Explosive Arrow ignite damage delay AFTER explosion hit

Sometimes after an explosion, there is a large delay between the hit and the damage over time. It can be anywhere from 2 to 10 seconds.

No further attacking is done and metamorphs will just spontaneously die at some time later LONG AFTER the explosion hits and visibly chunks them.

It is getting worse and annoying to play around not knowing when the damage you did is going to be assigned.
Undisputed best alpha tester since Awakening beta.
Last bumped on Jan 23, 2020, 7:31:13 PM
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wonder if this delay is caused by the game trying to calculate all the fuses on the target and all that type of stuff
xMustard wrote:
wonder if this delay is caused by the game trying to calculate all the fuses on the target and all that type of stuff

Maybe, but the wild inconsistency makes me suspect something else. Most of the time the delay isn't there.
Undisputed best alpha tester since Awakening beta.
Стримы: https://www.twitch.tv/gary_poetter
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Дискорд: garypoe
got the same problem unfortunatly :(
More video evidence, with ignite being deferred until I reduce stacks of arrows dramatically.

Undisputed best alpha tester since Awakening beta.

Bump. I upgraded gear and now this happens almost all the time even when playing solo.
Undisputed best alpha tester since Awakening beta.
yeah by the looks of it it's the server taking time to calculate your damage and all the things on the monster.

by no means should be considered normal it's just the way of things with poe to me looks like.
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad.
Xystre wrote:
yeah by the looks of it it's the server taking time to calculate your damage and all the things on the monster.

by no means should be considered normal it's just the way of things with poe to me looks like.

It can calculate the hit damage instantly, because the hit is not lethal the server doesn't care.

At worst the complexity of the ignite calculation is at worst n^2 and its clearly outside that value as the most the hit delay could be from the visual on frame by frame analysis on adobe premiere pro is 25-50 frames. (250 ms delay ceiling)

Countermeasures are in place to prevent a single hit which would kill a target from being applied without some type of error checking to make sure the value is legitimate.

The final nail in the coffin is that for phased bosses, ignite damage is applied normally and without delay, until the final phase where it breaks again.
Undisputed best alpha tester since Awakening beta.

Even more people affected. Should we expect to wait for a fix as long as Atziri's Reflection has been broken due to you guys coding Silence as a boolean or something even worse?

Shameless reminder:
Undisputed best alpha tester since Awakening beta.

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