Conquerors are not showing up anymore

jontafgh wrote:
Hey, so I also got this bug but found a solution!

I had Glennach cairns with 4 watchstones influenced by warlord and couldn't progress the zone to spwan the conqeror.

I then ran lower tier maps, in my case beaches, one from each lvl of the zone (1, 4, 8, 10)
The tier 10 map had the conqeror in it, and after that i was able to continue progressing at lvl 4

I think the case might be that the influence somehow get moved to a lower level of the zone, thats my theory atleast.

Hope this help someone

Gave it a try - did not work for me - this is more than annoying :(
"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand." - Albert Einstein
Can confirm it is a bug. Running off tier yellow map the Exile Boss show again.

The region need 4 socketed Watchstone so it should be T14-16 maps, but seem it is not
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Was stuck at 16 stones after bricking the arena (clouds making the fight completely un-accessible).

Some tinfoil hat manipulations (swapping hideout, running a white map) allowed me to get four more conquerors (spawn two, and continue to pursue the other two that got spawned pre-Sirus). Now (after failing the Sirus fight again because of the clouds making his arena completely un-accessible) I'm stuck at 20 stones and those manipulations are not working anymore.
no one shows up for me too. i think it has to do with valdo´rest.
had issues 2 days ago. the zone is blue but no conquerer comes since 70!!! maps.
Last edited by Schwieger#5464 on Dec 25, 2019, 9:52:47 AM
Schwieger wrote:
no one shows up for me too. i think it has to do with valdo´rest.
had issues 2 days ago. the zone is blue but no conquerer comes since 70!!! maps.

Try maps that is not matching the status of your region
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Im having the same issue stuck at 16 wacthstones have tried multiple advice from this and other threads but Conquerors are not spawning for me.
dinnaga wrote:
Im having the same issue stuck at 16 wacthstones have tried multiple advice from this and other threads but Conquerors are not spawning for me.

Have you socketed the Watchstone to the right region BTW?

After that supposed it is RNG (33%) only . But now try map that matching the tier on the altas, try 10 maps and swtich to maps that not matching tier
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same here
My friend had 16 Watchstones, killed Sirus, and got influence of Baran, the Crusader on Lex Proxima, where were socketed 4 Watchstones.
The Crusader showed up 1 time and haven't showed up anymore, even after 10+ maps. Switching hideout and running t1 map didn't help.

SOLUTION WAS: To run every single version of a map from t1 to t16.
We chose Ashen Wood Map and ran it on the following tiers in the following order: t14, t2, t6, t9, t11. The Crusader appeared in the t11 version of map.

I assume that, for some reason, the conqueror went on wrong tier of maps. Although 4 Watchstones were socketed in the region, conqueror chose tier as if there were only 3 Watchstones. Because of that running t1 map didn't help, and it was necessary to check all versions of a map to find the conqueror.

After t11 Ashen Wood Map, the Crusader successfully showed up on t14 Cemetery Map. It means that after finding the conqueror, you can run the tier of your current Watchstones situation. In my friend's example, it was 4 Watchstones and, respectively, t14 Cemetery map.
I'm stuck at 20 watchstones and one region with conqueror influence. Played a lot of (right tier and 4 watchstones) maps today in different regions and nothing happens. I didn't play maps since Christmas Eve, so it seems I missed much of the "fun".

This needs to be fixed ASAP!

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