Path of Exile: Delirium Teasers

SuperDrop wrote:
Bullsat2 wrote:
SuperDrop wrote:
oy ggg nice armor life bufing on mobs on metarmorph. i mean past this 2 days or 4 you have buffed up hp and armor on mosters. nice job fkn nice job..

i havent changed anything on my build. feel it feel it.

this is some sort of opening for delirum ?

like seriusly. you want us play in group. but how. explain how i suppose to play in group if everything is made for players who are without any life at all in this game.

i think its better to enoyoy the game by buying from dumb and fliping for profit. fak gameplay, like seirusly what the ffffffff

supporter pack bois. you dont play the game. ggg plays you.

Ye pretty sure nothing have changed at all, youre just doing something wrong or running bad maps... - i just went on again and nothing have changed since i last played 1 month ago, still same hp, and armour on mods. Dont just complain for no reason.

As others are saying IF they woulda made a change like that, 1 it wouldnt be at the end of a league, and 2 they wouldnt ninja fix it, they would make a post of it because it would be something major.

So far youre just complaining for no reason.

right on. full shaped gear with shaped headhunter. yes i managed it. invested back to damage with ailments. and it sloved it on tier 10 map. 200k tooltip for lightinng arrow.
yet again ggg dont need to post pathcnote to say people something was changed. its seems they want buff it up bit more taht those new jewels seem op but it actualy seems all the same what you already have. they never give us things wich make us powerful. they give us hope to be powerful and when we get it. players will be using it. and it gets nerfed because too much players using it. and they dont like it. they want players have diversity. but it causes more pain .full shaped gear must be op as fak. but it isnt with any bow any its means full shaped ignores chaos res. but it doesnt ignore much.everyone who are playing with full shaped build knows it it feels wrong. way too wrong prices and rolling desired gear is just bs .. i thinked if i have all decent shaped gear i dont need to look further for more but i was so wrong so wrong. it cant be me. this game just sucks. want follow up gear. ask it. please.

thank you.

private profile X'D
I wish those map mods weren't so expensive to use. How can anyone but the best players afford to use them map after map? I haven't even reached t11-t16 maps yet because I don't play that often. Can't they scale the cost based on the tier of the map instead?
immanuel_aj wrote:
I wish those map mods weren't so expensive to use. How can anyone but the best players afford to use them map after map? I haven't even reached t11-t16 maps yet because I don't play that often. Can't they scale the cost based on the tier of the map instead?

The cost is justified by the returns man, I play hardcore league on xbox and I could spam legion constantly. If you're not blowing currency on shit you dont need you can afford those costs.

Not a hit on you, but once you learn to be efficient it comes easier.
I work full time and have kids and I still managed world first awakener kill in hc console/world first awakener 8 kill in hc console
immanuel_aj wrote:
I wish those map mods weren't so expensive to use. How can anyone but the best players afford to use them map after map? I haven't even reached t11-t16 maps yet because I don't play that often. Can't they scale the cost based on the tier of the map instead?

Should be able to sustain the costs just from vendor recipes to be honest ... chaos recipe as an example.
I wait When 20c will cost Metha in next league xD
New league seems it's gonna be great. Really excited for it.
Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
nerdstomperx wrote:

private profile X'D

[Removed by Support]

but here you go.

post shows bow is elder but infact it shows ingame shaped/elder- bug. well its ggg you knw
fk archnemesis.
Last edited by Clint#0000 on Mar 8, 2020, 6:57:39 PM

to the moderator who removes dipsit but wont remove f words or anyother curses on forums but just wich is releveant.
maybe you could edit game to be more easyer so people just wont post sits or give theyr feedback wich you asked for. calling names ? tos. hmmm you drunk ? go forum search and write any curse word. and look yourself from mirror. and now i realize why people use reddit instead of this forum. here is just bunch of mormonic personalities. or how you call them. i wont. i ignore them.

edit: nice job on blight 8c xD lol getting better each year hahahahahah fail
edit2: hell nobody will in his livable life wich is left till he catch this virus would never ever use chaos orb vendor reciep. botters do that. but seriusly we are human beings for love of god. when you stop this nosense . it makes me laught now hahahahaha

edit 3. well. im sry. im gettin angry all the changes, i cant keep up anymore. i cant enyoy game any longer. i must go hell and back to just play it. nn voculabry and in game speech eg trade., i end my day i come out of afk status look my trades and meh. contiune my 100 maps some more and some more. was it worth. borrowing my buddyes gear and currency to make all of it for to enoyi it all. no it wasnt. il might stop watching those dumb streamers and youtubers bcs they spread false information of builds how they work. maybe they show they work with ediditng tools. but they dont work. its streamers fault that game sucks. for sure because ggg doesnt take any word for it. thanks for dash wich just added new socket of gem wich i cant afford lol
fk archnemesis.
Last edited by SuperDrop#0420 on Mar 8, 2020, 7:31:53 PM
TheGodAmongMen wrote:
immanuel_aj wrote:
I wish those map mods weren't so expensive to use. How can anyone but the best players afford to use them map after map? I haven't even reached t11-t16 maps yet because I don't play that often. Can't they scale the cost based on the tier of the map instead?

The cost is justified by the returns man, I play hardcore league on xbox and I could spam legion constantly. If you're not blowing currency on shit you dont need you can afford those costs.

Not a hit on you, but once you learn to be efficient it comes easier.
I work full time and have kids and I still managed world first awakener kill in hc console/world first awakener 8 kill in hc console

Thanks, I'll have a look into it! I'm pretty sure I'm only getting like 1 chaos orb every 2-3 maps.
immanuel_aj wrote:
TheGodAmongMen wrote:
immanuel_aj wrote:
I wish those map mods weren't so expensive to use. How can anyone but the best players afford to use them map after map? I haven't even reached t11-t16 maps yet because I don't play that often. Can't they scale the cost based on the tier of the map instead?

The cost is justified by the returns man, I play hardcore league on xbox and I could spam legion constantly. If you're not blowing currency on shit you dont need you can afford those costs.

Not a hit on you, but once you learn to be efficient it comes easier.
I work full time and have kids and I still managed world first awakener kill in hc console/world first awakener 8 kill in hc console

Thanks, I'll have a look into it! I'm pretty sure I'm only getting like 1 chaos orb every 2-3 maps.

Oh dude, you need to be keeping your unidentified rares with ilvl 65 or higher, full sets get you 2c just from vendoring them.

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