🏠Suggestions of hideout decorations | We need buildings kits please !

This thread will be updated as it goes, feel free to add your ideas too (post a screenshot/image if possible please).

Last update : Ritual
Added a couple of in game assets.

Added rant.

3.13 rant :

Please we need buildings kits, amongst other things (Walls/roofs/windows/stairs/poles etc...), hideouts have been implemented for years and we still have very little options to make buildings (only the 2 huts and the slum buildings...) . Most of the time we have to tinker with book shelves, or other things. Not only this is extremely limited in terms of hideout creations but it takes a lot of decorations which cuts our decorations slots which is already limited to 750. Almost all the good walls we have are $5/each wall and most of the time we need tens of them to build something....

Most of the decorations are very old and we really need more stuff from all styles. There're already tons of in game assets that are left unused for us and it's a bit of a waste to be honest, we should have tons more of them. Walls are part of the ABC of any sort of "modding tool" we should have to be honest. Adding new ground decorations in 3.11 was so nice and I'm thankful for this, it's just that we should be able to vary more what we can do (like varying the color tone of the grass, or other things for example). I noticed that it's getting more attention, but adding assets for example from the leagues should be almost automatic imo (like Heist's).

/ending my rant, hideouts are very cool, and I can safely say that there's a big interest in it generally speaking, they have such a huge potential that's why i make suggestions, I really hope we'll get lots of new decos and improvements at one point. I know it's not the priority but it's the way many people I talk to feel too.

Old : I don't know if this is possible but adding as many of the new assets from the new league/or simply from the game as possible and doing it every league would be awesome, it'd make the leagues even more exciting for us hideout fans :p.


Big rocks

These could be very useful to wall the hideouts, or to make separate areas for example.


Making custom buildings is pretty hard and most of the time it is needed to get a basis to work out of it, having several new buildings would allow more diversity in our towns, because now it is pretty limited (the two huts and the slum buildings basically).

- Towers/Ruins

- Asian buildings

- Wooden buildings

- Big stone arch/tower building from in game

Walls / Roofs / Windows / Doors / Stairs

Having several new roofs and walls from various style (wood, stone, straw, etc...) and shapes (pointy, flat, etc...) would allow a lot more possibilities when it comes to buildings.

What would be very nice is to get several variations in size of the decorations because at the moment tall decorations are pretty limited in number, and if you want to make a big rampart for example it is quite hard.

Also at the moment making windows is very hard, more possibilities in that regard would be nice too. Some doors would be nice too.

Stairs of various sizes and materials (Wood, Stone, Marble, Brick, etc..) would be very nice too (ideally that could be used, but some decorative ones would be good too).

- Castle walls/towers and ruins would be very interesting too

- A plain stone wall like the fortification deco would be interesting too (replacing the wooden parts by a stone part).

- Wooden/Brick/Metallic/etc.. walls

- Windows of various shapes and heights (Arcade/Square/Round/...) with different shapes of the wooden structure that holds the glass. Also "Night", "Day", and other color variations would be very interesting to give different aspects (if you want to get a blueish light going through the window for instance. A variation with a simple transparent glass is good too.

- Greek/Roman buildings and or roofs

- Heist walls (the barrels are nice too)

- Arcade wall

... And probably other materials that I forgot (it will be updated). Of course the more choice of styles we have for each the better it is :)

Other decorations

Very often 1 or 2 relevant decorations can allow to make whole new hideouts just by themselves.

- More characters of all sorts (pirates, warriors (Roman soldiers, Northern warriors, Asian warriors, etc...), wizards, fantasy characters, animals, etc...). Mounted characters would be great too.

- Rain : currently there is only the Rain MTX but it is very unpractical because the rain is very strong and quite bothersome in terms of visibility. Adding a softer variation (like the rain from the Unearthed and the Indomitable hideouts), or simply adding it as a free decoration would be great.

- Winter trees with foliage (like the verdant trees but with a white foliage), bare trees with snow on them would be interesting too.

