Corona virus

For what it's worth, I personally DO NOT want our government to step in. I want the reality deniers to start doing the right thing for all of us, but they won't.
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The_Impeacher wrote:
For what it's worth, I personally DO NOT want our government to step in. I want the reality deniers to start doing the right thing for all of us, but they won't.

Your exaggerated emotional responses filled with dichotomy based thinking isn't helping anybody.

Ever convinced somebody when you started out with branding them as an "other"?

All in all a solid "well played good game no re" seems in order when considering your strategy of communication.

If you don't have the patience to change people's mind then don't.



Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
The_Impeacher wrote:
The essential workers are real life heroes.

I'm considered an essential worker (my workplace provides gas to the Police and Fire Department), so now that I've stopped sneezing all over the place, I'm back at work and will continue to work through the lockdown.

I don't really think of myself as heroic though. I consider myself to be one of the lucky ones. So many people are losing jobs and income because of the lockdown, but I'll continue to be working full-time and be paid for it. It's actually very lucky for me, as I'd just had to take five weeks off for health reasons, and was getting very low on funds.

Last edited by LennyLen on Mar 23, 2020, 7:26:17 PM
The_Impeacher wrote:
Canada will have to do it to save us from the reality deniers among us.

Calling them reality deniers is kinda off. For the most part, they aren't denying reality (not the ones in this thread at least). They do tend to downplay the seriousness of the situation, but ultimately that doesn't matter as it isn't the cause or basis of their objections.

The real basis of their objections seems to be that they're just your garden variety fundamentalist libertarians. Their reaction would likely be comparable even if this was a major natural disaster or even military operation. It doesn't matter what the threat is, they simply prioritize liberty and FREEEEDDDDOOOOMMM! above all else. They hate govt. and wouldn't approve of ceding any amount of power to it for any amount of time under virtually any circumstances. If several thousand (or many more) people die, so be it. What matter most is the principle - protect liberty at all costs, no compromise and no exceptions.

In a sense, it's similar to dealing with a religious fundamentalist, in that they too are driven by an overarching and unbending principle. Arguing with them from a utilitarian perspective is useless - utilitarianism is about balancing between different approaches to achieve maximum human flourishing, but you can't balance between ideas that're seen as inviolable and inflexible.
Last edited by Exile009 on Mar 23, 2020, 7:36:34 PM

That's a pretty good run down of first/second and third order chain of events.

I would recommend to watch it if your in the "why do we need a quarantine for this" camp, specifically discusses the US situation.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

Every cashier is a god damn legend right now.

Werd! You couldnt pay me $200 an hour to work retail right now. With the idiots stocking toilet paper when a gallon of bleach some water and a wash cloth works even better, for months.. I'd literally punch them in the face...not to mention the interactions w/o N95 masks. I'm not a total idiot about risks and retail clerks succumb to the worst besides health care professionals.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Mar 23, 2020, 10:23:38 PM
Aim_Deep wrote:

Werd! You couldnt pay me $200 an hour to work retail right now. With the idiots stocking toilet paper when a gallon of bleach some water and a wash cloth works even better, for months.. I'd literally punch them in the face...not to mention the interactions w/o N95 masks. I'm not a total idiot about risks and retail clerks succumb to the worst besides health care professionals.

Yeah man and sadly... most companies probably won't even offer their staff a bonus coin for standing up.

"Well you came in, and that's what we pay you for, so, thanks for not quitting."

Maybe 'life after carona' will see employees treated differently.
Maybe even a minimum wage increase for all those champions who barely scrape by being able to pay rent/bills/food and just flounder around never being able to get their head above water.

But that's a dream, and one that should be shared together.

The cost of everything will go up due to supply/demand.
Just wait until you see the price of fuel btw. The people of the gutters will just feel the boot of the gov press down harder without even meaning to.

Power concedes nothing. Employees must demand it. It's too bad employees sell themselves out on average. I mean underwater welders make $200 an hour cuz it's hella dangerous.... regular welder make $35-50. It's time retail comes to recognizing the danger IMO.
Git R Dun!
^It's stupid to think employers decide payments of employees, that's not how the market operates.

The error in thinking occurs when people in general value somebody based on their income level.
The market demanding a cashier to be payed a relative low amount to a high skill profession is not a problem.

People passing intrinsic value judgements based on the pricing system is however, stupid.

The only thing your monthly wage conveys to you is the amount of people that can replace you tomorrow, the lower it is the more people are capable of doing so.

None of this means that they don't deserve respect as people.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

This is not behind a paywall, so you all can read it. And you should. It's oddly entertaining and candid. I feel like I'm reading a human's guide to how to win Plague, Inc. Viruses are fascinating and merciless but also banal and mindless.

I get that you might feel WaPo is left leaning and against your ideology, but that doesn't mean their every article has an agenda. Look past that and read about what makes Covid-19 so different to its forebears and relatives, in both good and bad ways. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
^It's just blatantly infantile to think of the world as a power dichotomy.

and i also dont think a discussion on that is relevant to this thread.
People probably join it to read corona updates or general info, not to get some 1970's philosophy based on marx class struggle theory that had been debunked over and over previously.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes

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