Don't spawn conquerors

I'm tired of this and really sorry they forcked up this implementation. First a lot of crashes (ok, mostly solved), than no eye dropping for the monster parts and the watchstones not dropping is the worst of all.
And all the "fixes" of running low tier maps, switching HO, opening maps not going in, aso... it's good they not require a blood sacrifice of a virgin :)
I spent a lot of time farming T14-T16 maps and had a lot of issues. Here is a list of the problems I encountered:

1. The Atlas design needs improvement in my opinion. It is a weird idea to have areas CHANGE and maps unable to be queried on the Atlas, as the player sockets different watchstones. Some maps become unavailable from the whole Atlas, making planning very difficult - you have to sometimes unsocket and resocket stones in order to find out which maps belong where.

2. Sometimes conquerors stop to spawn altogether, even after tens of different maps and even with influence being shown in that region. If this is chance based then am I right to say that spawning a conqueror is supposed to be as difficult as getting an exalt to drop?

3. The idea of "socketing" the stones is neither brilliant nor carefully implemented. Since all these stones are essentially the same, and they are 100% guaranteed to drop once you beat a conqueror, why don't you just design them to be "scores" rather than actual stones? You can have counters for four different influences which allow quick and easy adding or removing for the players. To make matters worse someone decided to go all the way and design some minuscule sockets which don't really make it easy to socket the stones, unless you zoom in the whole Atlas, again an annoying feature which benefits no one.

4. When I run high tier maps with full fragments, chisels and Zana etc etc, even using the new method that the devs apparently hope us to use - socketing stones strategically as to benefit from better drops, all in all every means possible to improve IIQ in hope of dropping some relevant maps to my tier, I repeatedly get yellow or white maps of regions far far away from the desired region. I understand the whole game is RNG based but after tens and tens of tries and frustrations I have to ask whether this is the intended result.

All in all I like the new contents especially the designs for the conquerors who look sharp, and the new itemization aspects too. Sirus can be very annoying and needs a revamp in my view but the most frustrating thing of all is this terrible, terrible new Atlas. Sorry to put it this way but that's how I and many other players see it.
Last edited by shadowfaxpku#0512 on Dec 28, 2019, 8:26:32 AM
This remains incredibly frustrating.

Same issues at above, with 19 watchstones. Tried the "voodoo" tactics, including sextanting the watchstone.

I have blue influence in Haewark and can't get him to spawn despite running countless maps in this area. I also can't get other conquerors to spawn in other regions.

I am currently testing how you place watchstones into the watchtowers. First attempt will be to place none of that zone's watchstones into the tower, and then the opposite.

Same Issues here.

I have 21 Watch stones.

Currently 2 Influenced regions(Tirn's end, GLennach Cairns).

However when running maps in these regions, the are no influence on them.

I failed Sirus Awekener attempt earlier, and got stock after that.

Cant try him again.

Tried changing hideout.

Tried running Yellow and White maps also.

Nothing helps.

Please fix this ASAP. :-)
im at 20 stones and have influence in one region but cant spawn the boss (played plenty maps there, red tier high end)
Yes, pretty RNG at this point after you clear first 20 stones

Please Say something GGG.

shadowfaxpku wrote:

2. Sometimes conquerors stop to spawn altogether, even after tens of different maps and even with influence being shown in that region. If this is chance based then am I right to say that spawning a conqueror is supposed to be as difficult as getting an exalt to drop?

While doing plenty of maps after Sirus fight I found 3 exalted orbs and no conqueror ever appeared. So yes, I can confirm that getting exalted to drop is far more easier than spawning a conqueror, lol).
Last edited by delloff#0004 on Dec 28, 2019, 11:08:16 AM
I was stuck at 23 watchstones with Tirn's end influence green. This is what i did to fix it:

1. swapped hideout to something else
2. changed map device in that hideout from small to big
3. went back to old hideout
4. opened a low tier map that is from Tirn's end area and went inside
5. conqueror instantly appeared after killing first pack of mobs
6. Kirac and Zana now have quests for me

This snakeoil voodoo actually worked after what must have been 30 maps without a conqueror i could not believe it...
Last edited by dusty071#7286 on Dec 28, 2019, 11:54:06 AM
I think I know what caused my atlas to bug out but no tricks have been able to fix it. It happened when the Hunter was influencing Valdo's Rest and I spawned him by running a low tier (like T4) map. Since then I have not been able to obtain any more watchstones and am hardstuck at 16.

Really disappointing as I have not had this much fun in a league since like Harbinger. It even got me to buy some POEbux for more tabs. I keep saying I'm going to give up but I keep coming back hoping for a fix.

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