Path of Exile: Delirium Teasers

lol blight just was. now you add it to zana mod for 8c :D
we all encountered random encounter from her. its pure bs what she gives. and you put 8c price tag to get rng out of it. summer is coming
are you trying to make thing out of it " how to lose playerbase" ? this is how you do it :D lowering price to 2c even that wont help :D rewards still stay same.

lol i cheked couple streamers for some minutes. they do who can reach faster to act 10 and to maping :D and people give them moneys doing it :D im like what seirusly :D:D:D:D:D:D:DD::DD:D: i thinked more people give money to streamer . streamer gets welcome pack from ggg. as this 8c blight. they can run it first. and i can see them doing it :D how much burn ggg recives :D 8c blight map any tier :D:D:D:D:DD::DD:D:D:D the loot you recive must be like godtier or something or something. it doesnt make any sense. remove nemesis add inpsired learning stonk the price :D what i missed. did this creator catched coronoa or something ? its ner there. give more. make us play this game so we wont leave homes to get infected or infect others. but instead you make us come there and butt thing to you verbal... verbal butt hurt ? doesnt work. LOL
fk archnemesis.
8c for blight? is that a single instance of it? if so thats.....terrible. literally horrible.

make it 6c for 2 instances and i'll pay it all day long.
TheGodAmongMen wrote:
Eyyze wrote:
there are 280 new notables, ppl have seen a couple and already talking how bad it is and weak, stop complaining and wait to see whats really coming lol

It's not that they're bad, just most of them arent worth the travel is all.
But they explained why some look more meh than othera

This is what I'm getting so far.

They're decent, but they arent any better (so far) than whats on the tree, so i might as well save 3-4 travel points (to initial socket) and allocate from tree.

So far the only one that i might use is the unique large one to provide more regular jewel sockets which is a bit more efficient than getting them on the tree.

It's not going to be as interesting as legion jewels, that's for sure.
WyrdDarcnyzz wrote:
immanuel_aj wrote:

Thanks, I'll have a look into it! I'm pretty sure I'm only getting like 1 chaos orb every 2-3 maps.

Oh dude, you need to be keeping your unidentified rares with ilvl 65 or higher, full sets get you 2c just from vendoring them.

I was, but I wasn't getting enough jewellery. Then ilvl 75 or higher started dropping so I thought I'd try doing Regal Orbs, but it turns out they're only worth like 0.25 to 0.5 Chaos each!?! Learning curve on this game is really long.
SenchuTen wrote:
No nemesis ....

Still have Perandus. Good luck. I'll be farming the piss out of it.
PC : SqueakyToyOfTerror
XB : R3SPAWN#7045
Discord : R3SPAWN
Even as someone who finds it relatively easy to make currency from trading and constantly gets HH.... 8c for blight is way too much! and will prevent casual players from farming oils = oils will be really expensive this league lol
I have three phones, Blizzard. Three f***ing phones.
Last edited by MaxEXA#3557 on Mar 9, 2020, 12:23:49 AM
Delirium = loot explosion so even 10c for blight would be ok.
I think 8c for blight is fine.
You have a chance to get a blighted map (aka jackpot) in every encounter after it went to core and they made at least one blight branch a guarantee.
xssarinx wrote:
SenchuTen wrote:
No nemesis ....

Headhunter = 1 mirror

I predict headhunter will reach the highest prices ever before! 250ex incoming!

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