---NEW - In game assets & suggestions of new variations


- More colored variations of ground decorations (red sand, different grass color variations, etc..)

- More rocks such as the "Large Snowy Rock" and "Snowy Rock" decorations but with different styles (dusty rocks, green rocks, etc...)

- If there're small walls such as the mossy wall one but with different styles, it's always very practical

- Lunaris / Solaris walls

- The crows from act5

- Environment effects: wind, falling snow, light rain, etc...

- The crows from Act 5 that we see in Oriath square or the cathedral rooftop.

- Boats from the Rogue Harbour.

- Purple crystals (from grotto map)

- Colored lightings : we have a blue beam, it'd be awesome to get other colors (green, pink, purple, red, etc...)

- Water stream - if possible a water cascade too, like in the lush hideout

- Big lava fountain

- Many flags and banners with various signs on them : swords, skull head, shield, various logos, Roman-like banners, and plain colors are good too.

- The assets from The Lioneye's Watch (walls, statue with the lantern, hanging boat, etc...). It'd be great to get those from the other acts too.

- The Guards NPCS from the Karui Shores.

- Make a bigger variation of the rubble strip/garden path decorations to not have to use too many decorations just to floor the hideout.

- Get rocks similar to the Snowy Rock and Large Snowy Rock decorations but with a regular brown color.

- Horses / Mount from Act4.

- Dirt : similar shape/size to the snow drift decoration but for dirt.

- Food/items that we can put on furniture (wooden glasses, bottles, ...)

- More furnitures of all sorts are always welcome.

- Pale green/brown versions of the grass ground decoration.

- Wooden arch/Wooden walls from the Haunted hideout

- Stone archs/walls of prisoner's gate

- Having more lighting colors from the Oriath Lantern(the same as the Iron lantern at least).

- Add all the fellshrine ruins available so we can make more things with them.

---NEW - Not in game suggestions

- Various panels/boards with different heights and signs : tavern, bank panel,barracks, pirate, etc...

- Pumpkins with different sizes, and if possible with a variation which has eyes :)

- Boat stuff : masts, sails, hulls, etc..
Ideally it'd be amazing to be able to make big and small boats of different styles such as :

- A simple wooden field fence

- A rocky cavity to make our custom caverns

- It'd be cool to have a cart with an exile/character on it, or simply having an exile which has a sitting position with various heights (so we can put him on a chair or on a cart for example).

- To get various plants creepers, notably a jungle one

- Some wooden beams with various sizes/heights

- A simple window glass and stained glass with various sizes/heights. And a window with and without window panes would be very nice too (or simply a way to make our own window panes with a wooden frame).

- As shown in the image above various bridges would be very nice, especially with the new water decorations.

- Medieval tapestries

- Chandeliers (Metal/Wood)

- A Windmill

- Catapult/Siege weapons

- Buried house

- Hanging lantern like the Oriath Lantern decoration but without the wooden part, only the lantern.

- Swamp plants and flowers on their stem.

- Small and great arches/window arches.

- More paintings with different heights/shapes

- Wooden structure for the walls / Wooden Arches / Counter / Wooden barriers / Tables / Stools / Wooden-Stone pillars ...

- Cascade / Water Stream / Fountain would be very nice

- Docks

- Big trees

- A Wooden bench.

- Multiple Hearths (brick/stone/...).

Community suggestions (I might not add all of them so it's always better to take a look at the messages posted in the pages).

From page 2

darkminaz wrote:
also synthesis objects .. i want to build my own space hideout

From page 3

Shkkar wrote:
I would love to see more variations of the "Azurite Chunk" decoration, focusing on the crystals we have with "Azurite Chunk 1", the other varians are just ore rather than pure crystals. "Azurite Vein" has a lot of different crystal clusters that could be transfered standalone

Cellia wrote:
Edit: Would also be nice to see some sound effect decorations. Like howling wind, or the flowing water that the Luxurious hideout has.

