Wolcen Hype Release!

Just bought it now before it get's the announced price hike in a few days...

... so what should i say, watched the D4 demo and the POE2 preview, and Wolcen looks already now more next gen than the other two.
Seems like Cryengine was the perfect choice!

I hope they produce continuously content and i also hope they don't sell their IP to tencent later.
- Best Signature Ever -
BestUsernameEver wrote:
watched the D4 demo and the POE2 preview, and Wolcen looks already now more next gen than the other two.
Seems like Cryengine was the perfect choice!

Wolcen was always the best looking game. That was never people's problem with it. The real question is - how much actual (and interesting) content are you getting for your money? Amazing graphics isn't even what the ARPG genre itself is known for - that's the preserve of first and third person shooters (like, well, the Crysis games), RPGs and action-adventure games instead.
Just played through the first act which only lowered my anticipation levels for the release - small linear boring zones with small packs of identical monsters you can kill with auto attacks and bosses that require almost no effort to defeat. It looks good but plays like a game made 20 years ago. Absolutely nothing new or interesting.

And the full game will be 2 more acts of this tedium and then and endgame based on wandering around the same small boring linear zones? Glad I only paid $15 for this a few years back, it's hardly evolved since then. I pity anyone picking this up for the current or even higher future price.
Last edited by Randall#0850 on Feb 9, 2020, 9:42:53 AM
From what i've seen now, i don't think it'll have any problems with content or interesting game mechanics on release.

If Wolcen studio manages also to implement something like a coop friendly Greater Rifts then i'm entirely sold if it comes to Wolcen.

- Best Signature Ever -
Can't wait for this, bought it ages ago.
Next weekend is a long weekend for me ;)
~ There are spectacular moments.
RandallPOE wrote:
Just played through the first act which only lowered my anticipation levels small linear boring zones with small packs of identical monsters you can kill with auto attacks and bosses that require almost no effort to defeat.

SAD...! The GAEM looked very GOOD!
I'm gonna buy it simply because its something new, and its only 30 bucks. If I can get a month or 2 of gameplay out of it, I'll consider that worth.

But there are a lot of red flags to me. It seems to have D3 vanilla itemization. Looks like mostly stat sticks for everything. I mean thats ok, but it also seems to also have another d3 vanilla issue: No seasons. So stat sticks and no economy wipe is bad news; one of the main things I think hurt D3 vanilla the most.

The fact its been in development/early access for like 7 or 8 years now, and there is/was still only 1 playable act. I know they are releasing a ton of content on release, but thats a bit sketchy to me. I have a feeling there is going to be serious balance/bug/performance issues. Just reading the forums, it seems like the 1 act they got still has issues.

The price hike. Just pumping it up to 45 bucks on release just honestly annoys me. I wouldnt care that much if the game hadn't been in Early Access for over half a decade, or had more than 1 act to test during that time, etc. Dump it, charge 45 bucks, cash in.

Microtransaction shop on top of base price. I know it probably wont have items(I hope), but it better not make in-game items look worse like PoE does, just to sell more cosmetics. I can at least understand PoE's motive, since their game is free. But if I pay 45 bucks and my guy looks like hes wearing tin cans but a 40 dollar armor set is better, that'll tick me off.

Easy. It looks piss easy. Like, it looks like D3, with PoE combat. I'm worried its gonna be a mish-mash of both games, but somehow miss the mark on what makes both games good in their own right. I think a mix of both games would be really good; if you get some of what makes both games great. And what I mean is, it looks like D3 without wallers/beams/mortars/etc. So it looks like weaker D3 combat, and then it has none of the itemization/etc that PoE has. It almost comes off as a worse vanilla D3 with more "depth." But what is depth if nothing is difficult to do? If you could take all PoE's positives, and put them into a D3 combat engine, that would be a good game. This one SEEMS like thats what it tried to do, but I'm really getting the feeling they missed the mark.

Now again, I'm gonna buy it. I'm not gonna spoil anything playing 1 act, and I might be 100% off-base. But from looking at it, thats what it seems to me. I'm gonna wait until the last day of the 30 bucks, just incase something happens and I still have a return window.

But I'm hoping for the best. I want something new.
Exile009 wrote:
BestUsernameEver wrote:
watched the D4 demo and the POE2 preview, and Wolcen looks already now more next gen than the other two.
Seems like Cryengine was the perfect choice!

