Don't spawn conquerors

Ran about 20 Proxima red T14 - 16 maps and nothing happened. Ran a white map and spawned influence. Proceeded to run white maps and nothing happened anymore. Went back to red and again, nothing. Ran another white and got the second encounter. Repeated the same steps of red and then white and finally got the spawn.

Surely that is not how it is supposed to be.
Get color with red map and conqueror with white, works 100%.
But I kill Sirus and after that, no color. I have played about 60 maps.
Is it bug or what?
jymak22 wrote:
Get color with red map and conqueror with white, works 100%.
But I kill Sirus and after that, no color. I have played about 60 maps.
Is it bug or what?

Didnt work for me technically. I had to alternate red then white, red the white, red then white etc. Just did it again and that seems to do the trick for me
Also experiencing this issue. I'm done. It's way late in the league to be having these issues unfixed. Total motivation killer. Really disappointing.
I suddenly got Drox influence while running a corrupted rare T15 Coral Ruins map for atlas completion bonus on Awakening 1

Didn't change ANYTHING compared to all previous maps

Now to see if he keeps spawning again or if the influence was just a fluke, heh
Bleitze15 wrote:
siMoK wrote:
same here around 60 times the same map with max watchstones, cant spawn anything, even tho before i spawned and cleared conqs an 1 map all the time...

do you run the correct tier of the map?

because if you put the watchstone, the map tier will change and you should run that tier of map

For me that is incorrect.
Quite often i get a conqueror to spawn using a white map on awakening level 7.
That is 7 atlas segments each with 4 stones.

What finally worked for me was to use 4 stones only and run various maps in an area until a conqueror appeared (atlas colored).

I then removed the 4 stones and placed them in another Citadel and ran maps until i got conqueror influence.

Do this until you get the 4 atlas segments colored.

Then i filled all colored Citadels with watchstones - 4 x 4 = 16 and then i used my remaining stones filling as many other Citadels as i could.

I do believe this is a broken mechanic and can only assume that G.G.G. has placed it in the too hard basket. Just very annoying they are not communicating at all on this matter.
Wissle wrote:
I suddenly got Drox influence while running a corrupted rare T15 Coral Ruins map for atlas completion bonus on Awakening 1

Didn't change ANYTHING compared to all previous maps

Now to see if he keeps spawning again or if the influence was just a fluke, heh

Afterwards 1 Tier 5 Arid Lake map, still with 4 watchstones and awakening 1 in the region and with Zana quest on it, Drox spawned immediately.

Then like 3 maps later next Drox on T2 fields map with Alva mission.

So it was pretty much back to normal, after the influence spawned . . .
Wissle wrote:
Wissle wrote:
I suddenly got Drox influence while running a corrupted rare T15 Coral Ruins map for atlas completion bonus on Awakening 1

Didn't change ANYTHING compared to all previous maps

Now to see if he keeps spawning again or if the influence was just a fluke, heh

Afterwards 1 Tier 5 Arid Lake map, still with 4 watchstones and awakening 1 in the region and with Zana quest on it, Drox spawned immediately.

Then like 3 maps later next Drox on T2 fields map with Alva mission.

So it was pretty much back to normal, after the influence spawned . . .

So it doesn't have to be a red tier map to proc influence or get a conqueror to appear? Any white map will do?

I recorded my maps for lex ejoris and the last conqueror i needed to attack sirus:

crimson temple=nothing
lava lake=nothing
bone crypt=nothing

all correct tiers of 14-16. if there is such a thing. i had to do 9 maps for the last conqueror to finally appear. not sure if that is bad luck or normal.
Last edited by kompaniet#2874 on Feb 2, 2020, 5:50:24 PM
Bleitze15 wrote:
This is not a bug.

After reviewing this guide from mbXtreme in YouTube, it all clear to me now.
check YouTube link below, credits to him

now to shorten up the guide.. here's what i understand and worked for me

1. decide what area you want to finish or spawn conquerors
- for example Valdo's Rest, highlight the left side of the atlas the area where you can see the required watchstone.
please see image below

2. Now it says;
"Number of socketed watchstones: 3 required to spawn conquerors"
Assuming that you have other watchstones (for me i have 13pcs)
Get the other watchstone from the other are you obtain(Lex proxima, tirn's ends etc.) and put it in Valdo's Rest sockets. its says 3 so put 3 watchstone

3. as you put the 3 watchstones, it will change the tiers of the map.
now you need to run the map with the correct tier.
example: crater map tier:11
you need to obtain the exact tier of the map showing in the atlas after you put the required watchstones in that area and run it.

after doing this, i spawned the conqueror of Valdo's Rest area

Hope this post helps others

Thank you so much! This helped me immensely!
"In order to be able to think, you have to risk being offensive" - Jordan Peterson(2018)

kompaniet wrote:
i had to do 9 maps for the last conqueror to finally appear. not sure if that is bad luck or normal.

Very bad luck. There's about a 1.3% chance of that happening. If you consistently need to do 9 maps to proc conquerors, then there's either a bug, or GGG just flat out lied about having a 33% chance to proc a conqueror.

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