Corona virus

The_Impeacher wrote:
I believe that those of us who do take it seriously will be okay. Staying separated from the deniers is the new way going forward!

Having said that, I have to go finish the job I began yesterday at a house where the two occupants were coughing and going on about "Trudeau and his propaganda." We have them here too and I am indeed in danger.

Funny you'd bring him up. He has a rather early-career cameo in that fucked up Netflix docco 'Don't f**k with cats' that I finally watched. What a baby-face he was before that beard.

Stay safe. -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
500 people died just yesterday in Italy. that's messed up
Whats messed up is that toilet paper finally found its place on the media. Some higher ups needed to assure people that there is enough stocked up for years to come.

For once I am thankful.
Related to that, I also found out why these runs (haha) have lasted longer than they really should here in Australia: we have a law, pretty much nationwide, that states loading docks at supermarkets can only be used during daily business hours. This minimises traffic and noise pollution in the area, as loading docks are typically attended by big trucks.

Queensland has recently scrapped that law to ensure trucks can arrive and unload 24/7, and I hope the other states follow suit.

Funny the knock-on effects Covid-19 keeps having. Who'd ever think a 'super-flu' would bring to significance loading dock restrictions? -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Boem wrote:
Your woefully ignoring that people elected that governor to his position.
Because no famous fascist was ever legitimately elected into office. Oh wait, nevermind, yes they have.
Boem wrote:
The current situation is interesting exactly because it makes a liberal society act like a totalitarian regime <snip>

I think thats a beautifull thing
You turn the screws
It's what you choose to do
You think that I
Must turn then too

You think that I
Must be so satisfied
I stay inside
I wonder why

— Cake, "Prolonging the Magic"
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Mar 19, 2020, 12:18:55 PM
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Boem wrote:
Your woefully ignoring that people elected that governor to his position.
Because no famous fascist was ever legitimately elected into office. Oh wait, nevermind, yes they have.

I didn't think you were of the "trump is literally hitler" crowd.

The problem is not ellecting totalitarian people into office, the problem is allowing them to stay there.
That's what happened in germany because they had a "black sheep" to dispose off and focus anger out on.

It's a lot more difficult for goverments to get away with such behavior in a world as connected as we are.

The closest we have seen to dangers in that direction over the past century was the "down with the rich" crowd, which exhibited every behavior pattern the germans had prior to exposing of the jews under the same banner of "ill-gained wealth" the jews were famously into the banking industry in germany and very on their own culturaly, easy targets.

We aren't in a "post-war" depression like germany and there also isn't a black sheep scenario with a virus, neither is it possible to solidly falsely create such a story because of information distribution.

Your leaning to hard on the angle is what i said, i didn't say one shouldn't consider it.



edit : not gonna respond to the second quote because it isn't worth responding to a missrepresentation.

I've read road to serfdom and other relevant works on these things, im not ignorant of the dangers, your leaning to hard on one side which also isn't beneficial to society as a whole.

True liberty is chaos while rigid rules is death, a good society balances out both.
Trading safety against freedom is also a free market good, keeping taps of the lines and making sure it doesnt go to far in either direction is what a good citizen should do.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Last edited by Boem on Mar 19, 2020, 12:25:33 PM
Boem wrote:
ScrotieMcB wrote:
Boem wrote:
Your woefully ignoring that people elected that governor to his position.
Because no famous fascist was ever legitimately elected into office. Oh wait, nevermind, yes they have.
I didn't think you were of the "trump is literally hitler" crowd.

No, I'm more of the "Hitler was literally Hitler" persuasion.
Boem wrote:
That's what happened in germany because they had a "black sheep" to dispose off and focus anger out on.

It's a lot more difficult for goverments to get away with such behavior in a world as connected as we are.
Yes, because when I think of modern inventions that make scapegoating impossible, the first thing that comes to mind is Twitter. /S
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB on Mar 19, 2020, 12:27:12 PM
So whats your point, hitler is death, crisis averted.

either you believe somebody currently has the potential to do what he did with the current powers being utilized to safegaurd society or you don't and it's a non-issue.

So either point to the person your talking about or start looking at reality and realize society's have always granted away freedom in times of crisis and bounced back after that or took back what they desired.

You need specific conditions to achieve what your talking about, which aren't realistic currently.


Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
A bunch of guys in Turkey decided to drink "special" alcohol to protect themselves from the virus. Hours later, 15 of them are dead and 60 are in serious condition proving once again that no outside threat beats human stupidity.
This is one time where I wish my position was not considered "essential personnel" and belonging to the emergency response team. Not to say that I am unconcerned, I am just not at the level of stocking up on a lifetime supply of toilet paper concerned. So much is going on at work, everyone is hovering over the panic button. Things are evolving at a rapid pace though and we are getting a few memorandums a day advising limiting contact, cleaning work spaces, logging activities when travelling, restricting access to the facility, etc.

I believe their reason for wanting to log travel activities is so that if one of us does catch it that they are able to trace it's origins and pinpoint others that may have come into contact to assist in quarantining and preventing the spread further. We've been given the go ahead to order emergency supplies for santizers, N95 masks and other necessary equipment.

The sad part is that if I were to develop symptoms along with my fellow coworkers, it would likely result with all of us quarantining at the workplace rather than at home. While every person and position in an organization is replaceable my position is not one that is easily replaceable. So if I do come down with the virus and succumb to its affects I will have died uncomfortably on a hurricane cot while munching on some MREs. Not the way I would have wanted to go but it could be worse I suppose.

When I am off the clock I am typically at my house anyway but recently I have had to move out because my home is set to be demolished and a new one built in it's place. Unfortunately the place I am currently staying in the interim has no access to internet. That means no Path of Exile for me! Sad.
Sound the dread alarm, through the primal body! Sound the reveille, to be or not to be. Rise! Stay the grand finale! Stay the reading of our swan song and epilogue. One drive to stay alive! Elementary, muster every fiber. Mobilize! Stay alive!

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