Don't spawn conquerors

So, there is a bug with influence spawning it seems?

I'm trying to get the Lex Proxima watchstones but after getting green, I just cannot spawn another influence on Awakening LVL 6.
"Only" ran about 15 maps in the right tier compared to dozens some people here did but that should have been enough to trigger influence, shouldn't it? -.-

i can't hunt conquerors any more.
conquerors influence became hard to spawn
I've been experiencing the "BUG" since 1st week of this league. During 1000+ maps Conqueror didn't spawn.

Looking over all the related threads I realized GGG is avoiding this issue and saw GGG even answered right above & below threads but a thread about this issue.
And all of my threads were ignored as well.

I hoped to know at least whether it's bug or not but since we all know this is clearly a BUG, only thing I feel about this issue is anger, ofc about GGG's attitude.

GGG definitely is aware of this BUG. They are not responding to this issue because they don't want to admit it's their fault. GGG wants ppl blame on their RNG and poor comprehension (which are not true) instead of blame on GGG's lack of conscientiousness.

You will see this thread wont get any answer from GGG no matter how many ppl replies on this thread, as the evidence of my words :D
Last edited by Velzebute#4000 on Jan 31, 2020, 7:30:01 AM
HaddockA wrote:
Bleitze15 wrote:
This is not a bug.

It took you weeks to figure out that this is the way watchstones work (which the majority of us already know) and now you're claiming that you have THE solution for all of us and that there is no issue with the Atlas? Are you kidding me, did you actually read all the previous comments? Clearly not.

well it worked for me.. so im just hoping that this is the solution for all.

after i posted this, i have encountered 2 conquerors already, my only problem is my character is weak and cant finish them

also have you tried what i have posted? if not at least please try..
if you have tried well thats the problem of GGG now
Ayyy, killed Sirus, can't progress my atlas/watchstones either.
Sitting in HO spamming alts for 4 hours straight is peak PoE gameplay. Thanks, Chris.
Hej, i had this problem too after i did something else: after you clear your conquerers after killing sirus, remove all watchstones from your atlas, where you got all 4 to spawn. I only added the stones now to the regions where is still missed like 3 conquerers. They finally spawned after weeks! Hope this helps!! I was running with 18 stones whole time and finally i can complete my atlas after killing sirus 3x on lvl 5 ! cheers :] sry for my bad english!
same problem here: i ran 62 maps (from t1-t16), nothing happend (i know it from the "defeat map bosses"-challenge).

My situation: i need 2 the last 2 green watchstones (Hunter)
I ran with all my 30 watchstones placed in atlas.

Then i read this post and put out all watchstones, except the 4 i need for the specific region (Hunter in "Tirn's End")
I ran some t1-t3 maps in that region
- no spawn :(

This is what i did:
I ran the four t1-maps
I ran 3 different (t1-t3) maps in Tirn's End
I ran 3 different (t13-t14) maps in Tirn's End
I ran one t16 in Tirn's End -> h e f i n a l l y s p a w n e d

idk whether there is a systematic or its simply statistics.
Maybe some day we'll find out :)
Ok guys, after having the same issue, I just did what @didi_2015 suggested. I tried lower tier maps. I had 26 Stones and I was playing awakening lvl 6. The last Conqueror Spawned in T5 simple Magig map WTF?
Last edited by d4re#5673 on Feb 1, 2020, 11:03:09 AM
So many different people here with so many issues.

I am working on getting the last 4 watchstones. I spawned influence and now have run 25+ influenced maps in that region with no conqueror. This includes over 10 maps T14+ influenced maps.

I have tried swapping hideouts, but this did not work. (I understand from some posts this may no longer work).

How do I get conqueror to spawn now that I have his influence?

EDIT: It appears that Conquerors cannot spawn if you are running maps using Master Missions. WTF.....

EDIT2: I already had influence, couldn't get Conqueror to spawn. Ran over 30 maps influenced at all levels, no conqueror. I stopped using master mission or any zana mots and Conqueror spawned on the 1st map. Could be coincidence... seems unlikely
Last edited by Esquire13#7895 on Feb 1, 2020, 3:55:55 PM
I am not sure thats true or not. I have had influence spawn on both Niko and Zana. In fact, running an atlas mission for Niko is how I would start getting influence in a region.

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