Corona virus

The_Impeacher wrote:
You actually believe what the Russian government reports out?

Edit: Of course you do.

Looks like my implication it's a Russian bot wasn't far from the truth. Its every post is about Russia now. Glory to the Motherland and fucking bears is good for immune system da.

Also, glad you stuck around. Let's not let the terrorists win.

Speaking of your people, I'm damn glad to see Canada pulled out of the doomed olympics. I'm really hoping they're the first domino. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
lol countries like Iran, China, Russia and Turkey will lie about this without breaking a sweat. Turkey definitely lied and tried to conceal its cases until they simply couldn't anymore.
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Mar 23, 2020, 1:40:08 AM

Looks like my implication it's a Russian bot wasn't far from the truth. Its every post is about Russia now. Glory to the Motherland and fucking bears is good for immune system da.

Hey, it pays the bills, I made enough to stock up on hand sanitizer and flip my bot pay several times over.

Even got a free T-shirt out of the deal:

Q: What happens before each press conference? What do you do as a group?

A: We're in the task force. We sit down for an hour and a half, go over all the issues on the agenda. And then we proceed from there to an ante room right in front of the Oval Office to talk about what are going to be the messages, what are the kind of things we're going to want to emphasize? Then we go in to see the president, we present [our consensus] to him and somebody writes a speech. Then he gets up and ad libs on his speech. And then we're up there to try and answer questions.

This is an incredible interview. You know shit is bad when the current POTUS keeps such an obvious expert around, allows the man to outright contradict him moments after each ad libbed speech...and doesn't fire him in a fit of anti-intellectual pique. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Isn't it funny how the "Xenophobic" countries seem to be less impacted by the coronavirus?

Looks like Vic is doing what needs to be done in Hungary. I'm talking about a man who actually built a fucking wall and secured a border, and didn't just talk about doing it.
Russia aiding Italy dealing with the Corona situation.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour.
New Zealand in full lockdown according to Euronews.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE turned into a ratrace for the most div/hour. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
I don't see any canned food, this dragon gonna die
Naw, he'll just fly out now and then and eat some schoolchildren in Australia. Close enough to hobbits. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.

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