Don't spawn conquerors

GGG releases a league 2 weeks before a major holiday then just takes off for a month and says they "have coverage for the holidays". yet its crickets on major issues.

and then reddit noobs just thank ggg over and over for minor features

so dumb
Feels like GGG are getting a bit complacent / arrogant. This league is good fun, but is a buggy, festering turd at the minute, and they seem to have closed the office for 2 weeks with no cover.

They should stop rolling out shiny new sh1t like poe2, and get back to sorting the core game out, rather than dangling the shiny's in front of us.
happened to me too, either three things occured that might have caused this
1) ran a friends map that was influenced for me but not for him
2) changed hideouts while map was influenced
3) fought awakener
HellsBliss wrote:
happened to me too, either three things occured that might have caused this
1) ran a friends map that was influenced for me but not for him
2) changed hideouts while map was influenced
3) fought awakener
I think is 3) because first 2 i didnt do and i have same bug.
Surprisingly, the only thing helping me personally, is runnning lower tier maps in influenced zones to proc further encounters..
It still takes a few maps sometimes, but nothing else worked for me at all.
Can you clarify what you mean by low tier maps? Is it white or yellow, do you augment / alch them or not? Do you use use any missions?

I have tried a lot of things and it is still not proccing.
Still waiting. First my Sirius bugs out in the air causing me to lose my whole attempt at him now I've been trying for days just to get all 4 conqs again and have only managed to get 2.

Gonna put the league down until I hear an answer I think as all this mapping feels wasted right now.

Whole new league completely ruined for me by bugs hardly getting to do any Metas cause of Eyes and not being able to do Sirius cause of this. I may as well have played Standard.
Last edited by Lightmgl#2198 on Dec 28, 2019, 3:15:14 PM
Can you tell me how to spawn exiles after you get 16 watchstones? I need to use 4 watchstones to do it, but no exiles are spawning when i run T14-16 maps with 4 watchstones in different regions (where not all 4 were obtained). Have no quest for Sirus eigther.
Last edited by fortego#0517 on Dec 28, 2019, 4:08:31 PM
yeah same problems here. After first sirius kill, its harder to spawn conqueror in maps for some reason. I have gotten one conqueror so far... i think after first sirius its just RNG for conqueror to spawn in maps. Have tried changing hideout and stuff but no luck...
Last edited by Terrony#2481 on Dec 28, 2019, 4:36:24 PM
Same here, i have 19 watchstones, two colored/triggered zones, and did several maps in both of them without changing zone for a while.

Changed HO, changed Realm, relogged.

Nothing helped so far...

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