Sirus fight is making me quit POE

disagree on the problem of sirus

most of the fight you can repeat them right away
shaper, buy the frags, elder, same, atziri same uber atziri same
this is one of the only fight where spawning requires you to farm 40 maps. if you do that or do taht over the course of mutilple leagues you ll learn the mechanics. I am myself at the last phase i understand better already the different parts, dying now at the last phase with the spinning flames that makes you lost track of his position.
yes it s a long fight but then again it s the boss of the bosses.

now ofc, we could discuss the amount of maps it needs but it s the only boss that s like that and the end of game basically.

as for op's problem, i think just getting some chaos resist will help for the environmnement damage and you can avoid it too. dont worry we all died to those big balls after a while you ll avoid them easily.
when the new endgame-rework-expansion comes, GGG will come up with a super creative new idea:

Sirus will drop a fragment (1 of 4 that u need to combine for mega-fragment)

and Maven also will drop a fragment (1 of 4 that u need to combine for a different mega fragment)

and you need to collect them all and then combine them with another new fragment that drops from uber-elder fight (1 of 4...)

...and then....oh well, you get what I'm trying to say...
“Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.”
― Christopher Hitchens
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Last edited by Antigegner#0560 on Dec 6, 2021, 5:23:41 PM
Why does anyone even take OP serious?

His only fully geard character in scourge league is a berserker with aspect of carnage that wears an abysuss.

Everything in the Sirus fight deals at least some physical damage. OP takes 41% increased phys damage and 10% more damage. He takes 155% damage from all physical sources.

Deatomization Storm:
(The big nasty clouds)

Deals 2102 to 3154 Damage (50% Physical, 25% Fire, 25% Chaos)
Deals 1095 Base Fire Damage per second
Deals 1095 Base Chaos Damage per second

Half of it is converted to ele nad chaos, so its on average 1314 base phys damage. His build has, according to PoB 4,5k life!!!
The cloud isnt a hit so it ignores armour. He takes 1314 x 1,55 = 2036 phys damage per second from it. His character is also only fire res capped and has negative chaos res.
Im to lazy to do the full math but the build should die in under a second to a cloud.

The ground effects deal also a bit phys damage but its still a lot when you run around with an abyssus.
Zerber wrote:
Why does anyone even take OP serious?

His only fully geard character in scourge league is a berserker with aspect of carnage that wears an abysuss.

Everything in the Sirus fight deals at least some physical damage. OP takes 41% increased phys damage and 10% more damage. He takes 155% damage from all physical sources.

Deatomization Storm:
(The big nasty clouds)

Deals 2102 to 3154 Damage (50% Physical, 25% Fire, 25% Chaos)
Deals 1095 Base Fire Damage per second
Deals 1095 Base Chaos Damage per second

Half of it is converted to ele nad chaos, so its on average 1314 base phys damage. His build has, according to PoB 4,5k life!!!
The cloud isnt a hit so it ignores armour. He takes 1314 x 1,55 = 2036 phys damage per second from it. His character is also only fire res capped and has negative chaos res.
Im to lazy to do the full math but the build should die in under a second to a cloud.

The ground effects deal also a bit phys damage but its still a lot when you run around with an abyssus.

This is all well and good, but I'd have stopped even sooner:

Why does anyone take OP serious? They made this thread 2 years ago to say they're quitting Path of Exile, and yet they're still actively playing in Scourge league.
Zerber wrote:
Why does anyone even take OP serious?

His only fully geard character in scourge league is a berserker with aspect of carnage that wears an abysuss.

Everything in the Sirus fight deals at least some physical damage. OP takes 41% increased phys damage and 10% more damage. He takes 155% damage from all physical sources.

Deatomization Storm:
(The big nasty clouds)

Deals 2102 to 3154 Damage (50% Physical, 25% Fire, 25% Chaos)
Deals 1095 Base Fire Damage per second
Deals 1095 Base Chaos Damage per second

Half of it is converted to ele nad chaos, so its on average 1314 base phys damage. His build has, according to PoB 4,5k life!!!
The cloud isnt a hit so it ignores armour. He takes 1314 x 1,55 = 2036 phys damage per second from it. His character is also only fire res capped and has negative chaos res.
Im to lazy to do the full math but the build should die in under a second to a cloud.

The ground effects deal also a bit phys damage but its still a lot when you run around with an abyssus.

OP is following a build from path of math. With his equipment (i just glanced over it) he should be able to easily kill sirus because sirus won't have time to do much.
“Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.”
― Christopher Hitchens
My QoL List:
About the fight layout design, I have seen people who facetank Sirus with block and ES regen on block, and people who almost oneshot Sirus with some exploit-grade builds that come up every league.

But in all my time here, I didn't understand how an evasion-mobility based character is even supposed to possibly solo this fight.