Wolcen was always the best looking game. That was never people's problem with it. The real question is - how much actual (and interesting) content are you getting for your money? Amazing graphics isn't even what the ARPG genre itself is known for - that's the preserve of first and third person shooters (like, well, the Crysis games), RPGs and action-adventure games instead.

I dont think I like the concept nor the development issues that have plagued Wolcen over the past X years. But damn. I do have to admit no one does ARPG graphics and animations like Wolcen. If only LE has those assets. It would be perfect.
It will convert your forum titles into decorative square badges that use the space next to your forum posts more economically so that you can show off an unlimited number of them at any one time. - GGG, 2018 (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3573673)
I am waiting too. I already have two characters at level 20 (in beta).
Destructodave wrote:
I'm gonna buy it simply because its something new, and its only 30 bucks. If I can get a month or 2 of gameplay out of it, I'll consider that worth.

But there are a lot of red flags to me. It seems to have D3 vanilla itemization. Looks like mostly stat sticks for everything. I mean thats ok, but it also seems to also have another d3 vanilla issue: No seasons. So stat sticks and no economy wipe is bad news; one of the main things I think hurt D3 vanilla the most.

The fact its been in development/early access for like 7 or 8 years now, and there is/was still only 1 playable act. I know they are releasing a ton of content on release, but thats a bit sketchy to me. I have a feeling there is going to be serious balance/bug/performance issues. Just reading the forums, it seems like the 1 act they got still has issues.

The price hike. Just pumping it up to 45 bucks on release just honestly annoys me. I wouldnt care that much if the game hadn't been in Early Access for over half a decade, or had more than 1 act to test during that time, etc. Dump it, charge 45 bucks, cash in.

Microtransaction shop on top of base price. I know it probably wont have items(I hope), but it better not make in-game items look worse like PoE does, just to sell more cosmetics. I can at least understand PoE's motive, since their game is free. But if I pay 45 bucks and my guy looks like hes wearing tin cans but a 40 dollar armor set is better, that'll tick me off.

Easy. It looks piss easy. Like, it looks like D3, with PoE combat. I'm worried its gonna be a mish-mash of both games, but somehow miss the mark on what makes both games good in their own right. I think a mix of both games would be really good; if you get some of what makes both games great. And what I mean is, it looks like D3 without wallers/beams/mortars/etc. So it looks like weaker D3 combat, and then it has none of the itemization/etc that PoE has. It almost comes off as a worse vanilla D3 with more "depth." But what is depth if nothing is difficult to do? If you could take all PoE's positives, and put them into a D3 combat engine, that would be a good game. This one SEEMS like thats what it tried to do, but I'm really getting the feeling they missed the mark.

Now again, I'm gonna buy it. I'm not gonna spoil anything playing 1 act, and I might be 100% off-base. But from looking at it, thats what it seems to me. I'm gonna wait until the last day of the 30 bucks, just incase something happens and I still have a return window.

But I'm hoping for the best. I want something new.

A lot of the things you mentioned have been addressed by the developers. I don't agree with there price hike but they stated they did this because it will be a fully released game versus (beta). They also said they considered to just go F2P and go the micro transaction route and already confirmed it would solely be cosmetics and nothing else regardless if F2P or not.

The game is easy at the start but ramps up when you start getting deeper into the dungeons, I personally was only able to reach Champion 6. The content and stuff seemed lacking but that's really because they wanted to wait and release everything on the actual release. I like how there items are personally because it feels like all the loot that drops can/could be valuable and that's really lacking in Path Of Exile. Also you can't forget they are bringing in the Avatar mode Demon/Angle from the looks of it and the trailer that showed the demon one looked sick! Also I personally like being able to see what's on the screen and not being too cluttered.

As for why the game took so long to develop was because the game was originally called Umbra and they completely scrapped the game and started over. I think Umbra was the better looking game than what we're getting now but that's just my opinion. If they would of just stuck with one idea the game could of skipped a few years of development most likely.

Last, I have no idea about the performance issues but I know for a fact they're much better than what they were before the official released beta. So if the performance goes up even more on official release Wolcen would be looking pretty good on the performance side of things.

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