Hoverpope wrote:
The main thing I really want is a metallic smooth floor + wall set. I really like the pieces introduced by laboratory building supplies but it would be hundreds of bucks to build a floor out of that in my nebula. Please, a metal floor that doesn't require tiling hundreds of labyrinth rails, metal walls that doesn't require dozens of pipes to hide that it's wood+stone! Thanks pals!

Аstyanax wrote:
Thank you for making this post...I was thinking about making one forever, but I'm super lazy.

Decorations that I always wanted:

1. Steps and stairs - I'm shocked there are still none after all these years, and people still have to waste hundreds of objects to build fake ones out of crap.

2. Larger floor tiles (already mentioned by you) - same reason as above, building floors with small tiles and bricks takes too much out of the object limit.

3. Wall (suspended)lighting - very few light sources that go on walls and don't rest on ground, which I find very limiting. I would particularly like to have wall torches for dungeon and fortress themed settings.

4. Pseudo entrances - these are awesome, because they add to HO spacial dimension without expanding it physically. There is only one such deco atm, as far as i know (Mystic Cave MTX). I hope they will add the syndicate one in th future which can be seen in Hunted Mansion hideout tileset.

canilaz_ wrote:
Here are my ideas /not all cuz im sure i forgot some atm/:
1) make variation of trees to have permanent leaves similar to Bulb Palm decoration we have now >> i wanna hide in jungle in my ho+ it would look better than watching bare branches when close enough to a tree atm /keep both depending which one people want to use/

2) add some Lava decoration with few variations similar to water plane/pool decoration - take any Kaoms/Xoph/Volcano/else areas lava we see around our path as background

3) fix ground in most hideouts so we can actually use those sweet "ground" decorations without ending up with some sand/ice pile over it - sure imagination to cover with more stuff can work too but sometimes clean and simple looks best imo // thanks to new "grass patch" i couldve hide the sand piles in Oasis hideout unlike "grass ground" tho grass patch hides many other low decorations and thus cut the choice what to put around /example: rugs and most flowers cannot be seen cuz of it/

4) add more variations of "petrified primevals" and "syndicate statue" to look similar to petrified people in Elder's boss arena - or make completely new statue decoration for that

5) i wish you can rework "beast eyes" and "beast eggs" MTXs we had from mystery boxes long time ago as free decorations -im pretty sure sales on those 2 are really low yet the eggs are just red "toxic pods" and the eyes gotta be a lot to enjoy them in such themed hideout imo

6) can we get farmable Phantasmagoria/Belly of the Beast hideout or if agree with 5) to add also "beast walls" so we can create our own "belly of a beast" hideout? :)

7) as someone suggested in any forum thread: can we have stash variations + maybe your hard work on Mystery boxes to be used as skins for Stash? it would be awesome to have such stash! something like extra mtx we can get from boxes only -that dont go to shop when they expire :)

canilaz_ wrote:
I think with those snowy areas we can get some pine trees too! They are beautiful and with new grass engine could look goood in details imo. Maybe variations not just for big or small tree but also cones on the ground around the tree. :)

From page 4 :
mostbrilliant2 wrote:
I would like to see a 'armor rack' of some kind that allows you to connect an Apparition to.

Wouldn't that be really cool? I mean you can only have 1 apparition at a time, why not throw them on a rack to enjoy them?


Archive (3.11 post)
Floors (they should cover a large area) :

Floors are extremely hard to make out of other decorations, and when it's possible they often take a lot of decorations to do, which reduces the number of decoration used for the rest of the hideout. They're also particularly important for hideouts such as the celestial nebula or when you need to make a different style out of a defined tileset.

Big rocks :

These could be very useful to wall the hideouts, or to make separate areas for example.


Making custom buildings is pretty hard and most of the time it is needed to get a basis to work out of it, having several new buildings would allow more diversity in our towns, because now it is pretty limited (the two huts and the slum buildings basically).

