazy double block chance lethal pride location with some double damage chance notables nearby give this build room for improvement as built and goals for me going forward ADDITIONALLY room for modularity in many item slots and gem links while in inquisitor or otherwise, switch veng/riposte for warchief/protector totems, switch queens hunger and staff for crafted rares. Or as you've done go duelist sword/shield on a different wavelength with the same rough concept. Anyway there ya have it, inquisitor version of static strike + retal skill(s) not great, but in terms of numerical comparison my counter attacks each have roughly the same PoB damage as your lvl 30 reckoning, but my 6L static strike CoC probably has less damage then your 2+ million dps static strike, while its got chain support on at least. For being on standard it could do lots better but i built it so there's that influencing the outcome i guess. Last edited by ArcanicFlame#1719 on Apr 12, 2020, 5:01:14 AM
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" Hey! Thanks for leaving this here. Just woke up and stared about 20 minutes your guide and text, that need time to get in to it but what i got in my head looked really interesting and unique. I have tought samekind build someday back and its nice that people still want make theorycraft for static. 1 thing i didin't understand why use that queen's armour? Video was pretty fun watching -b Your guide deffinetly need some attention i can add it up to my front page if you just let me ofc down by your name. My reckoning shield was pretty fun but not got it's full potential.. I had some hard time to find out all solutions. Still thinking voidforge slayer is the best possible static strike what there is atm or coc cospri malice static. Your thing have big potential keep it up im gonna follow that! - maddingtonbear |
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" queens hunger harks back somewhat to choice i made on my 2nd character, a ground slam stun juggernaut using Tidebreaker.
I used Daresso's Defiance in that case to bring my onslaught up to 30% speeds at the risk of losing all my endurance charges when hit, i felt it was an off-pick that worked well with a build that easily countered that risky side-effect with CC uptime and blasphemy temp chains. It gave me armor, evasion, life, some attack dodge, phys life leech, and 10% increased speeds with onslaught and i felt it was a very niche pick that i could take to help me make that build with my personal perspective on it. Not hard unique to get also!
This was only marginally different from that case, difference being the stats i was looking for when i went looking for a chest to make the build with my own nuance, and the difficulty with which to acquire it. So the thinking behind picking queens hunger itself was a search for certain stats and effects i wanted to include in the build without getting too specific about crafted rares to get them or restrictions in other item slots, and i didn't care about which ones i got as long as i had some assortment of them. block (spell block prioritized) life ES utilizable non-leech & non-regen life/es recovery (i.e on block or something similar, but without using "the anvil" or a shield) all forms of speeds (or as many as feasible) AND MAYBE SOME ARMOR BUT THAT DIDN'T WORK OUT In the end queen's hunger at the time of legion was a very off-pick for me, as the offering uptime was really unreliable with the way offering skill duration worked then. Also the effect of offerings was inherently reduced by 25% from queen's hunger. BUT, it provided almost (R.I.P armor) EXACTLY those stats via offering's, wasn't too light on consistently provided stats EITHER, and even had some controllable modularity and linear progression in what's consistently provided via seeking ones with certain veiled mods you need. When i came back a few weeks before delirium was released, i had no question that i loved Queen's Hunger, except for that in partys your faster allies with corpse explosions going on kinda ruined it, so i started avoiding players with corpse explosion in their builds. Reasons: #1. the unique explicit stating "offerings have 25% reduced effect" was removed in blight, so now i could enjoy it even more, and the uptime issue inherent in offerings was resolved (minimum 5 second duration) #2. you (used to) have a 66% uptime on offerings that RECOVER LIFE OR ES (in large quantities too) #3. you (used to) have a 100% uptime on DESIRED statistics (R.I.P spirit offering being any good AT ALL) #4. you (used to) have a 33% uptime (33% chance) of being GRANTED roughly 1500 ES thats RECOVERED as it was granted, imagine having 0 ES left and maybe 1000 health out of 7k EHP and then suddenly your max ES goes up, making your max leech go up, and a buffer of ES shows up to carry you through, great feeling #5. it was a buff i eventually figured out how to provision corpses for passively with CWDT "Desecrate" to enable the trigger, keeping in theme with the concept of the build having a great deal of semi-passive action going on all in all, by my understanding of my utilization of it, prior to delirium nerfing "Spirit Offering" the following probably WAS true about "The Queen's Hunger": probably Best In Slot (BiS) for my variant of the build so now i still use it post-delirium nerf in the hopes i can convince GGG to buff queens hunger with half the value that was lost from spirit offering, but keep it calibrated so the minion builds don't end up with 30,000 ES on their minions if they take queen's hunger. edit: i'd love to have a link to my variant shared on your page if you'd care to have it! thank you for your interest it means a lot! Last edited by ArcanicFlame#1719 on Apr 12, 2020, 1:42:41 PM
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Thanks for the reply earlier! I used your advice to improve my character quite a lot! I'm able to do most yellow maps without an issue but its going to be tough starting reds. Any advice based on what I have put together so far?
https://pastebin.com/n56fk3DS My DPS is 1/10th whats in your PoB which I don't fully understand, and I'm very squishy for even yellow maps but I have better resists and total life. I have about 1ex right now I can spend on this build and maybe 5ex over the next week at my current rate. |
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" You got all gems? Ascendacys ? jewels? |
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Yeah, I have all of that. I spent an hour or so digging into it today with two PoBs side-by-side and I made a noob mistake of not comparing the "configuration" tabs to turn on all of the effective DPS options.
Here are my problems, starting at 171,000 DPS: 1) I had been using dash over phase run because I like it more and I can map faster. This puts my PoB DPS from 171k to 213k 2) I didn't have the eDPS options checked which goes from 213k to 558k 3) My helmet isn't abyssus which would put me at 840k 4) All of my other equipment if changed to your PoB including the one jewel would go from 840k to 1.48M. 5) Your PoB is level 100 which if I edit down to level 89 like me moves your DPS from 1.71M to 1.46M which matches what I got in 4). Okay, so now onto the problems; my build doesn't feel tanky enough now that I'm into reds. Me: ---- 4334 life Fire: 76% Cold: 76% Light: 66% Chaos: 46% Block: 67% You: ---- 3902 life Fire: 35% Cold: 76% Light: 11% Chaos: -60% Block: 76% I spent another 20 minutes trying to find this extra 11% block but its eluding me. Are you really okay with that little life and resists? In particular how are you running a level 19 CoDT? This takes 3142 damage to proc compared to your unreserved life pool of 3558. Last edited by idiotloser#0580 on Apr 13, 2020, 8:24:03 PM
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" Are you looking my endgame pob? Its only "picture" not like 100% what it should be, there is options what we should filled like some resistances etc. Can you link your pob or send it to me i can check it out. |
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Absolutely! Really appreciate it!
https://pastebin.com/RTE7inZJ |
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