Content Update 3.10.0 -- Path of Exile: Delirium

satanttin wrote:
dW2005 wrote:
satanttin wrote:
Thanks for nerfing minions.... great job.
really sad it's not really viable at higher tier maps any more. unless u have have a ton of currency and or play the best possible version of it. which is sad asf because i will never be that rich and love to making my own builds.

ugh well guess i will test out a wand build now <_< my favorite character rest in piece.

Well, lol, check this:

I made that grandpa last league in SSF and he was decent on regular T16 maps without bullshit mods like double curse triple damage etcetera. Not as facerolling as zombomancer, but quite decent for the "investment" of 6-socketing a crude bow and slapping it with a corrupted essence.
last league so what? not talking about that now am i xD play meanly ssf and a shit ton of minion builds never been a problem doing t16 maps :P
but with this nerf i wonder if i could still do t16 without it being slow as hell:')

well there is one thing u can do...learn no to spoil urself in a single build again and again and again in every league, learn diff build etc2 limiting urself to just 1 type of knowledge and build in every league doesnt make ur game experience great...just saying
POE in 2020
we have 10 acts!
Yes and after 10 acts?
we have...we have 10 acts!
OK and class ?
Nerfed to the ground !
but the end game ? :(
We have 10 acts !

R.i.p. chains of command builds we will miss you
Ratedetar wrote:
Other than the new shit you're introducing, these patch notes are just a bunch of nerfs. Where's the fun in that? Kind of brings down the hype for what was supposed to be a fun league.

Seriously, what's the fun in actually having to play the game, engage with the content, and semi attempt to min max gear to clear the hardest content instead of choosing "the" build and mindlessly facerolling everything.
Regarding repeated summoner nerf.
Killing summoner.
Never be forgiven.
I am not convinced.
Absolutely not allowed.
SunsEater wrote:

Yeah man, that's going boring already, they buffed so hard all monsters in the game, especially the bosses, and the game just run more hard than ever, and its felt like no build can do the end game, but when u see others with necro doing everything, u felt like u are doing something wrong. I really felt like this this league.

Yeah... Buffed bosses because top streamers (influencers) started to complain that the game is far too easy - they kill endgame bosses in seconds. Bosses should be buffed and top skills to be nerfed, to be sure that without 100ex+ investment you will not be able to kill any high level boss.
GGG prefers to keep pro-players and no-life farmers happy. So we have no real buffs to skills which almost do not appear in the meta (they will still suck), but we have nerf for skills that allowed casual players to have access to the end-content.
Last edited by Mark__75#7141 on Mar 11, 2020, 7:38:55 PM
Dearest GGG,

Re: Unwarranted nerfs to spectres.

1) Raising level to 25 before you can summon a 3rd spectre. 2) Lowering the monster level of raised spectres at max gem level. Possible 3) Direct nerfs to monsters raised as spectres: "Several Spectres that were dealing damage far above others have been toned down."

Every change has both intended and unintended consequences. I'd like to mention the unintended consequences of the nerfs to spectres. Spectres--as a main damage dealing skill--have been made unviable for any class other than Necromancers. They *can* still be used by other classes and ascendancies as a support. But gone are my dreams of a Champion Impale spectre build, alas. I'm sure others have different dreams for non-Necro spectre builds that have been quashed. This goes against your professed intent of fostering greater build diversity. You are narrowing the design space. Shame on you, GGG.

Prior to these nerfs, spectres could be made to be quite powerful with investment but not obscenely powerful like zombie and skeleton builds, Savior double strike builds, cyclone CoC/CwC volatile/detonate dead builds, or any of the dozen ridiculous stat-stacking builds out there. Your response was out of proportion to the size of the problem. Additionally, you mis-identify the source of the problem as belonging to the spectres and the Raise Spectre skill gem instead of originating in the Necromancer ascendency. The real source is OP ascendency nodes, most notoriously Unnatural Strength (Commander of Darkness also contributes strongly to the OPness--even more so now that you've buffed it).

Unnatural Strength is so overpowered for any damage-dealing spectre build (and any other minion build, for that matter) that it has become mandatory. Ergo, no more spectre builds from any other class. Please tell me, how is this a good thing? I originally thought Unnatural Strength was great; it made for excellent spectres, after all. I now think it is garbage: First, it's f****** boring. Second, it does not even fit the Necro's idiom. Necromancers raise the dead, so whyTF do they get +2 to levels of Animate Weapon, Skitterbots, Golems, and so forth? 3) It is disproportionately overpowered.

GGG, please have a good think on this. Please restore spectres to their former glory and replace Unnatural Strength with an appropriately powered ascendency node that is interesting and actually fits within the Necromancer's oeuvre.


Last edited by corpsehound#3015 on Mar 11, 2020, 8:10:44 PM
the atlas change in 3.9 was an imposition. fiddly, annoying, highly unfinished, buggy, uninspired. and after the latest patchnotes i think ggg is losing control.

just look at the spitefulness in the forums towards people who lost their favorite summoner build. look at the streamers in their apish gaming chairs calling for heavy nerfs. i don´t like those vibrations and i think ggg is responsible for that. it´s not a game anymore. it´s a reform school.
I invest so much money in game, and now game is in the state which i dont accept. No one give me a refund. Next anti-consumer strategy.
GGG you need to just stop nerfing things every league, it's starting to piss us off that every single league you just destroy the game.

Make NEW stuff, don't spend 100% of your time destroying stuff.

We want zero changes to class/skills for a LONG time to come, not changes every league. Make no changes to classes for at least a year, you've destroyed enough.

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