Walls / Roofs / Windows / Doors / Stairs

Having several new roofs and walls from various style (wood, stone, straw, etc...) and shapes (pointy, flat, etc...) would allow a lot more possibilities when it comes to buildings.

What would be very nice is to get several variations in size of the decorations because at the moment tall decorations are pretty limited in number, and if you want to make a big rampart for example it is quite hard.

Also at the moment making windows is very hard, more possibilities in that regard would be nice too. Some doors would be nice too.

Stairs of various size and materials would be very nice too (ideally that could be used, but some decorative ones would be good too).

- Invisible walls : to delimit areas that shouldn't be accessible (if you don't want people to go outside a certain area).

- Castle walls/towers and ruins would be very interesting too

- A plain stone wall like the fortification deco would be interesting too (replacing the wooden parts by a stone part).

Other decorations

Very often 1 or 2 relevant decorations can allow to make whole new hideouts just by themselves.

- More characters of all sorts (pirates, warriors, wizards, fantasy characters, animals, etc...). Moving NPCs would be great too.

- Rain : currently there is only the Rain MTX but it is very unpractical because the rain is very strong and quite bothersome in terms of visibility. Adding a softer variation (like the rain from the Unearthed hideout), or simply adding it as a free decoration would be great.

- Winter trees with foliage (like the verdant trees but with a white foliage), bare trees with snow on them would be interesting too.


I'd love to see more decorations with water[/b], like to be able to make a custom river and watering places. The oriath fountain is good, but it is very limited because it is huge and not easy to work with (the middle statues have to be hidden, is it quite tall, and its borders have a very defined style). A neutral big basin with several variations of its size/height would be very interesting.

Another example from in game decoration (although the rims are too tall and should be thinner imo, and without the statue on the side and the stone blocks should be removed)

📜My hideout thread : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2542497
Last edited by Synopsis#1060 on Mar 28, 2021, 6:31:52 AM
Last bumped on Feb 22, 2021, 6:00:40 AM
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Posted about this before, no reactions from players or GGG tho.
Your post contains good suggestions and images, really like it,
so let's bump this.

More assets would be nice because sitting on 7mil deco points
is useless and somewhat boring because I do like decorating
hideouts. I bought like everything from the NPC's already tho.

Being able to switch ground textures is something I always
wanted as well as being able to adjust assets on Z axis so
I could place books (or something else) on top of a table.
Last edited by eMaitreya#3842 on Feb 3, 2020, 7:14:15 AM

100% agree, we need more stuff like that especially more "wall"-like decorations
My Builds & Hideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2083383
Hideout Community Discord: https://discord.gg/B2xQkmf
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Dralanorr
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/guggelhupf
Last edited by guggelhupf#2310 on Feb 3, 2020, 9:02:10 AM
Hideouts are a ton of fun and can be rewarding in their own right. It would be awesome if they were a bit more modular. Like you say a lot of the "custom" combined decorations are very hard for a lay-person to come to but the requested decorations would be much easier to work with to create a more creative hideout. Right now it kinda feels like you're either a super-builder or you are just making a collage of stock images without much in between.

...and when you are at it GGG, decrease decoration costs please. Thanks.
check out my hideout templates at https://hideoutshowcase.com/viewprofile/Noooberino/uploads

Roofs that turn invisible when underneath them.

If possible in the game engine, structures exiles can actually climb (ramps or stairs) that increase our elevation or even provide additional floors.

Some more forgiveness when placing objects at the edges of walkable areas. Some hideout templates are super picky and limiting about this.
We're all in this leaky boat together, people.

and remove the 750 items limitation too! stairs and floor need hundreds of tablet/block/tile to cover them up, feel sad when i figure it out while things still far away from finished.
grass pls 🌿🌿🌿
I agree. also theres 1 thing I've always wanted as a decoration and thats water. the lush hideout has it already, but we need running water in unearther hideouts too.
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