Delirium Challenge Rewards

Hmmm? Two back attachments? Why?
hmmm no

on top of not liking the direction that some of the game is taking, those things are definitely no incentive to play in Delirium league for sure.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Wheres the portal?! we want the mirror like delirum portal it looks so nice!
Eh, not hyped at all about those rewards. :(
The random red Wings I got from the demonic mystery box is the ugliest mtx I own. Not for much longer.
What is wrong with some of these kids!

Complaining about the FREE game giving away FREE stuff #brats
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Look rather underwhelming..

Horns - Too small, dont fit with really any Cosmetic Set
Cloak - Looks rather weirds with those tentacles straight down, dunno
Wings - Look way too bulky and stiff

Have a feeling there could be much better looking and fitting cosmetics for the Delirium League.
I like it.
Is it crossbow or is it assault rifle?
damn wings looks pretty neat!
too bad i doubt i would get 36 challenges though x'D maybe time for a trade league and just buy the challenges like most people do to get em challenges lool
"Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thank me:) i'm dying to find out x'D

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