Can't wait for maninerfsto
Posted byUniversalis#5776on Mar 6, 2020, 11:51:11 AM
Bex_GGG wrote:
Path of Exile: Delirium introduces a (free) feature that randomises your portals!
will GGG do this? or the same done?

Posted bym1k3g0_1#3963on Mar 6, 2020, 12:12:58 PM
"Here's an example of what a small rare Cluster Jewel can do!" i would re roll that shit tbh.
"Now all that's left is for you getting on your knees."
if you know thank me:) i'm dying to find out x'D
Posted bysatanttin#4601on Mar 6, 2020, 5:00:02 PM
The new jewel seems nice if you are a block typ character. But it is still gated behind 2 trash nodes and the loss of an jewel socket which can give you maybe more then 30 hp, defences and on top of that resistance or other buffs. And then you still have to invest in the passives to get to those...
So if you weight in all the cost that is requiered to get to use those jewels they are hughly underwhelming...
Posted bySenchuTen#6461on Mar 6, 2020, 5:15:21 PM
Tier2 wrote:
Thesuffering wrote:
ASpiRingFX wrote:
Thx for the new league and content after 8k hours sorry to say i want new skills new uniques items to make new builds ~ doesnt matter wat league its the same content same old same old i like to theory craft builds with game changing build enabling mechanics for me personally this is the best thing about POE, these new nodes arnt that exciting tbh they are not game changing for me thats just time wasted in a new league that doesnt stand out... I may be a little biased as last league my entire progress reset including all my watchstones and awakener lvl vanished so i was disgusted to say the less. Im just speaking my mind here if u havent come close to 8000 hrs u wouldnt understand how stale the game has gotten. Thankyou for reading
I am thinking of a mana based build this time. That new archmage support looks very interesting to me because that shield last season wasnt enough to offset the damage loss for going that way. I've tried several pure mana builds but none of them worked. Hoping this time it does the trick with that gem.
The problem with most mana based builds is that the base manaregen in poe (1,75% if iam not wrong) is a joke and there is not mutch you can do to increase that ( you can skill about20% hp regen in passiv tree but only 0.5% base manareg ( pure talent) + about 160% increased mana reg . also the removal of mana leech for spells adds to the fact that mana sustain based only on mana reg and falsk isnt that attractive to me. the new archmage support, if its a global dmg bonus like innervate or arcane surge may be useful on a support skill... but in the skill showcase with arc was cleary seen that he spammed his manaflask about 3 times in 2sec and still was out of mana all the time.
These mana based builds, and with the new mana based skills will open up new and fresh game play and in addition they are longly sort after there game changing in ways that dont excite me personally but what gets me frothing would be items like this ~ Chain Hook Axe expels multiple chains can be used with multiple projectiles physical based and would hopefully have nodes in the tree just for this skill ... just 1 example
At the end of the day this is just my opinion but fresh new items that can be built around that offer new play styles would be fricken amazing
Posted byASpiRingFX#1633on Mar 6, 2020, 5:16:23 PM
Empyrean Bliss:
7% block, 26 life, 16 chaos res, 10% dmg for 6 points
Very underwhelming
Posted bySnoofo#2954on Mar 6, 2020, 6:47:34 PM
Devoan93 wrote:
I am not a speed clearer but want to adress the fact that your argument is wrong. You do not take into account that speed clearers also drive down prices by accumulating and selling items /currency. Ill try to explain it further with an example. Lets say i am a speed clearer so i play 1 hour and get 500 chaos equivalent of items and currency. Someone else only get 50 chaos-eq. When I buy an item for 450 c then my 450 c goes to Another player. This player might now want to convert all the c to fusings. Driving up the prices of fusings which potentially benefits the guy who just collected 50c (if some were fusings and not chaos).
The logic is that without currency speed farmers would make then there would likely be less available HH on the market. This would also drive up the prices.
Conclusively: The rich player = expensive market is false. The truth is high demand/low supply = expensive (only accessible to rich players) low demand/high supply = cheap (accessible to everyone). Without productive players there would just be less expensive (high demand /low supply) items. These items would still be owned by the richest players.
I hope this makes you understand economics better as a whole. Someone being rich does not make you more poor in POE nor in Life. It does not make things more expensive as the wealth is likely a consequence of providing value to the market (unless it is due to scamming etc). This is especially true in POE since you always need to sell a lot if you want to accumulate currency.
On that note, those who actually do drive up prices are people innefficient with crafting or people who only buy but never sell. This goes regardless of how wealthy the player is. The reason being that they drain value from the economy without adding to it. An example of this is that exalted orbs are cheaper now without multimodding.This makes HH more accessible to everyone as a consequence by driving down the chaos value. However, it is not certain as it might also drive up the HH value (in exalts). There is almost always another side of the coin in economics.
I am aware of the fact that there are many more factors involved, from what i understand bots farming chaos recipes is one of the biggest problems, since they flood the market with chaos orbs and therefore crash the price of the currency that even new or casual players can and do reliably farm.
However - and I might not have expressed this well enough - i was talking about the most chased and rarest items, like headhunter itself. The prices of those items will always be dictated by what the richest of players can pay.
Posted byxxWolf#7174on Mar 6, 2020, 6:47:58 PM
Snoofo wrote:
Empyrean Bliss:
7% block, 26 life, 16 chaos res, 10% dmg for 6 points
Very underwhelming
ALSO the jewel you could put in instead. Thats a cost for the cluster-jewel you have to count in aswell.
Posted bySenchuTen#6461on Mar 6, 2020, 6:54:34 PM
SenchuTen wrote:
The new jewel seems nice if you are a block typ character. But it is still gated behind 2 trash nodes and the loss of an jewel socket which can give you maybe more then 30 hp, defences and on top of that resistance or other buffs. And then you still have to invest in the passives to get to those...
So if you weight in all the cost that is requiered to get to use those jewels they are hughly underwhelming...
Seems to only fit a few builds that look to use uniques like Lioneye's Reomorse or Aegis AUrora that have multiple D stats that get bumped. Base Armor/Shield/Evade and block and block recovery all get bumped. Seems like GG rare shields have only one strong defense and maybe one low level block or other defnese. Ohter stats for GG tend to be typical high life/high rez so they don't get much boost from this notable. Have to wait for POB update to plug in a Lioneys's or GG rare and see what the impact is.
Last edited by Stubby83#4195 on Mar 6, 2020, 7:05:57 PM
Posted byStubby83#4195on Mar 6, 2020, 7:05:37 PM
empyreal bliss seems ok for es stacking + block builds. It is a lot of investment for a defensive node but if it blocks cap you and nets you some good flat es and whatever it's probably justifiable. Imho the jewel proposed has not the ideal rolls either.
Last edited by galuf#4435 on Mar 6, 2020, 7:23:37 PM
Posted bygaluf#4435on Mar 6, 2020, 7:21:25 PM