At phase 3, Sirus takes away your mobility with corruption debuff, then teleports offscreen, then insta-attacks from offsceen. With the multi-beam being a spell, evasion charactets have little more than spell suppression on them, which is not nearly enough to survive. (Even if I am mistaken and the beam is actually an attack, not a spell, it would still rip any amounts of evasion to shreds with its multiple pulses within a second)

Even if player manages to read the direction of the Sirus teleport, hence knowing the direction of incoming beam, manual sidestep is still not assured because ground is littered with all the dot hazards.

Being a "main quest" fight, Sirus battle should be designed to be equally difficult for different build types (viable enough to solo reach Sirus of course), which is not the case currently. When people make special builds, and make money each league by carrying other people through Sirus and other bosses, it is a clear enough signal that boss fight design is in need of changes.
Last edited by Echothesis#7320 on Dec 8, 2021, 6:38:51 PM
I fully facetank Sirus right now, so this is not an 'oh no I died' complaint post.

For me, Sirus is just bad design. The encounter is no fun at all. It doesn't feel like a fight at all. I feel like a clown doing tricks and waiting for immunity phases.

On top of that there's also nothing immersive about the fight. Beams that rotate and a maze that appears with literal road signs telling me where to go. It's the opposite of fighting. In a fight you try to do unexpected non-telegraphed things, outclass your opponent.

Bring back the brutality.
BigBadWolf1776 wrote:
Pretty sure Sirius damage is going to be rolled back. May be not the first patch, as it would be unfair to HC race may be. But very very soon a lot of changes to boss damage will be done, yet again. Some metamorph bosses also are way overpowered. This is usual GGG tactics, use player base as beta testers to figure out the right amount of balance.

That's not the tactic.

The tactic is to make the game easy easy easy, smooth sailing for a while. And then hit you with a forced 1-shot, so that an analytically-inept mind will think, "Oh, I guess I still have a bit to learn! I'll keep playing, since it's still fun most of the time, and if I get good enough, it will be fun all of the time!"
GrumpyMcElbows wrote:
2nd fight of of this shitass league. 1st fight ended with all 6 deaths in the final phase w/ a corrupted blood jewel.

1. 1-shot to Rain of Stars. Literally nothing on my screen. The visual cue appears 2-3 seconds after my death.
2. 1-shot to Rain of Stars again. I don't know if I was lagging or what, but the visual cue appeared and it popped before I could flame dash away.
3. Same thing as 2, but with the volcanoes this time. Visual cue, try to flame dash, die before I can click the button.
4. ??? It was in the final phase and total fucking bullshit, that much I remember.
5. I know I'm lagging now, but I've wasted half a level of XP already so I decide to dash my dumbass against the rocks one more time. Sirus does his 'Die' beam, and I flame dash away. I get away . . . and then get teleported back to where I initially flame-dashed and get stomped like I was fuckin desynched or some shit.
6. I get back to the fight, the game lags, I watch a frozen screen, the game unfreezes, my character runs into a flame jet volcano-thingy, and falls over.

The last two are whatever -- the dangers of playing an online game with the potential to lag. I mean, they pissed me off as much as the others, but 95% of that is the previous deaths putting me on tilt. None of the other boss fights in the game are this much of a shitshow. Except Catarina, I guess. Both are just a clusterfuck of poor design.

In honor of what I hope was my last fucking fight against this asshole, here's my final full-wipe recap for this thread.

Portal 1: I can't remember how many watchstones I had in and open up my Atlas while Sirus is monologuing. The game freezes and crashes.
Portal 2: I get him down to the final phase. The exit of his maze leads out into a storm. I get out with a sliver of health only to brush up against another storm and die.
Portal 3: Three storms pin me in near the safe area on the left side of the map. I wander near the one closest to Sirus and accidentally trigger an attack. Between the death pools, storms, and volcanoes, I have no where to go. I say out loud, "oh no," and die.
Portal 4: Sirus says, "Die!" I wait until the last possible moment to flame dash. I hit the button and... Nothing happens. I'm frozen. Then the die-beam appears on my screen and kills me.
Portal 5: Sirus says, "Die!" I'm already frozen. I can't move or flame dash or anything. I have two anti-freeze flasks, but neither were up and I can't hit either before I get die-beamed.
Portal 6: Again, the maze leads out directly into a storm. I flame dash out only for a death pool to absolutely melt me.

I've already killed him multiple times this league, but how fitting was it that the last fight was this much of a clusterfuck. Get fucked, Sirus. You were a shitty, buggy, poorly-designed excuse for a final boss. Good riddance.
Visual effects overlapping is the global problem of PoE, not just Sirus. And I get a feeling devs are flat refusing to acknowledge it, with how long the current visual state existed without adding options to make some effects partially transparent at least.

The ability to permanently lock patches of ground with dot pools always was the strongest weapon of any end-game boss: Sirus, Synthettes, Shaper, Maven, some of Elder/Shaper guardians, etc. And these pools are the first things you are losing sight of, if you are using aoe skills yourself, or use minions.

It doesn't matter how strong your build and gear is if you cannot see where you are going, the only thing sadder than this design is the high probability that no one is going to ever change it.

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